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Implementing a content viewer</H2>
The compare plug-in allows you to supply specialized viewers for viewing and
merging content differences between unstructured elements.</p>
Simple content viewers</h3>
A <b>content viewer</b> is used in places where only a single input is available and therefore
no compare is necessary.&nbsp; A typical example for this is the &quot;<b>Restore from Local
History</b>&quot; function.&nbsp; The <a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_compare_contentViewers.html"><b></b></a>
extension point allows you to define a specialized content viewer that does not
compare its inputs. </p>
<p>Specialized viewers contributed by your plug-in are designated in the
<b>viewer</b> element. You must specify the <b>id </b>of the viewer and the <b>class</b> that
creates it. You may also specify any file <b>extensions</b> for which the content viewer should be used.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<p>You may also use the <b>contentTypeBinding</b> element to associate a <a href="runtime_content.htm">content type</a>
with a content viewer.
<h3>Content merge viewers</h3>
<p> A <b> content merge viewer </b> performs a two-way or three-way compare of its inputs
and presents the result side-by-side or in any other suitable way.&nbsp; The viewer lets the user
merge between the inputs. Content merge viewers are common for text or images.</p>
<p>If the standard merge viewers are not appropriate for your plug-in's
function, you may choose to implement your own content merge viewer.&nbsp; Your
content merge viewer should be registered with the platform using the
<a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_compare_contentMergeViewers.html"><b></b></a>
extension point.&nbsp; The following markup shows
the definition of specialized content merge viewers for viewing Java files and
properties files in the Java IDE:
Similar to content viewers, specialized merge viewers contributed by your plug-in are designated in the
<b>viewer</b> element. You must specify the <b>id </b>of the viewer and the <b>class</b> that
creates it. You may also specify any file <b>extensions</b> for which the content merge viewer should be used.
<p>Also similar to content viewers, you can use <b>contentTypeBinding</b> to associate a <a href="runtime_content.htm">content type</a>
with a merge viewer. The JDT plug-in binds content merge viewers to two different content types: Java source and Java properties files.
<p> <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/ContentMergeViewer.html"><b>ContentMergeViewer</b></a>
is an abstract compare and merge viewer
with two side-by-side content areas and an optional content area for a
common ancestor (for three-way compare).&nbsp; Because the implementation makes
no assumptions about the content type, the subclass is responsible for dealing
with the specific content type.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<p> <b>ImageMergeViewer</b> in <b></b> shows how to
implement a simple merge viewer for images using a <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/ContentMergeViewer.html"><b>ContentMergeViewer</b></a>.&nbsp;
A <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/ContentMergeViewer.html"><b>ContentMergeViewer</b></a>
accesses its model by means of a content
provider which must implement the
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/IMergeViewerContentProvider.html"><b>IMergeViewerContentProvider</b></a> interface.</p>
<h4><a name="Text">Text merging</a></h4>
<p> If your viewer uses text, additional classes that&nbsp; compare
and merge text content can be used.</p>
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/TextMergeViewer.html"><b>TextMergeViewer</b></a>
is the concrete subclass of
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/ContentMergeViewer.html"><b>ContentMergeViewer</b></a>
used for comparing and merging text content.&nbsp; A text merge viewer uses the
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/rangedifferencer/RangeDifferencer.html"><b>RangeDifferencer</b></a>
to perform a textual, line-by-line comparison of two (or three) input documents.</p>
For text lines that differ, the
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/TextMergeViewer.html"><b>TextMergeViewer</b></a>
uses an
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/ITokenComparator.html"><b>ITokenComparator</b></a>
to find the longest sequences of matching and non-matching tokens.
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/TextMergeViewer.html"><b>TextMergeViewer</b></a>'s
default token compare works on characters separated by white space. If a
different strategy is needed (for example, Java tokens in a Java-aware
merge viewer), clients can create their own token comparators by implementing
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/ITokenComparator.html"><b>ITokenComparator</b></a>
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/TextMergeViewer.html"><b>TextMergeViewer</b></a>
works on whole documents and on sub ranges of documents. For partial documents,
the viewer's input must adapt to an
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/IDocumentRange.html"><b>IDocumentRange</b></a>
instead of an
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/jface/text/IDocument.html"><b>IDocument</b></a>.</p>
<p>The <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/contentmergeviewer/TextMergeViewer.html"><b>TextMergeViewer</b></a> also
supports the use of a shared document (i.e. document's that are shared by multiple open editors) when the input adapts to an
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/ISharedDocumentAdapter.html"><b>ISharedDocumentAdapter</b></a>. Subclasses of
TextMergeViewer that provide syntax highlighting must implement both the <code>getDocumentPartitioner()</code> and
<code>getDocumentPartitioning()</code> methods to support shared documents. </p>
<h4>Range differencing</h4>
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/rangedifferencer/RangeDifferencer.html"><b>RangeDifferencer</b></a>
finds the longest sequences of matching and
non-matching comparable entities in text content.
Clients must supply
an input to the differencer that implements the
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/rangedifferencer/IRangeComparator.html"><b>IRangeComparator</b></a>
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/rangedifferencer/IRangeComparator.html"><b>IRangeComparator</b></a>
breaks the input data into a sequence
of entities and provides a method for comparing
one entity with the entity in another
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/rangedifferencer/IRangeComparator.html"><b>IRangeComparator</b></a>.
For example, to compare two text documents and find the longest common
sequences of matching and non-matching lines,
the implementation of
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/rangedifferencer/IRangeComparator.html"><b>IRangeComparator</b> </a>
must break the document into lines and provide a method for testing
whether two lines are considered equal.
See <b></b> for an example of how this can be done.</p>
<p>The differencer returns the differences among these sequences as an
array of
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/rangedifferencer/RangeDifference.html"><b>RangeDifference</b></a>
Every single
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/compare/rangedifferencer/RangeDifference.html"><b>RangeDifference</b></a>
describes the kind of difference
(no change, change, addition, deletion) and the corresponding ranges
of the underlying comparable entities in the two or three inputs.