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<H2>Resource Filters</H2>
<P >Resource filters allow the user to configure which files and folders are included automatically in a project resource hierarchy when refresh is performed.
<P >By adding resource filters to a project or folder, the user can systematically prevent some file system entries to be displayed in the resource tree.
<P >Resource filters can be created using the <b>IContainer.createFilter</b> method.</P>
The <b>FileInfoMatcherDescription</b> object has to be initialized with the ID of a <b>filterMatchers</b> extension point. The org.eclipse.core.resources plugin
specifiy one default filter matcher, of ID <b>org.eclipse.core.resources.regexFilterMatcher</b>, which accepts regular expressions Strings as argument. Other plugins distributed with the workbench (such as the <b>org.eclipse.ui.ide</b> plugin) define other reusable filter matchers.
Filter matchers are extensible through the <b>org.eclipse.core.resources.filterMatchers</b> extension point.