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Merging multiple files</H2>
In some cases, the ability to merge files without the assist of a user
is desirable. The extension point
<a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_team_core_storageMergers.html"><b></b></a>
allows you to contribute a class that merges three different files (or storage units) into a single output stream. Storage mergers
can be associated with file extensions or bound to a particular content type. The Platform defines a storage
merger for merging three files of plain text:</p>
<p>The storage merger itself is described in the <b>storageMerger</b> element. You must specify the <b>id </b>of the
merger and the <b>class</b> that implements it. You may also specify any file <b>extensions</b> for which the
the storage merger should be used.</p>
<p>You may also use the <b>contentTypeBinding</b> element to associate a <a href="runtime_content.htm">content type</a>
with a storage merger.
Storage mergers must implement
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/team/core/mapping/IStorageMerger.html"><b>IStorageMerger</b></a>.
This simple interface merges the contents from three different storage units into a single output stream.
The not-so-simple implementation depends upon your plug-in and its content types.