blob: 7b0b3d96657331889a4e69fef31fbcad307ff4de [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Boeing.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Boeing - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.artifact;
import static org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.DeletionFlag.EXCLUDE_DELETED;
import static org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.DeletionFlag.INCLUDE_DELETED;
import static org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.artifact.LoadType.INCLUDE_CACHE;
import static org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.artifact.LoadType.RELOAD_CACHE;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.client.ClientSessionManager;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.DeletionFlag;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.enums.ModificationType;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.exception.OseeCoreException;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.exception.OseeDataStoreException;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.model.Branch;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.core.model.TransactionRecord;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.core.ConnectionHandler;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.core.IOseeStatement;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.core.OseeConnection;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.core.OseeSql;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.database.core.SQL3DataType;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.type.CompositeKeyHashMap;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.util.Lib;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.util.time.GlobalTime;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.logging.OseeLog;
import org.eclipse.osee.framework.skynet.core.internal.Activator;
* @author Ryan D. Brooks
public final class ArtifactLoader {
private static final String INSERT_JOIN_ARTIFACT =
"INSERT INTO osee_join_artifact (query_id, insert_time, art_id, branch_id, transaction_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
private static final String DELETE_FROM_JOIN_ARTIFACT = "DELETE FROM osee_join_artifact WHERE query_id = ?";
* (re)loads the artifacts selected by sql and then returns them in a list
public static List<Artifact> getArtifacts(String sql, Object[] queryParameters, int artifactCountEstimate, LoadLevel loadLevel, LoadType reload, ISearchConfirmer confirmer, TransactionRecord transactionId, DeletionFlag allowDeleted) throws OseeCoreException {
List<Artifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<Artifact>(artifactCountEstimate);
int queryId = getNewQueryId();
CompositeKeyHashMap<Integer, Integer, Object[]> insertParameters =
new CompositeKeyHashMap<Integer, Integer, Object[]>(artifactCountEstimate, false);
selectArtifacts(artifacts, queryId, insertParameters, sql, queryParameters, artifactCountEstimate, transactionId,
boolean historical = transactionId != null;
if (!insertParameters.isEmpty()) {
artifacts.addAll(loadArtifacts(queryId, loadLevel, confirmer,
new ArrayList<Object[]>(insertParameters.values()), reload, historical, allowDeleted));
} else if (confirmer != null) {
return artifacts;
public static List<Artifact> loadArtifactsFromQueryId(int queryId, LoadLevel loadLevel, ISearchConfirmer confirmer, int fetchSize, LoadType reload, boolean historical, DeletionFlag allowDeleted) throws OseeCoreException {
List<Artifact> loadedItems = new ArrayList<Artifact>(fetchSize);
loadArtifactsFromQueryId(loadedItems, queryId, loadLevel, confirmer, fetchSize, reload, historical, allowDeleted);
return loadedItems;
private static void loadArtifactsFromQueryId(Collection<Artifact> loadedItems, int queryId, LoadLevel loadLevel, ISearchConfirmer confirmer, int fetchSize, LoadType reload, boolean historical, DeletionFlag allowDeleted) throws OseeCoreException {
try {
OseeSql sqlKey;
if (historical) {
} else if (allowDeleted == INCLUDE_DELETED) {
} else {
IOseeStatement chStmt = ConnectionHandler.getStatement();
String sql = null;
try {
sql = ClientSessionManager.getSql(sqlKey);
chStmt.runPreparedQuery(fetchSize, sql, queryId);
int previousArtId = -1;
int previousBranchId = -1;
while ( {
int artId = chStmt.getInt("art_id");
int branchId = chStmt.getInt("branch_id");
// assumption: sql is returning rows ordered by branch_id, art_id, transaction_id in descending order
if (previousArtId != artId || previousBranchId != branchId) {
// assumption: sql is returning unwanted deleted artifacts only in the historical case
if (!historical || allowDeleted == INCLUDE_DELETED || ModificationType.getMod(chStmt.getInt("mod_type")) != ModificationType.DELETED) {
loadedItems.add(retrieveShallowArtifact(chStmt, reload, historical));
previousArtId = artId;
previousBranchId = branchId;
} catch (OseeDataStoreException ex) {
OseeLog.log(Activator.class, Level.SEVERE,
String.format("%s - %s", sqlKey, sql == null ? "SQL unknown" : sql), ex);
throw ex;
} finally {
if (confirmer == null || confirmer.canProceed(loadedItems.size())) {
