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Program debug and launch support</H1>
<p>The resources plug-in in the Eclipse platform allows you to manage a set of
source files for a program and compile them using an incremental project
builder.&nbsp; Plug-ins can define new builders that handle special resource
types, such as source files for a particular programming language.&nbsp; Once an
executable program is built with your plug-in's builder, how can you make sure
that it gets invoked correctly?</p>
<p>The <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/core/package-summary.html"> org.eclipse.debug.core</a>
</b> plug-in provides the API that allows a program to define a configuration
for launching a program.&nbsp; The program can be launched in different modes. For
example, it could be launched for regular execution, for debugging, for profiling,
or any other mode defined by your plug-in.&nbsp; The
Eclipse Java development tooling (JDT) uses the platform debug support to launch
Java VM's and the Java debugger.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>
<p>The <b><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/debug/ui/package-summary.html"> org.eclipse.debug.ui</a></b> plug-in includes support for user configuration of
launch parameters and utility classes that ease the implementation of powerful debuggers.</p>
<p>There are some shared concepts in launching and debugging programs that are
implemented in the platform debug support.&nbsp; However, the best way to
understand how to use the platform debug support is to study a robust concrete
implementation of launching and debugging, such as the JDT launching and debug
tools.&nbsp; We'll review the major concepts of the platform debug support in the context
of the JDT concrete implementation.</p>