blob: 87cf19f07cbfcf7a92a0dd0c676651bf40fdb34a [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _fWASMHyuEeWDurBKKa1KKg
Element-Name: Synchro_32_SynchronizationOfCapsulePart
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _jAkb0JpwEeWSHptStDmSKg
Save-Time: 12/4/15 11:30 AM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
// Open Model
with [get-view "Project Explorer" | get-tree] {
select InitialDiagram | double-click
select "InitialDiagram/model" | double-click
// Open Diagram and create a New Capsule
with [get-view "Model Explorer" | get-tree] {
get-item "RootElement/«Capsule» Capsule1/Capsule1" | click
select "RootElement/«Capsule» Capsule1/Capsule1" | double-click
get-item "RootElement/«Capsule» Capsule1/Capsule1" | click
get-item RootElement | click
select RootElement | get-menu "UMLRealTime/Capsule" | click
// Create A New Capsule Pasrt
get-editor "model.di" | get-diagram -index 1 | get-edit-part -name Capsule1 | get-edit-part -name Capsule1
| mouse-move 53 241 -height 250 -width 500
with [get-view "Model Explorer" | get-tree] {
get-item "RootElement/«Capsule» Capsule1" | click
select "RootElement/«Capsule» Capsule1" | get-menu "UMLRealTime/CapsulePart" | click
// Select the Capsule for the new Capsule Part
with [get-window Edit] {
get-button "Edit the reference value" | click
with [get-window Capsule] {
get-editbox -after [get-label "Filter:"] | set-focus
get-tree | select "RootElement/«Capsule» Capsule2"
get-button OK | click
get-button OK | click
// test that the CapsulePart is present into the Diagram as a RTPropertyEditPart and Named as "# capsule2: Capsule2 [1]"
get-editor "model.di" | get-diagram -index 1 | get-edit-part -name Capsule1 | mouse-move 633 204 -height 365 -width 647
with [get-editor "model.di" | get-diagram -index 1 | get-edit-part -name Capsule1 | get-edit-part -name Capsule1] {
get-property "getChildren().ClassCompositeCompartmentEditPart[2].getChildren().RTPropertyPartEditPart[0].getClassName()"
| equals "org.eclipse.papyrusrt.umlrt.tooling.diagram.common.editparts.RTPropertyPartEditPart" | verify-true
get-property "getChildren().ClassCompositeCompartmentEditPart[2].getChildren().RTPropertyPartEditPart[0].getPrimaryShape().getClassName()"
| equals "org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.composite.custom.figures.PropertyPartFigure" | verify-true
get-property "getChildren().ClassCompositeCompartmentEditPart[2].getChildren().RTPropertyPartEditPart[0].getPrimaryShape().getNameLabel().getText()"
| equals "# capsule2: Capsule2 [1]" | verify-true