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<TITLE>Project Build Configurations</TITLE>
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Project Build Configurations</H2>
The platform provides <b>Build Configurations</b> to allow integrations to build a project in multiple orthogonal ways.
All the functionality provided to an <a href="resAdv_builders.htm">Incremental Project Builder</a> is provided per
Build Configuration.
<p> Build configurations are very useful when a project's files can be built in more than one way.
In statically compiled C/C++, for example, the preprocessor is used to re-write or conditionally compile a single source file to
multiple object files. Users can build a project in a 'debug' configuration: including asserts, debug information, etc; or in a
'release' configuration which is optimised at compile time. When building these two (or more) configurations, the project builder
needs to know which source files have changed since it was last invoked on the specific configuration.
Build configurations provide a mechanism to represent the different variants of the build. Build commands are run in the order defined
on the Project, and the build resource delta is maintained between builds of the configuration. Build configurations
allow the Incremental Project Builder to build only what needs to be built (based on the delta) when the builder is invoked.
Builders which don't care about build configurations work as before.
Build Configurations are simply a tuple: (<i><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IBuildConfiguration.html#getProject()">project</a></i>,
<i><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IBuildConfiguration.html#getName()">build-config name</a></i>). Names are domain/application specific strings. They
should be human-readable as they may be displayed by the UI, for example: "<i>Debug</i>". Integrations should respect
configurations created by other platform integrations.
By default each project has one build configuration.
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IBuildConfiguration.html">IBuildConfiguration</a> for more information.
<b>API is provided:</b></p>
<li> to create build configuration(s) on a Project</li>
<li> set the active configuration on the Project </li>
<li> to build particular build configuration(s)</li>
<li> to create reference between build configurations</li>
<li> for a builder to discover which build configuration is currently being built</li>
We distinguish between client API and builder API.</p>
<h3>Client API</h3>
<h4>Creating and setting build configurations </h4>
Each project has one <i>default</i> build configuration with name equal to the empty string. Build configurations are set on the
Project description:
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IProject.html">IProject</a> project = ...
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IProjectDescription.html">IProjectDescription</a> projDesc = project.getDescription();
// Get the build configurations for a project
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IBuildConfiguration.html">IBuildConfiguration</a>[] buildConfigs = project.<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IProject.html#getBuildConfigs()">getBuildConfigs</a>();
// Creating a build configuration
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IWorkspace.html#newBuildConfig(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)">ResourcesPlugin().getWorkspace().newBuildConfig</a>(project.getName(), "myNewBuildConfig");
// Set new build configurations on a project
projDesc.<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IProjectDescription.html#setBuildConfigs(java.lang.String[])">setBuildConfigs</a>(buildConfigs);
// Set the description
project.setDescription(projDesc, null);
As each project must have at least one build configuration, it's not possible to remove all configurations from a project.
Doing so automatically re-adds the <i><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IBuildConfiguration.html#DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME">default</a></i> build configuration, with name: &quot;&quot;.
<h4>Active configuration</h4>
<p>By default one configuration on the project is defined as '<b>active</b>'. The active configuration is the one that is built
when a build configurations isn't specified (e.g. when: <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IProject.html#build(int, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)">
IProject#build(kind, monitor)</a> is called on the project). To set the active build configuration:
projDesc.<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IProjectDescription.html#setActiveBuildConfig(java.lang.String)">setActiveBuildConfig</a>(String buildConfigName);
<h4> Creating references between build configurations </h4>
Build Configurations can reference each other. Much like project level references, this can be used to ensure that prerequisite build configurations
are built before referencing build configurations.
projDesc.<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IProjectDescription.html#setBuildConfigReferences(java.lang.String,%20org.eclipse.core.resources.IBuildConfiguration[])">setBuildConfigReferences</a>(String configName, IBuildConfiguration[] references);
<p>causes the named build configuration to reference the passed in build configurations.</p>
<b>Note:</b> A referenced build configurations may have a <i>null</i> name. Such references map to the <i>active</i> build configuration
of the referenced project when the project is built. Therefore a project level reference can be thought of as a build configuration reference to
the active build configuration.
<h4> Building Project Build Configurations </h4>
New API exists on the workspace to allow building a build configuration and its references (if required):
ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IWorkspace.html#build(org.eclipse.core.resources.IBuildConfiguration[],%20int,%20boolean,%20org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)">build</a>(IBuildConfiguration[] buildConfigs, int kind, boolean buildReferences, IProgressMonitor monitor);
API also exists on IProject to build a specific build configuration:
project.<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IProject.html#build(org.eclipse.core.resources.IBuildConfiguration,%20int,%20org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)">build</a>(IBuildConfiguration config, int kind, IProgressMonitor monitor);
<h3>Builder API</h3>
From the point of view of an <a href="resAdv_builders.htm">Incremental Project Builder</a> the platform now builds build configurations,
rather than projects. In simple cases the build configuration will be the default configuration, and the project will only have one configuration.
<h4>Which build configuration is being built</h4>
<p>A builder can discover which configuration is being built via:</p>
protected IProject[] build(int kind, Map&lt;String,String&gt; args, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
IBuildConfiguration thisBuildConfig = <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IncrementalProjectBuilder.html#getBuildConfig()">getBuildConfig</a>();
Note builders needn't necessarily care about build configurations. IncrementalProjectBuilder#<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/core/resources/IncrementalProjectBuilder.html#getDelta(org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject)">getDelta</a>(IProject) will continue to return the resource changes since the builder
was last run for the current build configuration.