Bug 526505 - [COMPONENTS] add meta to the script

Change-Id: I3eb8de3b33a52267ee34d5b1fe943ff235495cec
Signed-off-by: Francois Le Fevre <francois.le-fevre@cea.fr>
diff --git a/components/org.eclipse.papyrus.components.parent/src/main/script/publish.sh b/components/org.eclipse.papyrus.components.parent/src/main/script/publish.sh
index 976203a..347f833 100755
--- a/components/org.eclipse.papyrus.components.parent/src/main/script/publish.sh
+++ b/components/org.eclipse.papyrus.components.parent/src/main/script/publish.sh
@@ -118,7 +118,8 @@
 if [ -z $jobDir ];
-	echo "The specified buildId does not refer to an existing build: $buildId , see ${jobName} at ~/.hudson/jobs/${jobName}/builds/${buildId}"
+	echo "The specified buildId does not refer to an existing build: $buildId , ${jobName} at ~/.hudson/jobs/${jobName}/builds/${buildId}"
+	echo "Note that the jobName in this script is typically a concatenation of the jobName provided by the user and the target eclipse version (see job configuration)."
 	exit 1