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<title>Describing and packaging context-sensitive help content</title>
<h2>Describing and packaging context-sensitive help content</h2>
Context-sensitive help is described by associating the context id declared in
the UI code with a description and list of links to related topics or commands
in the online help. These associations are made inside an XML file located
within the plug-in that contains the topics in question. You can create any number
of XML files containing context help associations for each plug-in. The
description and links for each context id is made inside
<strong>&lt;context&gt;</strong> elements in the XML file. Each context element
can have an optional <strong>&lt;description&gt;</strong> element which is used
to describe the UI object and any number of <strong>&lt;topic&gt;</strong>
elements which link to the on-line documentation, as well as command links
to perform any operation for the user, e.g. open a cheat sheet.
Since 3.1, context elements can optionally override the default title used to
present the context help information in the Help view.
&lt;context id=&quot;panic_button&quot; title=&quot;Panic Button Title&quot;&gt;
&lt;description&gt;This is the panic button.&lt;/description&gt;
&lt;command serialization=&quot;org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.openCheatSheet(cheatSheetId=org.eclipse.panic.button.cheatsheet)quot; label=&quot;Pushing the panic button&quot;/&gt;
&lt;topic href=&quot;reference/panic_button.htm&quot; label=&quot;Panic Button Reference&quot;/&gt;
Once the contexts have been described in the XML file (or files), you are ready
to refer to the context files in your plug-in manifest. Note that the context id
is not qualified.
<p>A plug-in containing context files contributes them using the <b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_help_contexts.html"></a></b>
extension point.&nbsp;&nbsp;
<pre> &lt;extension point=&quot;;&gt;
&lt;contexts file=&quot;myContextHelp.xml&quot; /&gt;
<p>You can reference context files from other plug-ins by including the <b>plugin</b>
attribute.&nbsp; This allows you to group all of your documentation, including
content-sensitive help, in one plug-in, and refer to it from the UI code plug-in or some other
related plug-in.</p>
<pre> &lt;extension point=&quot;;&gt;
&lt;contexts file=&quot;myContextHelp.xml&quot; <b>plugin</b>=&quot;com.example.helpExample&quot; /&gt;
<p>When a context id is declared in an extension point the Eclipse help system will create a fully qualified
context id of the form <code>&lt;plug-in name&gt;.&lt;context id&gt;</code> and use this when matching against the context
ids used in the Java source. &lt;plug-in name&gt; is the value of the "plugin" attribute, or if not specified the
name of the plug-in in which the extension is declared.</p>
Context-sensitive help from multiple plug-ins</h4>
<p>Another level of flexibility is the ability to contribute context-sensitive
help for the
same context id from different plug-ins.&nbsp; This is useful, for example, if
there are different sets of documentation plug-ins that may or may not be
installed in a user's configuration.&nbsp; This allows each documentation
plug-in to declare its contexts independently.&nbsp; The end user will see the
merged context-sensitive help content for all plug-ins that contributed contexts for the
widget's id.</p>
<p>Note that the plugin attribute must be used in the extensions if multiple plugins will
contribute to the same context.&nbsp; When multiple plug-ins contribute
context-sensitive help for
the same context ID, the content defined in the plug-in that declared the
context (the UI plug-in) is shown first.&nbsp; Additional descriptions and links
are appended in no guaranteed order.</p>
<h4>Dynamic content</h4>
Dynamic content is available for the context help in the form of
<a href="ua_dynamic_filters.htm">filters</a> on context help topic links. For
example, you may want a topic link to show up in the context help only when running
on a specific operating system.
Adding Context Help to your Java Code</h4>
See <a href="ua_help_context_id.htm">declaring a context Id</a> for more