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<title>Contributing a standby content part</title>
<h2>Contributing a standby content part</h2>
Plug-ins can also implement a part for displaying alternative content when the intro page is in standby mode. For
example, the platform defines a standby part that will show a cheat sheet for related intro content. The part is launched using a page
link with a specialized URL. Standby parts are launched using a URL containing a special command for showing
a standby part, such as <tt>http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showStandby?partId=somePartId</tt>.
The part is defined in the <b>standbyContentPart</b> subelement in the
<b><a href="../reference/extension-points/org_eclipse_ui_intro_configExtension.html">org.eclipse.ui.intro.configExtension</a></b>
extension. An <b>id</b>, <b>pluginId</b>, and <b>class</b> must be specified for the part. The class must implement
<a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/intro/config/IStandbyContentPart.html"><b>IStandbyContentPart</b></a>.
The following snippet shows how the platform defines a standby part for showing cheat sheets.
&lt;extension point="org.eclipse.ui.intro.configExtension"&gt;
This cheat sheet could be launched from an intro page using a <b>link</b> subelement whose
URL is <tt>http://org.eclipse.ui.intro/showStandby?partId=org.eclipse.platform.cheatsheet&amp;input=org.eclipse.pde.helloworld</tt>.
This IntroURL would launch the org.eclipse.platform.cheatsheet standby content part and set its input to
"org.eclipse.pde.helloworld". The detailed mechanics for implementing a standby part are beyond the scope
of this discussion. See <a href="../reference/api/org/eclipse/ui/intro/config/IStandbyContentPart.html"><b>IStandbyContentPart</b></a>
and its related classes for more information.