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<h2>Check Your Ids</h2>
<p>This is the most common problem in configuring the CNF. Make sure
the Ids match exactly what you expect them to. </p>
<h2>Is it a Wildcard or Regular Expression?</h2>
<p>Be sure that the <code>includes</code> and <code>excludes</code>
Ids for the navigator content extensions or filters are actually <b>regular
expressions</b> and not wild cards. So if you are looking for <code>com.mycompany.myplugin*</code>
(this is a wildcard), make sure you use <code>com.mycompany.myplugin.*</code>
(which is a matching regular expression). The former will find things
like <code>com.mycompany.mypluginnnnn</code>, but won't find <code>com.mycompany.myplugin.function1</code>.
<p>The CNF provides tracing that can be helpful to resolve problems.
To enable the tracing go to the <b>Tracing</b> tab in the <b>Launch
Configuration Dialog</b> and select <b>Enable Tracing</b>. Then check the <code>org.eclipse.ui.navigator</code>
plugin, and on the right check <b>debug</b> and <i>also</i> one of the
<li><b>debug/setup</b> - Shows the processing of the
<li><b>debug/dnd</b> - Shows all aspects of drag and drop
<li><b>debug/resolution</b> - Shows the resolution of an object to
its navigator content extension.</li>
<li><b>debug/viewermap</b> - Shows the low-level map that associates
the Navigator Content Extensions with active elements in the viewer.</li>
If you require support, include the tracing when you report your problem.