BP 588: fixed typo in table of architecture decisions
diff --git a/oKBereitschaftsplanungDoku/arch/src/09_design_decisions.adoc b/oKBereitschaftsplanungDoku/arch/src/09_design_decisions.adoc
index a0416d0..11be663 100644
--- a/oKBereitschaftsplanungDoku/arch/src/09_design_decisions.adoc
+++ b/oKBereitschaftsplanungDoku/arch/src/09_design_decisions.adoc
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 - Frontend: Angular with cli build
 - Backend: Java with Maven build
 - Database
-Frontend and Backend have different components but at this point it would not much sencse to modulize them. (Diffenrent .jars, for example, would be more effort than benefit.) 
+Frontend and Backend have different components but at this point it would not make much sense to modulize them. (Diffenrent .jars, for example, would be more effort than benefit.) 
 |2018-05-29|Camunda BPM|Camunda BPM is used as BPMN engine to route processes.
 |2018-05-29|Tools and APIs|The technical constraints are documented in the 02_architecture_constraints.adoc and defined in the backend (spbe) pom.xml
 |2018-05-29|ng2-daterangepicker|The source code of the date picker openK prefered is not maintained since 10 month. The last change was an ugrade to angular 4. Because the Standby Planning module uses angular 6 we decide not to use this date picker.