blob: 1153d5bfa32d03a0367ab67202a6df893904f75c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012 Boeing.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Boeing - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osee.orcs.db.internal.loader;
import static org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.DeletionFlag.EXCLUDE_DELETED;
import static org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.DeletionFlag.INCLUDE_DELETED;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.times;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.osee.executor.admin.HasCancellation;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.CoreAttributeTypes;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.CoreBranches;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.CoreRelationTypes;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.DeletionFlag;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.LoadLevel;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.sql.OseeSql;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.type.OseeCoreException;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.util.GUID;
import org.eclipse.osee.jdbc.JdbcClient;
import org.eclipse.osee.jdbc.JdbcStatement;
import org.eclipse.osee.logger.Log;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.OrcsSession;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.core.ds.DataLoader;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.core.ds.DataLoaderFactory;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.core.ds.LoadDataHandler;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.core.ds.LoadDescription;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.core.ds.Options;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.core.ds.OptionsUtil;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.db.internal.IdentityManager;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.db.internal.OrcsObjectFactory;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.db.internal.SqlProvider;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.db.internal.loader.criteria.CriteriaOrcsLoad;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.db.internal.sql.join.AbstractJoinQuery;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.db.internal.sql.join.ArtifactJoinQuery;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.db.internal.sql.join.IJoinAccessor;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.db.internal.sql.join.IdJoinQuery;
import org.eclipse.osee.orcs.db.internal.sql.join.SqlJoinFactory;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor;
import org.mockito.Captor;
import org.mockito.Matchers;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations;
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock;
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer;
* Test Case for {@link DataLoaderFactoryImpl}
* @author Roberto E. Escobar
public class DataLoaderFactoryImplTest {
@Mock private Log logger;
@Mock private JdbcClient jdbcClient;
@Mock private JdbcStatement chStmt;
@Mock private IdentityManager identityService;
@Mock private SqlProvider sqlProvider;
@Mock private LoadDataHandler builder;
@Mock private OrcsObjectFactory rowDataFactory;
@Mock private HasCancellation cancellation;
@Mock private SqlJoinFactory joinFactory;
@Mock private IJoinAccessor joinAccessor;
@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<LoadSqlContext> contextCaptor;
@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<ArtifactJoinQuery> joinCaptor;
@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<CriteriaOrcsLoad> criteriaCaptor;
@Captor private ArgumentCaptor<LoadDescription> descriptionCaptor;
@Mock private OrcsSession session;
private final static int EXPECTED_TX_ID = 45678;
private final static int EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID = 50000;
private final static Long COMMON_ID = CoreBranches.COMMON.getUuid();
private DataLoaderFactory factory;
private SqlObjectLoader spyLoader;
public void setUp() throws OseeCoreException {
String sessionId = GUID.create();
LoaderModule module = new LoaderModule(logger, jdbcClient, identityService, sqlProvider, null, joinFactory);
SqlObjectLoader loader = module.createSqlObjectLoader(rowDataFactory, null);
spyLoader = spy(loader);
factory = module.createDataLoaderFactory(spyLoader);
when(sqlProvider.getSql(OseeSql.QUERY_BUILDER)).thenReturn("/*+ ordered */");
when(jdbcClient.runPreparedQueryFetchObject(eq(-1), Matchers.anyString(), eq(COMMON_ID))).thenReturn(
when(joinFactory.createArtifactJoinQuery()).thenAnswer(new Answer<ArtifactJoinQuery>() {
public ArtifactJoinQuery answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
return new ArtifactJoinQuery(joinAccessor, -1L, 23, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
when(joinFactory.createIdJoinQuery()).thenAnswer(new Answer<IdJoinQuery>() {
public IdJoinQuery answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
return new IdJoinQuery(joinAccessor, -1L, 23);
public void testLoadFull() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ALL;
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
// @formatter:off
verify(spyLoader, times(0)).loadHeadTransactionId(COMMON_ID);
verify(spyLoader, times(1)).loadArtifacts(eq(builder), criteriaCaptor.capture(), contextCaptor.capture(), eq(200));
verify(spyLoader, times(1)).loadAttributes(eq(builder), criteriaCaptor.capture(), contextCaptor.capture(), eq(200));
verify(spyLoader, times(1)).loadRelations(eq(builder), criteriaCaptor.capture(), contextCaptor.capture(), eq(200));
// @formatter:on
public void testLoadArtifactIds() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_DATA;
String expected = "SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, art1.art_type_id, art1.guid\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_artifact art1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"art1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND art1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadArtifactIncludeDeleted() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_DATA;
String expected = "SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, art1.art_type_id, art1.guid\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_artifact art1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"art1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND art1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current IN (1, 2, 3) AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, INCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadArtifactHistorical() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id, txs1.transaction_id as stripe_transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, art1.art_type_id, art1.guid\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_artifact art1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"art1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND art1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.transaction_id <= jart1.transaction_id AND txs1.mod_type != 3 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadArtifactHistoricalIncludeDeleted() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id, txs1.transaction_id as stripe_transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, art1.art_type_id, art1.guid\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_artifact art1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"art1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND art1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.transaction_id <= jart1.transaction_id AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, INCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadAttributes() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_AND_ATTRIBUTE_DATA;
String expected = "SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, att1.attr_type_id, att1.value, att1.uri\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"att1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadAttributesWithType() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_AND_ATTRIBUTE_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, att1.attr_type_id, att1.value, att1.uri\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"att1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND att1.attr_type_id = ? AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected,
public void testLoadAttributesWithTypes() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_AND_ATTRIBUTE_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, att1.attr_type_id, att1.value, att1.uri\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_join_id jid1, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"att1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND att1.attr_type_id = AND jid1.query_id = ? AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
dataLoader.withAttributeTypes(CoreAttributeTypes.Annotation, CoreAttributeTypes.Category);
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected, data(JQID),
list(data(CoreAttributeTypes.Annotation.getGuid(), CoreAttributeTypes.Category.getGuid())));
public void testLoadAttributesWithId() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_AND_ATTRIBUTE_DATA;
String expected = "SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, att1.attr_type_id, att1.value, att1.uri\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"att1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND att1.attr_id = ? AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected, 45);
public void testLoadAttributesWithIds() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_AND_ATTRIBUTE_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, att1.attr_type_id, att1.value, att1.uri\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_join_id jid1, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"att1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND att1.attr_id = AND jid1.query_id = ? AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
dataLoader.withAttributeIds(45, 55);
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected, data(JQID), list(data(45, 55)));
public void testLoadAttributesWithIdsAndTypes() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_AND_ATTRIBUTE_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, att1.attr_type_id, att1.value, att1.uri\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_join_id jid1, osee_join_id jid2, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"att1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND att1.attr_id = AND jid1.query_id = ? AND att1.attr_type_id = AND jid2.query_id = ? AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
dataLoader.withAttributeIds(45, 55);
dataLoader.withAttributeTypes(CoreAttributeTypes.Annotation, CoreAttributeTypes.Category);
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected, data(JQID, JQID),
list(data(45, 55), data(CoreAttributeTypes.Annotation.getGuid(), CoreAttributeTypes.Category.getGuid())));
public void testLoadAttributesWithIdAndType() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_AND_ATTRIBUTE_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, att1.attr_type_id, att1.value, att1.uri\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"att1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND att1.attr_id = ? AND att1.attr_type_id = ? AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected, 45,
public void testLoadAttributesIncludeDeleted() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_AND_ATTRIBUTE_DATA;
String expected = "SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, att1.attr_type_id, att1.value, att1.uri\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"att1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current IN (1, 2, 3) AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, INCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadAttributesHistorical() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_AND_ATTRIBUTE_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id, txs1.transaction_id as stripe_transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, att1.attr_type_id, att1.value, att1.uri\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"att1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.transaction_id <= jart1.transaction_id AND txs1.mod_type != 3 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadAttributesHistoricalIncludeDeleted() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ARTIFACT_AND_ATTRIBUTE_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id, txs1.transaction_id as stripe_transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, att1.attr_type_id, att1.value, att1.uri\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_attribute att1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"att1.art_id = jart1.art_id AND jart1.query_id = ? AND att1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.transaction_id <= jart1.transaction_id AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, att1.attr_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, INCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadRelations() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.RELATION_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadRelationsIncludeDeleted() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.RELATION_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current IN (1, 2, 3) AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, INCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadRelationsWithType() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.RELATION_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.rel_link_type_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected,
