blob: f11f18c966b518dd29d272bf390dd66502bfd6ff [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2018 Wind River Systems and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Wind River Systems - initial API and implementation
* IBM Corporation - ongoing bug fixing
package org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IColumnPresentation;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IColumnPresentationFactory;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IModelChangedListener;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IModelDelta;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IModelSelectionPolicy;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IPresentationContext;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IStateUpdateListener;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IViewerUpdateListener;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IVirtualItemListener;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IVirtualItemValidator;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.ModelDelta;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.PresentationContext;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.VirtualItem;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.VirtualItem.Index;
import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.VirtualTree;
import org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IContentProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ITreeSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreePath;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerLabel;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.ui.IMemento;
* A tree model viewer without a UI component.
* @since 3.5
public class InternalVirtualTreeModelViewer extends Viewer
implements IVirtualItemListener,
* Memento type for the visible columns for a presentation context.
* A memento is created for each column presentation keyed by column number
private static final String VISIBLE_COLUMNS = "VISIBLE_COLUMNS"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Memento type for whether columns are visible for a presentation context.
* Booleans are keyed by column presentation id
private static final String SHOW_COLUMNS = "SHOW_COLUMNS"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Memento key for the number of visible columns in a VISIBLE_COLUMNS memento
* or for the width of a column
private static final String SIZE = "SIZE"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Memento key prefix a visible column
private static final String COLUMN = "COLUMN"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Item's tree path cache
private static final String TREE_PATH_KEY = "TREE_PATH_KEY"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Viewer filters currently configured for viewer.
private ViewerFilter[] fFilters = new ViewerFilter[0];
* The display that this virtual tree viewer is associated with. It is used
* for access to the UI thread.
private Display fDisplay;
* The object that allows the model to identify what this view
* is presenting.
private IPresentationContext fContext;
* Input into the viewer.
private Object fInput;
* The tree of items in this viewer.
private VirtualTree fTree;
* Mapping of data elements in the tree to the items that hold them. The
* tree may contain the same element in several places, so the map values
* are lists.
private Map<Object, List<VirtualItem>> fItemsMap = new HashMap<>();
* Whether to notify the content provider when an element is unmapped.
* Used to suppress the notification during an associate operation.
private boolean fNotifyUnmap = true;
* The label provider, must be the tree model provider.
private TreeModelLabelProvider fLabelProvider;
* The content provider must be a tree model provider.
private TreeModelContentProvider fContentProvider;
* Flag indicating whether the viewer is currently executing an operation
* at the end of which the selection will be restored.
private boolean fPreservingSelecction;
* Flag indicating that the selection should not be restored at the end
* of a preserving-selection operation.
private boolean fRestoreSelection;
* Level to which the tree should automatically expand elements.
* <code>-1<code> indicates that all levels shoudl be expanded.
private int fAutoExpandToLevel = 0;
* Current column presentation or <code>null</code>
private IColumnPresentation fColumnPresentation = null;
* Map of columns presentation id to its visible columns id's (String[])
* When a columns presentation is not in the map, default settings are used.
private Map<String, String[]> fVisibleColumns = new HashMap<>();
* Map of column presentation id to whether columns should be displayed
* for that presentation (the user can toggle columns on/off when a
* presentation is optional.
private Map<String, Boolean> fShowColumns = new HashMap<>();
* Runnable for validating the virtual tree. It is scheduled to run in the
* UI thread whenever a tree validation is requested.
private Runnable fValidateRunnable;
public InternalVirtualTreeModelViewer(Display display, int style, IPresentationContext context, IVirtualItemValidator itemValidator) {
fDisplay = display;
fContext = context;
fTree = new VirtualTree(style, itemValidator);
fContentProvider = new TreeModelContentProvider();
fLabelProvider = new TreeModelLabelProvider(this);
if ((style & SWT.POP_UP) != 0) {
public Object getInput() {
return fInput;
public Control getControl() {
// The virtual viewer does not have an SWT control associated with it.