loadArtifactsData(queryId, loadedItems, loadLevel, reload, historical, allowDeleted);
if (!historical) {
for (Artifact artifact : loadedItems) {
} finally {
public static List<Artifact> loadArtifacts(Collection<Integer> artIds, IOseeBranch branch, LoadLevel loadLevel, LoadType reload, DeletionFlag allowDeleted) throws OseeCoreException {
return loadArtifacts(artIds, branch, loadLevel, null, reload, allowDeleted);
private static void checkArtifactCache(ArrayList<Artifact> artifacts, Collection<Integer> artIds, TransactionRecord transactionId, IOseeBranch branch, DeletionFlag allowDeleted) throws OseeCoreException {
Iterator<Integer> iterator = artIds.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Integer artId =;
Artifact artifact = getArtifactFromCache(artId, transactionId, branch);
if (artifact != null) {
if (allowDeleted == EXCLUDE_DELETED && artifact.isDeleted()) {
private static Artifact getArtifactFromCache(Integer artId, TransactionRecord transactionId, IOseeBranch branch) throws OseeCoreException {
boolean historical = transactionId != null;
if (historical) {
return ArtifactCache.getHistorical(artId, transactionId.getId());
return ArtifactCache.getActive(artId, branch);
* loads or reloads artifacts based on artifact ids and branch ids
public static List<Artifact> loadArtifacts(Collection<Integer> artIds, IOseeBranch branch, LoadLevel loadLevel, TransactionRecord transactionId, LoadType reload, DeletionFlag allowDeleted) throws OseeCoreException {
ArrayList<Artifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<Artifact>();
checkArtifactCache(artifacts, artIds, transactionId, branch, allowDeleted);
if (artIds != null && !artIds.isEmpty()) {
int queryId = ArtifactLoader.getNewQueryId();
Timestamp insertTime = GlobalTime.GreenwichMeanTimestamp();
boolean historical = transactionId != null;
List<Object[]> insertParameters = new LinkedList<Object[]>();
for (int artId : org.eclipse.osee.framework.jdk.core.util.Collections.unique(artIds)) {
insertParameters.add(new Object[] {
historical ? transactionId.getId() : SQL3DataType.INTEGER});
for (Artifact artifact : loadArtifacts(queryId, loadLevel, null, insertParameters, reload, historical,
allowDeleted)) {
return artifacts;
* loads or reloads artifacts based on artifact ids and branch ids in the insertParameters
public static List<Artifact> loadArtifacts(int queryId, LoadLevel loadLevel, ISearchConfirmer confirmer, List<Object[]> insertParameters, LoadType reload, boolean historical, DeletionFlag allowDeleted) throws OseeCoreException {
List<Artifact> loadedItems = new ArrayList<Artifact>(insertParameters.size());
loadArtifacts(loadedItems, queryId, loadLevel, confirmer, insertParameters, reload, historical, allowDeleted);
return loadedItems;
public static void loadArtifacts(Collection<Artifact> loadedItems, int queryId, LoadLevel loadLevel, ISearchConfirmer confirmer, List<Object[]> insertParameters, LoadType reload, boolean historical, DeletionFlag allowDeleted) throws OseeCoreException {
if (!insertParameters.isEmpty()) {
Collection<Artifact> data;
if (loadedItems.isEmpty()) {
data = loadedItems;
} else {
// Use a new list if loaded items already contains data to prevent artifact overwrites during loading
data = new ArrayList<Artifact>(insertParameters.size());
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
loadArtifactsFromQueryId(data, queryId, loadLevel, confirmer, insertParameters.size(), reload, historical,
} finally {
if (data != loadedItems) {
String.format("Artifact Load Time [%s] for [%d] artifacts. ", Lib.getElapseString(time),
loadedItems.size()), new Exception("Artifact Load Time"));
* must be call in a try block with a finally clause which calls clearQuery()
public static int insertIntoArtifactJoin(OseeConnection connection, List<Object[]> insertParameters) throws OseeCoreException {
return ConnectionHandler.runBatchUpdate(connection, INSERT_JOIN_ARTIFACT, insertParameters);
* must be call in a try block with a finally clause which calls clearQuery()
public static int insertIntoArtifactJoin(List<Object[]> insertParameters) throws OseeCoreException {
return insertIntoArtifactJoin(null, insertParameters);
* should only be used in tandem with with selectArtifacts()
* @param queryId value gotten from call to getNewQueryId and used in populating the insert parameters for
* selectArtifacts
public static void clearQuery(int queryId) throws OseeCoreException {
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(DELETE_FROM_JOIN_ARTIFACT, queryId);
* should only be used in tandem with with selectArtifacts()
* @param queryId value gotten from call to getNewQueryId and used in populating the insert parameters for
* selectArtifacts
public static void clearQuery(OseeConnection connection, int queryId) throws OseeCoreException {
if (connection != null) {
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(connection, DELETE_FROM_JOIN_ARTIFACT, queryId);
} else {
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(DELETE_FROM_JOIN_ARTIFACT, queryId);
* Populates artifacts with any artifact already in cache and populates insertParameters with necessary data to load
* the rest.
