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Customizing the p2 UI</H2>
There are several different levels of integration with the p2 UI, depending on what kind of support you want to surface
to your users.</p>
<li>If your goal is to <a href="p2_uireuse.htm">reuse the Eclipse SDK UI</a> inside your own product, you can
include the <b>org.eclipse.equinox.p2.user.ui</b> feature in your product. If you want only a subset of the functionality, such as providing
update support but not installation support, you can use a subset of the bundles in that feature and
use the Eclipse SDK UI contributions as a model for your
own contributions.</li>
<li>If your goal is to <a href="p2_uipolicy.htm">customize the way information is presented</a>, you can configure a p2 UI <b>Policy</b> that
changes aspects of the UI.</li>
<li>If you want to <a href="p2_startup.htm">force update of your application</a>, you can use the p2 <b>Operations</b> API to perform a customized
search for updates on startup.</li>