blob: 9f687d678b1045ef74fa0ceebed7c4808259be98 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2003, 2017 IBM Corporation and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# QNX Software Systems - Mikhail Khodjaiants - Bug 114664
# Axel Richard (Obeo) - Bug 41353 - Launch configurations prototypes
# Source search launch configuration tab/errors/dialogs
sourceTab_lookupLabel = S&ource Lookup Path:
sourceTab_searchDuplicateLabel = Searc&h for duplicate source files on the path
sourceTab_upButton = U&p
sourceTab_downButton = &Down
sourceTab_removeButton = Re&move
sourceTab_addButton = &Add...
sourceTab_tabTitle = Source
sourceTab_defaultButton = Restore Defa&ult
sourceTab_AttributeLabel_SourceLocatorMemento=Source locator memento
sourceTab_AttributeLabel_SourceLocatorID=Source locator ID
addSourceLocation_title = Add Source
addSourceLocation_description = Add a container to the source lookup path
addSourceLocation_addButton2 = &Edit Source Lookup Path...
addSourceLocation_editorMessage = Source not found.
sourceSearch_folderSelectionError = Selection must be a folder.
sourceSearch_initError = Unable to initialize source container.
projectSelection_chooseLabel = Choose &project(s) to add:
projectSelection_requiredLabel = Add &required projects of selected projects
folderSelection_title=Folder Selection
folderSelection_label=&Choose folders to add:
manageSourceDialog_title = Edit Source Lookup Path
manageSourceDialog_description = Edit the source lookup path
sourceLookupPanel_1 = Unable to apply source lookup path changes.
sourceLookupPanel_2 = Launch configuration does not support source lookup
ResolveDuplicatesHandler_0=Select Source File
ResolveDuplicatesHandler_1=Choose a source file (? = any character, * = any string)
EditSourceLookupPathAction_0=Edit Source Loo&kup...
LookupSourceAction_0=Lookup &Source
ExternalArchiveSourceContainerBrowser_2=Select Source Archive
AddSourceContainerDialog_select_source_container=Select a source container to add
ArchiveSourceContainerBrowser_3=Archive Selection
ArchiveSourceContainerBrowser_4=Choose archives to add:
DirectorySourceContainerDialog_0=Directory Selection
DirectorySourceContainerDialog_1=Choose directory to add:
DirectorySourceContainerDialog_2=File system folder
DirectorySourceContainerDialog_3=Specify folder and whether subfolders should be searched
DirectorySourceContainerDialog_6=Search sub&folders
DirectorySourceContainerDialog_7=Add File System Directory
DirectorySourceContainerDialog_8=Edit File System Directory
Prompter_0=Failed to get the root status handler.
CommonSourceNotFoundEditor_0=Select a Context
CommonSourceNotFoundEditor_1=You must select an item in the debug view to use as context for source lookup path changes.\n\nFor example: the launch or one of the threads in the view.
SourceLookupDialog_0=Launch configuration
SourceLookupDialog_1=\ is read-only, no source lookup path changes will be saved
SourceLookupDialog_add_edit_remove=Add, edit or remove source containers