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<TITLE>Content and Action Binding</TITLE>
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<h1>Content and Action Binding</h1>
<p>The sections below define the set of steps for <a
href="#resource">usage of resource content</a> and <a
href="#definition">definition of own content</a> for the CNF-based
viewer. Finally, the steps needed for <a href="#action">Action
Binding</a> are described. As described <a href="cnf_config.htm">previously</a>,
in order to render content the viewer selects the corresponding NCEs
based on the evaluation of the expressions on the selected objects.</p>
<h2><a name="resource">Usage of Resource Content</a></h2>
<p>One of the use cases of usage of the Common Navigator is the
manipulation of the workspace resources. The resources-related content
is defined by the <code>org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources</code>
plugin. The example of the resource usage of CNF can be found in <code>org.eclipse.ui.examples.navigator.resources</code>.
<li>Perform the general steps described in <a
href="cnf_steps_general.htm">Creation of Common Navigator Viewer</a></li>
<li>Add the following as dependent plug-ins:
<li>Add a <code>org.eclipse.ui.navigator.viewer</code> extension
that has:
<li><code>viewerContentBinding</code>, point this to Id of your
view (example.view)</li>
<li>includes of:
&lt;contentExtension pattern="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resourceContent" /&gt;
&lt;contentExtension pattern="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources.filters.*"/&gt;
<p>Please note, that using CNF inside of your own RCP requires three
additional steps.</p>
<li>Add the <code>org.eclipse.ui.ide</code> as dependent plug-in</li>
<li>To get the resource workspace root (<code>IWorkspaceRoot</code>)
as default page input, override the <a
method in your WorkbenchAdvisor: <pre>
public IAdaptable getDefaultPageInput()
return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
<li>Hook the workbench adapters correctly before they are used, so
add this code to the <a
method: <pre>
public void initialize(IWorkbenchConfigurer configurer)
<h2><a name="definition">Own Content Definition</a></h2>
<p>Along with resource content provided by the <code>org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources</code>
plugin, application-specific content can be defined and presented in the
CNF-based viewer. In order to define and use application specific you
need to:</p>
<li>Use extension <code>org.eclipse.ui.navigator.navigatorContent</code>
and declare the NCE, with it providers and trigger conditions for the
content: <pre>
name="Properties File Contents"
priority="normal" &gt;
&lt;instanceof value="org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource"/&gt;
&lt;instanceof value="org.eclipse.ui.examples.navigator.PropertiesTreeData"/&gt;
&lt;instanceof value="org.eclipse.ui.examples.navigator.PropertiesTreeData"/&gt;
</pre> For more details, please consult the <a href="cnf_config.htm">CNF
Configuration</a> and <a href="cnf_operation.htm">Operational Topics</a>.</li>
<li>Bind the content to the viewer using the <code>org.eclipse.ui.navigator.viewer</code>
extension. <pre>
&lt;viewerContentBinding viewerId="example.view"&gt;
&lt;contentExtension pattern="org.eclipse.ui.examples.navigator.propertiesContent"/&gt;
</pre> Note, that instead of using the exact Id of the content, the usage of
the regular expression is allowed in the <code>pattern</code>
attribute, so <code>org.eclipse.ui.examples.navigator.*</code> would
also work.</li>
<h2><a name="action">Action Binding</a></h2>
<p>The usage of actions in the viewer follows the same pattern as the content binding. For usage of existing
actions on resources defined in the <code>org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources</code> plugin:</p>
<li>Add the following as dependent plug-ins:
<li>Add a <code>org.eclipse.ui.navigator.viewer</code> extension
that has:
<li><code>actionContentBinding</code>, point this to Id of your
view (example.view)</li>
<li>includes of:
&lt;actionExtension pattern="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources.*" /&gt;