* @param reload will attempt to use cache if INCLUDE_CACHE
* @param insertParameters populated by this method
private static void selectArtifacts(List<Artifact> artifacts, int queryId, CompositeKeyHashMap<Integer, Integer, Object[]> insertParameters, String sql, Object[] queryParameters, int artifactCountEstimate, TransactionRecord transactionId, LoadType reload) throws OseeCoreException {
IOseeStatement chStmt = ConnectionHandler.getStatement();
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
chStmt.runPreparedQuery(artifactCountEstimate, sql, queryParameters);
Timestamp insertTime = GlobalTime.GreenwichMeanTimestamp();
while ( {
int artId = chStmt.getInt("art_id");
int branchId = chStmt.getInt("branch_id");
Artifact artifact = getArtifactFromCache(artId, transactionId, BranchManager.getBranch(branchId));
if (artifact != null && reload == LoadType.INCLUDE_CACHE) {
} else {
Object transactionParameter = transactionId == null ? SQL3DataType.INTEGER : transactionId.getId();
insertParameters.put(artId, branchId, new Object[] {
} finally {
OseeLog.log(Activator.class, Level.FINE, String.format("Artifact Selection Time [%s], [%d] artifacts selected",
Lib.getElapseString(time), insertParameters.size()), new Exception("Artifact Selection Time"));
private static Artifact retrieveShallowArtifact(IOseeStatement chStmt, LoadType reload, boolean historical) throws OseeCoreException {
int artifactId = chStmt.getInt("art_id");
Branch branch = BranchManager.getBranch(chStmt.getInt("branch_id"));
Artifact artifact;
int transactionId = Artifact.TRANSACTION_SENTINEL;
if (historical) {
int stripeTransactionNumber = chStmt.getInt("stripe_transaction_id");
transactionId = stripeTransactionNumber;
artifact = ArtifactCache.getHistorical(artifactId, stripeTransactionNumber);
} else {
artifact = ArtifactCache.getActive(artifactId, branch);
if (artifact == null) {
IArtifactType artifactType = ArtifactTypeManager.getType(chStmt.getInt("art_type_id"));
ArtifactFactory factory = ArtifactTypeManager.getFactory(artifactType);
artifact =
factory.loadExisitingArtifact(artifactId, chStmt.getString("guid"), chStmt.getString("human_readable_id"),
artifactType, chStmt.getInt("gamma_id"), branch, transactionId,
ModificationType.getMod(chStmt.getInt("mod_type")), historical);
} else if (reload == RELOAD_CACHE) {
artifact.internalSetPersistenceData(chStmt.getInt("gamma_id"), transactionId,
ModificationType.getMod(chStmt.getInt("mod_type")), historical);
return artifact;
static void loadArtifactData(Artifact artifact, LoadLevel loadLevel) throws OseeCoreException {
int queryId = getNewQueryId();
Timestamp insertTime = GlobalTime.GreenwichMeanTimestamp();
try {
ConnectionHandler.runPreparedUpdate(INSERT_JOIN_ARTIFACT, queryId, insertTime, artifact.getArtId(),
artifact.getBranch().getId(), SQL3DataType.INTEGER);
List<Artifact> artifacts = new ArrayList<Artifact>(1);
loadArtifactsData(queryId, artifacts, loadLevel, INCLUDE_CACHE, false,
artifact.isDeleted() ? INCLUDE_DELETED : EXCLUDE_DELETED);
} finally {
private static void loadArtifactsData(int queryId, Collection<Artifact> artifacts, LoadLevel loadLevel, LoadType reload, boolean historical, DeletionFlag allowDeleted) throws OseeCoreException {
if (reload == RELOAD_CACHE) {
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
AttributeLoader.loadAttributeData(queryId, artifacts, historical, allowDeleted, loadLevel);
RelationLoader.loadRelationData(queryId, artifacts, historical, loadLevel);
for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
public static int getNewQueryId() {
return new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE);