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<TITLE>Launch groups</TITLE>
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<h3>Launch groups</h3>
<p>The <b>Launch Group</b> launch configuration type allows you to launch multiple other launch configurations
sequentially, with configurable actions after launching each group member:
<li>None: Continue launching the next member right away</li>
<li>Wait until terminated: Continue launching the next member only after this member has terminated</li>
<li>Delay: Delay launching the next member for a given amount of seconds.</li>
<li>Wait for console output (regexp): Allows to delay further
processing of launch group elements until a certain output (matching a regular expression)
appears on the console of the given group element</li>
<img src="images/improved-launch-groups.png" alt="Launch Groups">
<p> New launch groups can be created via the <b>Run > Run Configurations...</b> or <b>Run > Debug Configurations...</b> dialogs.</p>
The <b>Adopt launch if already running</b> option allows to control behaviour of the group when
the launch configuration referenced by the launch group element is already running
(no matter who launched it). If checked, the launch configuration will not be launched
again if it is running already. The existing launch will be adopted by the group (i.e.
terminating the group will also terminate this launch). Any configured post launch
action will still be executed!