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Dynamic Path Variables
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Dynamic path variables</H2>
<P >
Each linked resource in the workspace can be specified relative to a path variable.
<P >
Each IResource has a dedicated path variable manager, accessible from <b>IResource.getPathVariableManager()</b>.
The path variable manager allows reading, creating and changing path variables, along with resolving URIs that may be relative
to a path variable, as opposed to be defined as an absolute path.
<P >
Currently, each project has a separate list of path variables, so all resources under a given project have path variable managers
that contain the same list of path variables, although that could change in the future. Still variables <i>values</i> can be different
between two path variable managers of two different resources. For example, the variable "PARENT_LOC" contains the location of
the workspace parent of the current resource for which the path variable manager was created.
<P >
The default path variable list can be extended through the <a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_core_resources_variableResolvers.html"><b>org.eclipse.core.resources.variablesResolvers</b></a> extension point.
<P >
Because of limitations and backward compatibilities in the legacy <b>IPathVariableManager</b>, the path variable values cannot contain
parent path lexical element (".."). Instead, the methods <b>IPathVariableManager.convertToUserEditableFormat</b> and <b>IPathVariableManager.convertFromUserEditableFormat</b>
can be used to convert a path that contains the ".." element into an internal format that can be stored in the URI of a variable. The UI
automatically converts user provided strings into the internal format and vice versa.