blob: 421321e95cf78e8dda77d495c7000d80083a9143 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2014 - Lunifera GmbH (Gross Enzersdorf), Loetz GmbH&Co.KG (Heidelberg)
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Florian Pirchner - Initial implementation
package ${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.datatypes {
datatype boolean jvmType java.lang.Boolean as primitive;
datatype short jvmType java.lang.Short as primitive;
datatype int jvmType java.lang.Integer as primitive;
datatype long jvmType java.lang.Long as primitive;
datatype double jvmType java.lang.Double as primitive;
datatype float jvmType java.lang.Float as primitive;
datatype character jvmType java.lang.Character as primitive;
datatype byte jvmType java.lang.Byte as primitive;
datatype Boolean jvmType java.lang.Boolean;
datatype Short jvmType java.lang.Short;
datatype Int jvmType java.lang.Integer;
datatype Long jvmType java.lang.Long;
datatype Double jvmType java.lang.Double;
datatype Float jvmType java.lang.Float;
datatype Character jvmType java.lang.Character;
datatype Byte jvmType java.lang.Byte;
datatype BigDecimal jvmType java.math.BigDecimal;
datatype String jvmType java.lang.String;
datatype BlobMapping jvmType java.lang.String
properties (
key="Blob" value="2"
* value="0" name="unnormalized" resolution="unknown"
* value="1" name="small" resolution="16x16"
* value="2" name="mid" resolution="64x64"
* value="3" name="portrait" resolution="64x128"
* value="4" name="landscape" resolution="128x64"
* value="5" name="big" resolution="200x-1"
datatype Date dateType date;
datatype Price jvmType Double properties(key="decimalformat" value="###,##0.00 ¤");
datatype DateOnly dateType date properties(key = "Date" value = "Day");
datatype BirthDate dateType date isNotNull isPast[severity=error] properties(key = "Date" value = "Day");
datatype Time dateType time;
datatype blobtype as blob;
datatype clobtype as blob;
datatype NumberToUomo jvmType java.lang.Double;
datatype BaseAmount jvmType org.eclipse.uomo.units.impl.BaseAmount;
datatype TextArea jvmType java.lang.String properties(key = "TextArea" value = "5"); // used for TextArea
* The RichText_Short datatype represents the attribute as a RichTextArea.
* The max length of the input depends on the underlying database.
* If you need to hold bigger data, then use the #RichText_Long.
datatype RichText_Short jvmType String
properties(key = "type" value = "richTextArea");
* The RichText datatype represents the attribute as a RichTextArea.
* The type in the data model will be a Blob.
datatype RichText_Long as blob
properties(key = "type" value = "richTextArea");
* The Password datatype represents the attribute as a PasswordField.
* The type in the data model will be a String.
datatype Password jvmType String
properties(key = "type" value = "password");
datatype PriceCustomDecimal jvmType java.lang.Double as primitive
properties (
key="functionCss" value="${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.functionlibrary.CssStyler.priceEndCss99",
key="functionConverter" value="${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.functionlibrary.Formatter.currencyFormatter"
datatype LengthCustomDecimal jvmType java.lang.Double as primitive
properties (
key="functionCss" value="${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.functionlibrary.CssStyler.priceEndCss95",
key="functionConverter" value="${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.functionlibrary.UomoConverter"
datatype LengthMetricCustomDecimal jvmType java.lang.Double as primitive
properties (
key="functionCss" value="${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.functionlibrary.CssStyler.priceEndCss95",
key="functionConverter" value="${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.functionlibrary.UomoCMConverter"
datatype LengthCMMetricCustomDecimal jvmType java.lang.Double as primitive
properties (
key="functionConverter" value="${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.functionlibrary.UomoCMMetricConverter"
datatype MassGRAMMetricCustomDecimal jvmType java.lang.Double as primitive
properties (
key="functionConverter" value="${{BASIC_PROJECT_NAME}}.functionlibrary.UomoGRAMMetricConverter"
// // UOMo data types, which are available through de.compex.utils.uomo
// datatype Length jvmType org.eclipse.uomo.units.impl.BaseAmount<org.unitsofmeasurement.quantity.Length>;
// datatype Area jvmType org.eclipse.uomo.units.impl.BaseAmount<org.unitsofmeasurement.quantity.Area>;
// datatype Volume jvmType org.eclipse.uomo.units.impl.BaseAmount<org.unitsofmeasurement.quantity.Volume>;
// datatype Mass jvmType org.eclipse.uomo.units.impl.BaseAmount<org.unitsofmeasurement.quantity.Mass>;
// // joda money types
// datatype Money jvmType;
// datatype BigMoney jvmType;