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<TITLE>Custom Layouts</TITLE>
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<H3>Custom layouts</H3>
<P>Occasionally you may need to write your own custom
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Layout.html"><strong>Layout</strong></a>
class. This is most appropriate when you have a complex layout that is used
in many different places in your application. Note that unless you are
writing a very generic layout that will be used by several
<strong><a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite.html">Composite</a></strong>
widgets, it is sometimes simpler and easier to calculate sizes and position
children in a resize listener.</P>
<P>Layouts are responsible for implementing two methods:</P>
<li><strong>computeSize(...)</strong> calculates the width and height of a
rectangle that encloses all of the composite's children once they have
been sized and placed according to the layout algorithm. The hint
parameters allow the width and/or height to be constrained. For example,
a layout may choose to grow in one dimension if constrained in another.</li>
<li><strong>layout(...)</strong> positions and sizes the composite's children.
A layout can choose to cache layout-related information, such as the
preferred extent of each of the children. The <strong>flushCache</strong>
parameter tells the <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Layout.html"><strong>Layout</strong></a>
to flush cached data, which is necessary when other factors besides the
size of the composite have changed, such as the creation or removal of
children, or a change in the widget's font.</li>
<p>A third method, <strong>flushCache(...)</strong>, can be optionally
implemented to clear any cached data associated with a specific control.
Often, the computeSize() method of a widget can be expensive, and so layouts
can cache results to improve performance.</p>
<p>Further discussion of custom layouts can be found in
<a href="">Understanding
layouts in SWT</a>.</p>