public void testLoadRelationsWithTypes() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.RELATION_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_join_id jid1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.rel_link_type_id = AND jid1.query_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
public void testLoadRelationsWithId() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.RELATION_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.rel_link_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected, 45);
public void testLoadRelationsWithIds() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.RELATION_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_join_id jid1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.rel_link_id = AND jid1.query_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
dataLoader.withRelationIds(45, 55);
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected, data(JQID), list(data(45, 55)));
public void testLoadRelationsWithIdsAndTypes() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.RELATION_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_join_id jid1, osee_join_id jid2, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.rel_link_id = AND jid1.query_id = ? AND rel1.rel_link_type_id = AND jid2.query_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
dataLoader.withRelationIds(45, 55);
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
data(JQID, JQID),
list(data(45, 55),
data(CoreRelationTypes.Default_Hierarchical__Child.getGuid(), CoreRelationTypes.Dependency__Artifact)));
public void testLoadRelationsWithIdAndType() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.RELATION_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.rel_link_id = ? AND rel1.rel_link_type_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current = 1 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected, 45,
public void testLoadRelationsHistorical() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.RELATION_DATA;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id, txs1.transaction_id as stripe_transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.transaction_id <= jart1.transaction_id AND txs1.mod_type != 3 AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadArtifactIncludeDeletedAttributes() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ALL;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current IN (1, 2, 3) AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
dataLoader.withAttributeIds(45, 55);
dataLoader.withAttributeTypes(CoreAttributeTypes.Annotation, CoreAttributeTypes.Category);
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected);
public void testLoadArtifactIncludeDeletedRelations() throws OseeCoreException {
LoadLevel expectedLoadLevel = LoadLevel.ALL;
String expected =
"SELECT/*+ ordered */ txs1.gamma_id, txs1.mod_type, txs1.branch_id, txs1.transaction_id,\n" + //
" jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, rel1.rel_link_type_id, rel1.a_art_id, rel1.b_art_id, rel1.rationale\n" + //
" FROM \n" + //
"osee_join_artifact jart1, osee_relation_link rel1, osee_txs txs1\n" + //
" WHERE \n" + //
"(rel1.a_art_id = jart1.art_id OR rel1.b_art_id = jart1.art_id) AND jart1.query_id = ? AND rel1.rel_link_type_id = ? AND rel1.gamma_id = txs1.gamma_id\n" + //
" AND txs1.tx_current IN (1, 2, 3) AND txs1.branch_id = jart1.branch_id\n" + //
" ORDER BY txs1.branch_id, jart1.art_id, rel1.rel_link_id, txs1.transaction_id desc";
DataLoader dataLoader = factory.newDataLoaderFromIds(session, COMMON_ID, Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(expectedLoadLevel, dataLoader.getLoadLevel());
dataLoader.load(cancellation, builder);
verifyCommon(EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID, expectedLoadLevel, EXCLUDE_DELETED, expected,
private static final Long JQID = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private List<Object[]> list(Object[]... input) {
return Arrays.asList(input);
private Object[] data(Object... data) {
return data;
private void verifyCommon(int txId, LoadLevel level, DeletionFlag includeDeleted, String expectedSQL, Object... params) throws OseeCoreException {
verifyCommon(txId, level, includeDeleted, expectedSQL, params, list());
private void verifyCommon(int txId, LoadLevel level, DeletionFlag includeDeleted, String expectedSQL, Object[] params, List<Object[]> joinDatas) throws OseeCoreException {
verify(spyLoader).loadArtifacts(eq(cancellation), eq(builder), joinCaptor.capture(), criteriaCaptor.capture(),
contextCaptor.capture(), eq(200));
verify(builder, times(1)).onLoadDescription(descriptionCaptor.capture());
LoadDescription descriptor = descriptionCaptor.getValue();
boolean isHeadTx = EXPECTED_HEAD_TX_ID == txId;
assertEquals(session, descriptor.getSession());
Options options = descriptor.getOptions();
assertEquals(COMMON_ID, descriptor.getBranchId());
assertEquals(txId, descriptor.getTransaction());
assertEquals(isHeadTx, OptionsUtil.isHeadTransaction(options));
assertEquals(!isHeadTx, OptionsUtil.isHistorical(options));
assertEquals(level, OptionsUtil.getLoadLevel(options));
assertEquals(includeDeleted, OptionsUtil.getIncludeDeletedArtifacts(options));
assertEquals(3, joinCaptor.getValue().size());
LoadSqlContext context = contextCaptor.getValue();
assertEquals(session, context.getSession());
assertEquals(expectedSQL, context.getSql());
assertEquals(1 + params.length, context.getParameters().size());
Iterator<Object> iterator = context.getParameters().iterator();
Object queryId =;
assertEquals(joinCaptor.getValue().getQueryId(), queryId);
List<Object> queryIdsToMatch = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object param : params) {
if (param.equals(JQID)) {
} else {
assertEquals(joinDatas.size(), context.getJoins().size());
Iterator<AbstractJoinQuery> jQuerys = context.getJoins().iterator();
Iterator<Object> queryIds = queryIdsToMatch.iterator();
for (Object[] data : joinDatas) {
AbstractJoinQuery jQuery =;
assertEquals(, jQuery.getQueryId());
assertEquals(data.length, jQuery.size());