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<h3>Team decorators </h3>
<p>Since any view that shows resources can contain projects that are configured
with different team providers, it is helpful for team providers to contribute
<a href="workbench_advext_decorators.htm">decorators</a> that distinguish resources
configured for their repository.&nbsp; The CVS client uses decorators to show
information such as a dirty flag (the &gt; symbol), tags, keywords (e.g. &quot;(ASCII
-kkv)&quot;), and revisions (e.g. &quot;1.15&quot;). Icons can also be decorated
(e.g. the <img src="images/team-version_controlled.png" alt="version control icon">
symbol indicates that the resource is managed by CVS).</p>
<p><img src="images/teamdecorators.png" alt="Resource navigator with team decorators turned on" border="0" >
<p>Some decorators may be expensive to compute, so it's a good idea to allow the
users some control over the use, or even content, of decorators.&nbsp; The CVS
client provides a preference page that allows users to control the presentation
and content of decorators.
<p>See <a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_decorators.html"><b>org.eclipse.ui.decorators</b></a>
for a complete description of the decorator extension point.&nbsp; The CVS
decorator markup is as follows: