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<title>Platform Debug Release Notes</title>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
May 08, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">9034</a>: Variables view should scroll to display new variables<br>
<a href="">12001</a>: Plug-in startup<br>
<a href="">14412</a>: Launch configuration XML should be written to file immediately<br>
<a href="">15246</a>: Allow private launch configs to perspective switch<br>
<a href="">15325</a>: Remove 'Configuration' from debug action labels<br>
<a href="">1636</a>: Copy/paste across console docs (1GF61GB)<br>
<a href="">13457</a>: Should expose launch history length as user preference<br>
<a href="">15024</a>: Launch configuration dialog doesn't display "favorite" option<br>
<a href="">15180</a>: DND.ERROR_CANNOT_SET_CLIPBOARD must be handled<br>
<a href="">14657</a>: LaunchDropDownAction and coolbar support<br>
<a href="">14897</a>: many missing '...' on buttons in launch configs<br>
<a href="">15362</a>: Standard out not always hooked to console<br>
<a href="">15446</a>: first click in the debug/launch history preference page results in exception<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
April 30, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>Changes in the launch configuration dialog:
<li>To free up screen real estate for editing launch configurations, the tree of launch
configurations has been made more narrow by removing the "copy" button from the
dialog. The "new" button copies a configuration when a configuration is selected, and
creates a new configuration (based on the workbench selection) when a configuration
type is selected.</li>
<li>The "Cancel" button has been replaced with a "Close" button (closing the dialog
does not cancel changes). You will be prompted to save unsaved changes.</li>
<li>A "Revert" button has been added to the edit area to revert changes on the
currently selected launch configuration (under edit).</li>
<li>Changes to launch behavior
<li>Pressing the run or debug toolbar buttons launches the configuration that was last launched
(in the workspace), in the appropriate mode (run or debug).</li>
<li>To create a new launch configuration, use the cascading menu items on the run or debug
menu. For example "New Configuration -> Local Java Application" - this will create a new
configuration based on the selection in the workbench (or active editor).</li>
<li>"Single-click launching" preference has been removed. It was determined that a preference
which changes the behavior of a toolbar button is disorienting to the user.</li>
<li>Changes to ILaunchManager
<li>API for setting default launch configuration types has been removed.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">13537</a>: DebugActionGroups: Clearer wording in preference page<br>
<a href="">13909</a>: Inconsistent margins on preference pages<br>
<a href="">11889</a>: Buttons too small in the Console and Launch Configuration Preference pages<br>
<a href="">13513</a>: Running a debug view in a Java perspective has several problems<br>
<a href="">13536</a>: DebugActionGroups: Collision on ID wipes out both action groups<br>
<a href="">13317</a>: New Configuration menu empty<br>
<a href="">14560</a>: Deleting breakpoint selects another breakpoint in the wrong direction<br>
<a href="">14143</a>: Breakpoints View appears with "Go to file" button enabled regardless of breakpoints<br>
<a href="">9834</a>: Views do not remember package visibility filter settings<br>
<a href="">11904</a>: Debug menu mneumonics<br>
<a href="">14797</a>: NumberFormatException if cancel Go to line in console<br>
<a href="">13440</a>: menu reorganization<br>
<a href="">14550</a>: Need to be able to make launch configuration type invisible<br>
<a href="">6388</a>: Variables view's static and field buttons are backwards<br>
<a href="">14495</a>: clipboards must be disposed<br>
<a href="">13665</a>: Debug preference page looks cluttered<br>
<a href="">14485</a>: Cannot delete a launch config using the Delete key<br>
<a href="">14486</a>: Default perspective for Run should not be Debug<br>
<a href="">11697</a>: Debug Preference Page needs group box<br>
<a href="">14540</a>: Relaunch action not enabled correctly<br>
<a href="">14556</a>: Enable breakpoint action using old selection<br>
<a href="">14520</a>: Debug plugins should provide consistent unique identifier access<br>
<a href="">12577</a>: Launch configurations wizard - usability<br>
<a href="">13555</a>: Edit configuration dialog UI confusing<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">12292</a>: Unable to suspend a running thread to see stack frames<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
April 23, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">13836</a>: Missing and duplicated extensions in debug plugin.xml<br>
<a href="">12125</a>: NLS debug projects<br>
<a href="">14111</a>: Console terminate button not enabled<br>
<a href="">13041</a>: Remove all terminated action incorrectly enabled<br>
<a href="">13372</a>: Strange UI feedback when breakpoint hit during evaluation<br>
<a href="">13430</a>: Open on Type in console can work better; less beep<br>
<a href="">12184</a>: IncompatibleThreadStateException on launchAdded<br>
<a href="">14190</a>: Stack dumps noticed in log<br>
<a href="">14125</a>: Debug view "Resume" always jumps to source - menu item does not<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">12132</a>: Can't launch debugger if proxy set.<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
April 18, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>Support for old launchers has been removed (ILauncher, ILauncherDelegate, ILaunchWizard).
Launch configruations now rule the launching world.</li>
<li>The extension point "org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchTabs" has been removed and replaced with
a new extension point "org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchTabGroups".</li>
have been removed. Users can now set a default perspective for each of Run & Debug which may be
overridden in a launch configuration.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">13385</a>: Showing detail should be disabled when multi-select in var view<br>
<a href="">12788</a>: Cut, copy, paste actions don't work in details pane<br>
<a href="">8590</a>: Allow position of "step debug" in step tools<br>
<a href="">12982</a>: Need ability to set initial state of debug view based on AbstractDebugView<br>
<a href="">13554</a>: Incorrect dependencies: result is NPE in DebugActionGroupsManager<br>
<a href="">13714</a>: Pressing Apply makes tabs disappear<br>
<a href="">13307</a>: NPE in launch configs<br>
<a href="">12382</a>: Action set part association for the launch view?<br>
<a href="">13285</a>: Debug/Run With use old launchers when in config mode<br>
<a href="">13425</a>: Double click to expand/contract tree in variable and expression views<br>
<a href="">13864</a>: npe on lanuning (latest after 0412)<br>
<a href="">12281</a>: Launch configuration tab widgets are private<br>
<a href="">13501</a>: hostname cut off when show qualified names is off<br>
<a href="">12257</a>: remove single event handling support<br>
<a href="">12722</a>: Actions for configuration dialogs should appear on Debug menu<br>
<a href="">13324</a>: Change of selection lost in Launch configuration dialog<br>
<a href="">11942</a>: Single click launching preference text<br>
<a href="">13088</a>: NPE in the log after exiting workspace<br>
<a href="">13565</a>: Properties page for process should not contain defaults/apply buttons<br>
<a href="">13853</a>: native code error<br>
<a href="">13613</a>: Delegating presentation and #setAttribute()...<br>
<a href="">12962</a>: Same target shows up twice in drop-downs<br>
<a href="">13375</a>: Show Detail Pane in popup menu missing mneumonic<br>
<a href="">12785</a>: Select all in the details pane selects all variables<br>
<a href="">13383</a>: Copy variables action not enabled correctly<br>
<a href="">13993</a>: Debug and Run buttons have been accidentally swapped<br>
<a href="">12953</a>: Action "type" constants should be moved from AbstractDebugView to IDebugView<br>
<a href="">14124</a>: Launch configuration classes not in launch configuration package<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
April 11, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">12677</a>: Single click launching and F11, Ctrl-F11<br>
<a href="">13214</a>: ArrayOutOfBoundException in launch history pref page<br>
<a href="">13480</a>: NPE creating Java Project when running Runtime Workbench<br>
<a href="">13345</a>: exception in log - after opening/closing projects<br>
<a href="">13085</a>: DebugActionGroups cannot handle two actions with same ID in views<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
April 09, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>A new extension point exists in the debug ui to control the types of launch configurations that can
be created from the cascading "New run/debug configuration" menu (off the run/debug dropdown menus).
A type of configuration can be contributed to mulitple perspectives.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">1696</a>: DCR: Perspective specific launcher filtering (1GIYJXH)<br>
<a href="">11733</a>: duplicate shared config after close & restart<br>
<a href="">11899</a>: Launch config name collission<br>
<a href="">12658</a>: Single click launching doesn't work if the active editor isn't selected<br>
<a href="">12488</a>: Launch config dialog should allow double-click on config type<br>
<a href="">11710</a>: Deleting a launch configuration leaves no selection<br>
<a href="">12598</a>: Launch config - tab group API inconvenience<br>
<a href="">11190</a>: cannot set working directory if it includes a japanese character<br>
<a href="">12160</a>: Launch creation/lifecycle<br>
<a href="">8772</a>: Infinitely looping stack trace in target pgm locks UI<br>
<a href="">12619</a>: Exception during startup.<br>
<a href="">10282</a>: Rendering of changed variables<br>
<a href="">12310</a>: Need ability to determine if a breakpoint applies to a target<br>
<a href="">12981</a>: Launcher - listed name does not match given name<br>
<a href="">9825</a>: Action icon inconsistencies<br>
<a href="">12891</a>: Several IOExceptions from .log in StreamsProxy.write(<br>
<a href="">11906</a>: Useless single click launch for classes with no main<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">12276</a>: Index out of bounds exception from launch configuration dialog<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
April 2, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">12289</a>: Breakpoint should extend platform object<br>
<a href="">12548</a>: Debug event filters should use event sets<br>
<a href="">12613</a>: Exception when on target workspace when starting eclipse<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
March 28, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">11756</a>: Launch config dialog: button sizes<br>
<a href="">11923</a>: Console preference page needs reworking<br>
<a href="">11880</a>: Launch ConfigurationType property page missing accelerator<br>
<a href="">11925</a>: Up/down buttons for launch history restricted to single select<br>
<a href="">11457</a>: Launch Configuration Dialog issues<br>
<a href="">11702</a>: Launch configuration defaults are set after widgets are initialized<br>
<a href="">11330</a>: JavaEnvironmentTab depends on JavaMainTab<br>
<a href="">11053</a>: Launch view too optimistic on source lookup<br>
<a href="">11982</a>: Logging exceptions<br>
<a href="">12339</a>: NPE when i switch to debug perspective<br>
<a href="">7609</a>: Attempting to go to a marker that no longer exists<br>
<a href="">11326</a>: Restore instead of rebuild launch config index<br>
<a href="">11720</a>: Need replacement for #hasChildren<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
March 26, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>Breaking API change: IDebugViewAdapter had been renamed to IDebugView</li>
<li>Launch configurations are the default launch mechanism.</li>
<li>Debug events are reported in sets. @see IDebugEventSetListener and IDebugEventListener</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">11610</a>: Doc: identifier for launch extension points are incorrect<br>
<a href="">11401</a>: API on ILaunch.getDebugTarget() <br>
<a href="">11303</a>: Deadlock on startup processing breakpoints<br>
<a href="">11919</a>: 2 NPEs using Preferences->Debug->Launch Configuration Types<br>
<a href="">6212</a>: Debug view toolbar/menu pollution<br>
<a href="">11849</a>: Duplicate history items showing up<br>
<a href="">10448</a>: IExpressionManager#hasExpression, IBreakpointManager#hasBreakpoints,etc.<br>
<a href="">10817</a>: configs in java packages get copied to output folder<br>
<a href="">11207</a>: IDebugViewAdapter should be named IDebugView<br>
<a href="">11612</a>: Agressive clearing of instruction pointer<br>
<a href="">12025</a>: Invalid thread access out of Launch configurations<br>
<a href="">12229</a>: Set default launching style to configuration based<br>
<a href="">9650</a>: Variable change notification bug<br>
<a href="">12157</a>: Debug event sets<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
March 18, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">11197</a>: Feature request: Delete in breakpoints view<br>
<a href="">11212</a>: Debug UI plugin.xml references jdt<br>
<a href="">11308</a>: Launch configurations make workspace non-transportable<br>
<a href="">11346</a>: Registering a launch multiple times is not handled well<br>
<a href="">10586</a>: Use new workbench selection service<br>
<a href="">11425</a>: ILaunchConfiguration JavaDoc is incorrect<br>
<a href="">11189</a>: Flicker in the Launch Configurations dialog<br>
<a href="">11253</a>: Launch config tab flicker<br>
<a href="">11370</a>: Launch view update bug<br>
<a href="">11462</a>: Launch config metadata change generates parse exception<br>
<a href="">10637</a>: "currently active project" should be the "current working directory"<br>
<a href="">10162</a>: Console View to front on error output only<br>
<a href="">8937</a>: Feature Request: Select all in the breakpoints view<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
March 12, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">10775</a>: New, delete copy of Launch configurations remain disabled<br>
<a href="">10780</a>: Delete and Copy enabled for Launch configuration type<br>
<a href="">10778</a>: Launch configuration names should be trimmed<br>
<a href="">6376</a>: Should be possible to remove entries from the "Run list"<br>
<a href="">10855</a>: Use new workbench API for show perspective<br>
<a href="">10610</a>: Null exception when lauchviewer processing events on remove tree items<br>
<a href="">8420</a>: Cannot edit ExpressionView detail area until after inspect.<br>
<a href="">11076</a>: Delete configs reamin in favorite list<br>
<a href="">9922</a>: Null pointer in launch configuration type property page<br>
<a href="">7605</a>: Feature: Doubleclicking in launch config dialog<br>
<a href="">11072</a>: History menu update<br>
<a href="">8294</a>: "Debug History" and "Run History" have empty submenus<br>
<a href="">11133</a>: NPE in LaunchView.initializeSelection()<br>
<a href="">11110</a>: NPE in AbstractListenerActionDelegate.pageActivated<br>
<a href="">10847</a>: API - AbstractLaunchConfiguration tab<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
March 05, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>Launch Configuration API has changed. The launch configuration tab lifecycle is now similar
to that of preference and wizard pages.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">9680</a>: Launch config: pressing save returns to first tab<br>
<a href="">9660</a>: Launch Config Flicker<br>
<a href="">10524</a>: Provide default label provider API<br>
<a href="">10506</a>: NPE in launch view<br>
<a href="">10582</a>: SWT Exception closing a Debug Perspective in JUnit test<br>
<a href="">7207</a>: Launch configuration bugs<br>
<a href="">7430</a>: Debug perspective not reused<br>
<a href="">10652</a>: Remove action enabled when nothing to be removed<br>
<a href="">7430</a>: Debug perspective not reused<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
February 28, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">10243</a>: ClassCastException when removing a breakpoint<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
February 26, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">7767</a>: Changing from "Debug View"<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
February 14, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>As part of the transition to configuration-based launching, early adopters may
continue to access the launch configuration dialog by Shift-clicking the run and debug
buttons, but configuration-based launches will NOT appear in the history, and
CANNOT be relaunched.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">9166</a>: NPE in preference page<br>
<a href="">9167</a>: LaunchConfigurationLabelDecorator should not be on by default<br>
<a href="">9483</a>: NPE in LaunchConfigurationTypePropertyPage<br>
<a href="">9652</a>: IllegalArgumentException out of Console<br>
<a href="">9704</a>: NPE on shutdown in BreakpointsView<br>
<a href="">9167</a>: LaunchConfigurationLabelDecorator should not be on by default<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
February 12, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>Removed deprecated constant IDebugUIConstants.ID_PROCESS_VIEW</li>
<li>Basic icons and their support has been removed</li>
<li>Breakpoint property sheet has been replaced with breakpoint properties dialog.
Choose "Properties..." from the pop-up menu in the breakpoints view.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">8230</a>: Console does not show process as <terminated>; better tracking of changes<br>
<a href="">9194</a>: Attempting to modify locked resource tree in BreakpointManager<br>
<a href="">9200</a>: Editor not opening for suspended stack frame with modified prefs<br>
<a href="">9218</a>: NPE in LaunchConfigurationLabelDecorator.isLaunchConfigFile<br>
<a href="">9280</a>: Debug event handlers performing runnables after dispose<br>
<a href="">9057</a>: API - CHANGE event should be better specified<br>
<a href="">9111</a>: Invalid thread access running test suite<br>
<a href="">6370</a>: Breakpoint Properties Dialog<br>
<a href="">9327</a>: JavaDebugOptionsManager startup loading breakpoints during resource changed<br>
<a href="">9200</a>: Editor not opening for suspended stack frame with modified prefs<br>
<a href="">9178</a>: Remove All Terminated always disabled?<br>
<a href="">9065</a>: WID opening editor for breakpoint<br>
<a href="">8296</a>: Debug With menu items have interesting numbering<br>
<a href="">9421</a>: NPE out of the LaunchView on shutdown with running target<br>
<a href="">7301</a>: no way to switch to custom debug perspective on debug<br>
<a href="">5311</a>: Missing debug information should be conveyed<br>
<a href="">1683</a>: Extra Action delegates (1GIGUK0)<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">9299</a>: NPE in LaunchView.showMarkerForCurrentSelection<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
February 05, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>Launch configuration infrastructure and UI is available for early adopters.
Developers that have contributed launchers should migrate to launch configurations. To
access launch configurations from the workbench, press the run/debug buttons while holding
the SHIFT key down.</li>
<li>The debugger indicates variables that have changed since the last suspend. See <a href="">1533</a>.</i>
<li>The debug action set has been renamed from Debug/Run to Debug. See <a href="">8729</a>.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">8729</a>: Rename Debug action set from "Debug/Run" to "Debug"<br>
<a href="">8945</a>: Non-Persisted breakpoint can be incorrectly deleted at startup<br>
<a href="">7965</a>: Debug view refresh flicker<br>
<a href="">1533</a>: Feature: notification of changing variables (1G5NRPC)<br>
<a href="">1721</a>: Small Feature: separate disable/enable breakpoints (1GKKEI5)<br>
<a href="">8245</a>: Launch preferences page problems<br>
<a href="">1621</a>: Debugger doesn't come to front when breakpoint is hit (1GEUZEX)<br>
<a href="">9102</a>: Remove & Terminate walkback<br>
<a href="">6807</a>: launch configurations not crash proof<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
January 29, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">7837</a>: Launch configuration page verifier error<br>
<a href="">8235</a>: Ctrl-space does not work for code assist in details pane<br>
<a href="">7763</a>: (usability) selecting in variables view with details pane causes un-maximize<br>
<a href="">7814</a>: API for char range within a line<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">8501</a>: "Disable all" breakpoints action<br>
<a href="">7864</a>: Need API for selection changes in debug view<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
January 24, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">8059</a>: NPE out of ControlActionDelegate<br>
<a href="">8005</a>: Terminate & Remove disabled<br>
<a href="">8063</a>: NPE in BreakpointsView when closing workbench<br>
<a href="">8318</a>: internal error occured, if open the menu "Debug -> Debug History"<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
January 22, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>Breakpoint API has been updated to allow selective persistence of breakpoint
of the same type</li>
<li>Breakpoint API now allows for "hidden" breakpoints. @see IBreakpoint.isRegistered()</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">7578</a>: .metadata launch files not in correct location<br>
<a href="">7626</a>: Widget is disposed error relaunching<br>
<a href="">1710</a>: DCR - Launcher should have control over perspective switching (1GJUT9J)<br>
<a href="">6480</a>: Launch configurations - store with workspace<br>
<a href="">7961</a>: updating source twice per suspend event<br>
<a href="">7507</a>: debugger keyboard shortcuts do not work in 20020109<br>
<a href="">2990</a>: Internal errors when fast clicking in debug stack (1GLDZVH)<br>
<a href="">7974</a>: Stack overflow pression "remove all" from Expression View<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">1563</a>: Fully qualified rendering of launch element name (1GD7U0Z)<br>
<a href="">7418</a>: Need the Process view back<br>
<a href="">7627</a>: Tooltips not working in debug views<br>
<a href="">7755</a>: The Breakpoints pane should highlight the breakpoint where the debugger stops<br>
<a href="">5141</a>: Breakpoint manager can use new marker API<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
January 15, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">6088</a>: Move "qualified name" rendering to java debug<br>
<a href="">7420</a>: "Debug UI.xml" references JDT<br>
<a href="">7580</a>: NPE out of AbstractDebugEventHandler on shutdown<br>
<a href="">7513</a>: Terminate and remove fails to remove when timeouts occur<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">7316</a>: Inconsistent casing for Show detail pane<br>
<a href="">7370</a>: TimeoutException occurs during stepping<br>
<a href="">1714</a>: Confusion of launches from different projects in history (1GJYNLK)<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
January 9, 2002
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>The debugger now uses the workbench editor re-use policy.</li>
<li>There is no longer a Process view. The Debug view shows all debug
sessions and processes launched. When a workspace is re-started that
had a Process view open, an error message will appear explaining that
the Process view could not be created.</li>
<li>The debug action set has been split into two groups - debug and launch.
Existing debug and Java perspectives need to be closed and re-opened to obtain
run and debug buttons in the toolbar. @see bug 1724.</li>
<li>There is no longer an Inspector view - it has been replaced with an
Expressions view. When a workspace is re-started that had an Inspector
view open, an error message will appear explaining the Inspector view
could not be created.</li>
<li>A launch can be annotated with client specific data. @see bug 6481.</li>
<li>A launch can now contain more than one debug target. API has changed
in ILaunch, ILaunchListener, and ILaunchManager to suppport this.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">7120</a>: NPE during shutdown of DebugUIPlugin<br>
<a href="">6954</a>: Use new workbench API for openning perspective<br>
<a href="">6206</a>: Make AbstractDebugView API<br>
<a href="">7151</a>: Toggling ShowDetailPaneAction sets focus to the launch view<br>
<a href="">7164</a>: NPE during shutdown to do with DebugSelectionManager<br>
<a href="">1724</a>: Feature: split debug action set in to debug & launch (1GKCQVZ)<br>
<a href="">7167</a>: NPE shutting down in abstract debug view 'save state'<br>
<a href="">6771</a>: DebugEvent constructors changed to take IDebugElement<br>
<a href="">1574</a>: Settings in debug views not persisted (1GDTUNW)<br>
<a href="">6105</a>: Step accelerators should not take focus from editor<br>
<a href="">1671</a>: Option to autoclear terminated processes (1GHSO3L)<br>
<a href="">6357</a>: Combine Process/Debug Views<br>
<a href="">6200</a>: Extensible set of debug elements<br>
<a href="">7204</a>: Copy variables action needs icon<br>
<a href="">7031</a>: Inspector is missing a toString area<br>
<a href="">6213</a>: Breakpoints view improvements<br>
<a href="">6481</a>: Feature: Annotate launch with transaction id<br>
<a href="">1617</a>: type names not always shown in inspector (1GEULC4)<br>
<a href="">6484</a>: Ability for "super adaptor"<br>
<a href="">6783</a>: Console should not steal focus while writing output<br>
<a href="">7277</a>: Step detail events for into/over/return<br>
<a href="">6214</a>: More that one debug target per lanuch<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">6482</a>: Ability to group debug targets in one launch<br>
<a href="">6215</a>: Exception handling in variables view<br>
<a href="">1688</a>: Object display options (1GIKMIG)<br>
<a href="">1606</a>: Feature: Source Lookup (1GEPJEN)<br>
<a href="">1553</a>: Handling of no source is confusing (1GC2TVU)<br>
<a href="">7166</a>: Remove terminated launches preference does not applied correctly<br>
<a href="">7169</a>: Debug "F" keys not enabled properly on new editor<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
December 18, 2001
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">5260</a>: TVT: Properties view for debug process is missing substitution variable<br>
<a href="">6321</a>: Console IOException<br>
<a href="">7003</a>: Debug With menu launches incorrect program (not finding selection)<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">1548</a>: Extensible launch modes (1GBEQYO)<br>
<a href="">1592</a>: DebugPlugin must allow for null elements in updateHistory() (1GEI3C1)<br>
<a href="">6886</a>: Request: Keep perspective when running application<br>
<a href="">1627</a>: Previous editor's unsaved contents are still visible (1GEX5LS)<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
December 11, 2001
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>The "relaunch last" action has been remapped to use F9 instead of F10.
Please see "<a href="">6387</a>: Can't use F10" for details.
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">6387</a>: Can't use F10 <br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
December 6, 2001
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">6521</a>: Variables view stays empty with stack frame selected (1GLE8PW) <br>
<a href="">6577</a>: NPE in DebugContentProvider<br>
<a href="">6598</a>: Problem using old workspace with new build <br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
December 4, 2001
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">6321</a>: Console IOException <br>
<a href="">6216</a>: Help for debug views in 1.0 <br>
<a href="">6521</a>: Newly added resources cannot be checked out <br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">1715</a>: Consider removing state change actions from BreakpointsView (1GKKT90)<br>
<a href="">1559</a>: Debugger doesn't pop to front when breakpoint hit (1GD7P7D) <br>
<a href="">1564</a>: README: printf's in native code only show up in console at the end of execution (1GD80QZ) <br>
<a href="">1588</a>: README: System.exit(0) from Scrapbook (1GE8JU3) <br>
<a href="">5485</a>: NPE if missing launcher when using launch history <br>
<a href="">1770</a>: Last launch not updated upon deletion (1GLEANH) <br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
November 27, 2001
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>Procedural Debug API - new debug element interfaces have been defined to support the notion of registers,
register groups, memory blocks, and memory block retrieval:
<li>IRegister - a register in a register group</li>
<li>IRegisterGroup - register groups are available from each stack frame (that supports registers)</li>
<li>IMemoryBlock - a contiguos block of bytes from memory allocated by a running program</li>
<li>IMemoryBlockRetrieval - support to retrieve arbitrary blocks of memory from a running program</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<A HREF="">1720</A>: Issue: breakpoint manager breaks lazy plug-in load rule (1GK<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<A HREF="">6097</A>: The inspector is not refresh<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
November 20, 2001
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>API Change - method addition - @see ILaunch.getLaunchConfiguration(). This does
not break any clients, as the only implementation of ILaunch is org.eclipse.debug.core.Launch,
which has been updated.</li>
<li>API Change - method return value - @see ILaunch.getLauncher(). A launch
is now allowed to return null for #getLauncher() when it was created by a launch
configuration rather than a launcher. This does not break any clients, as launch configurations
are not in use yet. The main client that will have to be updated is the Debug UI.</li>
<li>New debug preference - "Build (if required) before launch"</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<A HREF="">4023</A>: Prompt user for save and build before run (1GGCBO0)<br>
<A HREF="">5818</A>: Debugger Source Lookup page claims project is closed<br>
<A HREF="">5895</A>: NPE out of the Console view on shutdown<br>
<A HREF="">5896</A>: NPE out of LaunchManagerVisitor on shutdown<br>
<A HREF="">1623</A>: StackFrame selected but toolbar actions disable (1GEV0L7)<br>
<A HREF="">5681</A>: Show debug perspective doesn't reuse my perspective<br>
<A HREF="">5909</A>: Should have terminate on Debug menu<br>
<A HREF="">5582</A>: Keyboard shortcut for run/debug<br>
<A HREF="">5789</A>: Console Empty on Hello World Examples<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<A HREF="">5951</A>: Console buffer not flushed?<br>
<A HREF="">5946</A>: NPE in LaunchManagerVisitor<br>
<A HREF="">5808</A>: Console output being lost<br>
<A HREF="">5925</A>: DebugView does not survive platform crash<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
November 13, 2001
What's new in this drop</h3>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<A HREF="">5360</A>: ListenerList#removeAll<br>
<A HREF="">5613</A>: Debugger hangs when it hits breakpoints during self hosting<br>
<A HREF="">4269</A>: Simplifying debugger perspective (1GKRAWI)<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<A HREF="">5588</A>: General Protection Fault double clicking on breakpoint in th<br>
<A HREF="">5795</A>: Reached Breakpoint, but no stacktrace<br>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Platform Debug</h1>
November 12, 2001
What's new in this drop</h3>
<li>Draft definition and infrastructure for launch configurations.</li>
<li>API Change: Presentation of variable value details allows for long running
computation. @see IDebugModelPresentation.computeDetail(IValue, IValueDetailListener). @see IValueDetailListener.
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<A HREF="">5686</A>: Launch/Run actions should be available on menubar<br>
<A HREF="">5579</A>: Would like option to switch to Debug perspective on breakpoi<br>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>