// Fortunately this method is not used by the base Viewer class.
return null;
public Display getDisplay() {
return fDisplay;
public void setInput(Object input) {
Object oldInput = fInput;
getContentProvider().inputChanged(this, oldInput, input);
fInput = input;
mapElement(fInput, getTree());
getContentProvider().postInputChanged(this, oldInput , input);
inputChanged(fInput, oldInput);
public void replace(Object parentElementOrTreePath, final int index, Object element) {
VirtualItem[] selectedItems = fTree.getSelection();
TreeSelection selection = (TreeSelection) getSelection();
VirtualItem[] itemsToDisassociate;
if (parentElementOrTreePath instanceof TreePath) {
TreePath elementPath = ((TreePath) parentElementOrTreePath).createChildPath(element);
itemsToDisassociate = findItems(elementPath);
} else {
itemsToDisassociate = findItems(element);
for (VirtualItem parentItem : findItems(parentElementOrTreePath)) {
if (index < parentItem.getItemCount()) {
VirtualItem item = parentItem.getItem(new Index(index));
selection = adjustSelectionForReplace(selectedItems, selection, item, element, parentItem.getData());
// disassociate any different item that represents the
// same element under the same parent (the tree)
for (VirtualItem itemToDisassociate : itemsToDisassociate) {
if (itemToDisassociate != item && itemToDisassociate.getParent() == parentItem) {
//Object oldData = item.getData();
associate(element, item);
for (VirtualItem childitem : item.getItems()) {
// Restore the selection if we are not already in a nested
// preservingSelection:
if (!fPreservingSelecction) {
internalSetSelection(selection, false);
// send out notification if old and new differ
ISelection newSelection = getSelection();
if (!newSelection.equals(selection)) {
handleInvalidSelection(selection, newSelection);
public VirtualTree getTree() {
return fTree;
public void insert(Object parentOrTreePath, Object element, int position) {
if (parentOrTreePath instanceof TreePath) {
VirtualItem parentItem = findItem((TreePath) parentOrTreePath);
if (parentItem != null) {
VirtualItem item = parentItem.addItem(position);
mapElement(element, item);
} else {
// TODO: Implement insert() for element
public void remove(final Object parentOrTreePath, final int index) {
final List<TreePath> oldSelection = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(((TreeSelection) getSelection()).getPaths()));
preservingSelection(() -> {
TreePath removedPath = null;
for (VirtualItem parentItem : findItems(parentOrTreePath)) {
if (parentItem.isDisposed()) {
// Parent item is not expanded so just update its contents so that
// the plus sign gets refreshed.
if (!parentItem.getExpanded()) {
if (index < parentItem.getItemCount()) {
VirtualItem item = parentItem.getItem(new VirtualItem.Index(index));
if (item.getData() != null) {
removedPath = getTreePathFromItem(item);
if (removedPath != null) {
boolean removed = false;
for (Iterator<TreePath> it = oldSelection.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
TreePath path =;
if (path.startsWith(removedPath, null)) {
removed = true;
if (removed) {
setSelection(new TreeSelection(oldSelection.toArray(new TreePath[oldSelection.size()])), false);
public void remove(Object elementOrPath) {
if (elementOrPath.equals(getInput()) || TreePath.EMPTY.equals(elementOrPath)) {
for (VirtualItem item : findItems(elementOrPath)) {
private TreeSelection adjustSelectionForReplace(VirtualItem[] selectedItems, TreeSelection selection,
VirtualItem item, Object element, Object parentElement)
if (item.getData() != null || selectedItems.length == selection.size() || parentElement == null) {
// Don't do anything - we are not seeing an instance of bug 185673
return selection;
for (VirtualItem selectedItem : selectedItems) {
if (item == selectedItem) {
// The current item was selected, but its data is null.
// The data will be replaced by the given element, so to keep
// it selected, we have to add it to the selection.
TreePath[] originalPaths = selection.getPaths();
int length = originalPaths.length;
TreePath[] paths = new TreePath[length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalPaths, 0, paths, 0, length);
// set the element temporarily so that we can call getTreePathFromItem
paths[length] = getTreePathFromItem(item);
return new TreeSelection(paths, selection.getElementComparer());
// The item was not selected, return the given selection
return selection;
// private VirtualTreeSelection adjustSelectionForReplace(VirtualTreeSelection selection, VirtualItem item,
// Object element, Object parentElement)
// {
// if (selection.getItems().containsKey(item)) {
// if (item.getData() == null) {
// // The current item was selected, but its data is null.
// // The data will be replaced by the given element, so to keep
// // it selected, we have to add it to the selection.
// // set the element temporarily so that we can call getTreePathFromItem
// item.setData(element);
// TreePath path = getTreePathFromItem(item);
// item.setData(null);
// Map map = new LinkedHashMap(selection.getItems());
// map.put(item, path);
// TreePath[] paths = new TreePath[selection.getPaths().length + 1];
// int i = 0;
// for (Iterator itr = map.values().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
// TreePath nextPath = (TreePath);
// if (nextPath != null) {
// paths[i++] = nextPath;
// }
// }
// return new VirtualTreeSelection(map, paths);
// } else if (!item.getData().equals(element)) {
// // The current item was selected by the new element is
// // different than the previous element in the item.
// // Remove this item from selection.
// Map map = new LinkedHashMap(selection.getItems());
// map.remove(item);
// TreePath[] paths = new TreePath[selection.getPaths().length - 1];
// int i = 0;
// for (Iterator itr = map.values().iterator(); itr.hasNext();) {
// TreePath nextPath = (TreePath);
// if (nextPath != null) {
// paths[i++] = nextPath;
// }
// }
// return new VirtualTreeSelection(map, paths);
// }
// }
// if (item.getData() != null || selection.getItems().size() == selection.size() || parentElement == null) {
// // Don't do anything - we are not seeing an instance of bug 185673
// return selection;
// }
// if (item.getData() == null && selection.getItems().containsKey(item)) {
// }
// // The item was not selected, return the given selection
// return selection;
// }
public void reveal(TreePath path, final int index) {
VirtualItem parentItem = findItem(path);
if (parentItem != null && parentItem.getItemCount() >= index) {
VirtualItem revealItem = parentItem.getItem(new Index(index));
// TODO: implement reveal()
public int findElementIndex(TreePath parentPath, Object element) {
VirtualItem parentItem = findItem(parentPath);
if (parentItem != null) {
VirtualItem item = parentItem.findItem(element);
if (item != null) {
return item.getIndex().intValue();
return -1;
public boolean getElementChildrenRealized(TreePath parentPath) {
VirtualItem parentItem = findItem(parentPath);
if (parentItem != null) {
return !parentItem.childrenNeedDataUpdate();
return true;
private ITreeModelLabelProvider getLabelProvider() {
return fLabelProvider;
private ITreeModelContentProvider getContentProvider() {
return fContentProvider;
public static int ALL_LEVELS = -1;
public void refresh() {
public void refresh(Object element) {
for (VirtualItem item : findItems(element)) {
private void refresh(VirtualItem item) {
if (!item.needsDataUpdate()) {
if (item.getParent() != null) {
for (VirtualItem childItem : item.getItems()) {
private void refreshStruct(VirtualItem item) {
boolean expanded = false;
if (item.getParent() == null) {
// root item
expanded = true;
} else {
if (item.getExpanded()) {
expanded = true;
VirtualItem[] items = item.getItems();
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
if (expanded) {
} else {
item.clear(new VirtualItem.Index(i));
private void validate() {
if (fValidateRunnable == null) {
fValidateRunnable = () -> {
if (!fTree.isDisposed()) {
fValidateRunnable = null;
protected void inputChanged(Object input, Object oldInput) {
public int getAutoExpandLevel() {
return fAutoExpandToLevel;
public void setAutoExpandLevel(int level) {
fAutoExpandToLevel = level;
public VirtualItem findItem(TreePath path) {
if (path.getSegmentCount() == 0) {
return fTree;
List<VirtualItem> itemsList = fItemsMap.get(path.getLastSegment());
if (itemsList != null) {
for (VirtualItem item : itemsList) {
if (path.equals(getTreePathFromItem(item))) {
return item;
return null;
static private final VirtualItem[] EMPTY_ITEMS_ARRAY = new VirtualItem[0];
public VirtualItem[] findItems(Object elementOrTreePath) {
Object element = elementOrTreePath;
if (elementOrTreePath instanceof TreePath) {
TreePath path = (TreePath)elementOrTreePath;
if (path.getSegmentCount() == 0) {
return new VirtualItem[] { getTree() };
element = path.getLastSegment();
List<VirtualItem> itemsList = fItemsMap.get(element);
if (itemsList == null) {
} else {
return itemsList.toArray(new VirtualItem[itemsList.size()]);
public void setElementData(TreePath path, int numColumns, String[] labels, ImageDescriptor[] images,
FontData[] fontDatas, RGB[] foregrounds, RGB[] backgrounds) {
VirtualItem item = findItem(path);
if (item != null) {
item.setData(VirtualItem.LABEL_KEY, labels);
item.setData(VirtualItem.IMAGE_KEY, images);
item.setData(VirtualItem.FOREGROUND_KEY, foregrounds);
item.setData(VirtualItem.BACKGROUND_KEY, backgrounds);
item.setData(VirtualItem.FONT_KEY, fontDatas);
public void setChildCount(final Object elementOrTreePath, final int count) {
preservingSelection(() -> {
for (VirtualItem item : findItems(elementOrTreePath)) {
for (VirtualItem element : item.getItems()) {
if (element.getData() != null && element.getIndex().intValue() >= count) {
public void setHasChildren(final Object elementOrTreePath, final boolean hasChildren) {
preservingSelection(() -> {
for (VirtualItem item : findItems(elementOrTreePath)) {
if (!hasChildren) {
for (VirtualItem element : item.getItems()) {
if (element.getData() != null) {
if (hasChildren) {
if (!item.getExpanded()) {
} else {
public boolean getHasChildren(Object elementOrTreePath) {
VirtualItem[] items = findItems(elementOrTreePath);
if (items.length > 0) {
return items[0].hasItems();
return false;
private void virtualLazyUpdateHasChildren(VirtualItem item) {
TreePath treePath;
treePath = getTreePathFromItem(item);
private void virtualLazyUpdateChildCount(VirtualItem item) {
getContentProvider().updateChildCount(getTreePathFromItem(item), item.getItemCount());
private void virtualLazyUpdateData(VirtualItem item) {
getContentProvider().updateElement(getTreePathFromItem(item.getParent()), item.getIndex().intValue());
private void virtualLazyUpdateLabel(VirtualItem item) {
if ( !getLabelProvider().update(getTreePathFromItem(item)) ) {
if (item.getData() instanceof String) {
item.setData(VirtualItem.LABEL_KEY, new String[] { (String)item.getData() } );
private TreePath getTreePathFromItem(VirtualItem item) {
List<Object> segments = new LinkedList<>();
while (item.getParent() != null) {
segments.add(0, item.getData());
item = item.getParent();
return new TreePath(segments.toArray());
private void unmapElement(Object element, VirtualItem item) {
if (fNotifyUnmap) {
// TODO: should we update the filter with the "new non-identical element"?
IContentProvider provider = getContentProvider();
if (provider instanceof TreeModelContentProvider) {
((TreeModelContentProvider) provider).unmapPath((TreePath) item.getData(TREE_PATH_KEY));
List<VirtualItem> itemsList = fItemsMap.get(element);
if (itemsList != null) {
if (itemsList.isEmpty()) {
private void mapElement(Object element, VirtualItem item) {
// Get the items set for given element, if it doesn't exist, create it.
// When retrieving the set, also remove it from the map, it will be
// re-inserted to make sure that the new instance of element is used
// in case the element has changed but the elment is equal to the old
// one.
List<VirtualItem> itemsList = fItemsMap.remove(element);
if (itemsList == null) {
itemsList = new ArrayList<>(1);
if (!itemsList.contains(item)) {
// Insert the set back into the map.
fItemsMap.put(element, itemsList);
item.setData(TREE_PATH_KEY, getTreePathFromItem(item));
public void revealed(VirtualItem item) {
if (item.needsDataUpdate()) {
} else if (item.getData() != null) {
if (item.needsLabelUpdate()) {
if (item.needsCountUpdate() && item.getExpanded()) {
public void disposed(VirtualItem item) {
if (!fTree.isDisposed()) {
Object data = item.getData();
if (data != null) {
unmapElement(data, item);
private void associate(Object element, VirtualItem item) {
Object data = item.getData();
if (data != null && data != element && data.equals(element)) {
// elements are equal but not identical
// -> being removed from map, but should not change filters
try {
fNotifyUnmap = false;
doAssociate(element, item);
} finally {
fNotifyUnmap = true;
} else {
doAssociate(element, item);
private void doAssociate(Object element, VirtualItem item) {
Object data = item.getData();
if (data != null && data != element && data.equals(element)) {
// workaround for PR 1FV62BT
// assumption: elements are equal but not identical
// -> remove from map but don't touch children
unmapElement(data, item);
mapElement(element, item);
} else {
// recursively disassociate all
if (data != element) {
if (data != null) {
unmapElement(element, item);
// Always map the element, even if data == element,
// since unmapAllElements() can leave the map inconsistent
// See bug 2741 for details.
mapElement(element, item);
private void disassociate(VirtualItem item) {
unmapElement(item.getData(), item);
// Clear the map before we clear the data
// Disassociate the children
for (VirtualItem childItem : item.getItems()) {
if (childItem.getData() != null) {
public void setSelection(ISelection selection, boolean reveal) {
setSelection(selection, reveal, false);
public void setSelection(ISelection selection, boolean reveal, boolean force) {
trySelection(selection, reveal, force);
public boolean trySelection(ISelection selection, boolean reveal, boolean force) {
if (!force && !overrideSelection(getSelection(), selection)) {
return false;
if (!fPreservingSelecction) {
internalSetSelection(selection, reveal);
fireSelectionChanged(new SelectionChangedEvent(this, selection));
} else {
fRestoreSelection = false;
internalSetSelection(selection, reveal);
return true;
private void internalSetSelection(ISelection selection, boolean reveal) {
if (selection instanceof ITreeSelection) {
TreePath[] paths = ((ITreeSelection) selection).getPaths();
List<VirtualItem> newSelection = new ArrayList<>(paths.length);
for (TreePath path : paths) {
// Use internalExpand since item may not yet be created. See
// 1G6B1AR.
VirtualItem item = findItem(path);
if (item != null) {
fTree.setSelection(newSelection.toArray(new VirtualItem[newSelection.size()]));
// Although setting the selection in the control should reveal it,
// setSelection may be a no-op if the selection is unchanged,
// so explicitly reveal items in the selection here.
// See bug 100565 for more details.
if (reveal && newSelection.size() > 0) {
// Iterate backwards so the first item in the list
// is the one guaranteed to be visible
for (int i = (newSelection.size() - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
} else {
// Make sure that the new selection is properly revealed.
public void update(Object element) {
for (VirtualItem item : findItems(element)) {
public void doUpdate(VirtualItem item) {
public ISelection getSelection() {
if (fTree.isDisposed()) {
return TreeSelection.EMPTY;
VirtualItem[] items = fTree.getSelection();
ArrayList<TreePath> list = new ArrayList<>(items.length);
Map<VirtualItem, TreePath> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(items.length * 4 / 3);
for (VirtualItem item : items) {
TreePath path = null;
if (item.getData() != null) {
path = getTreePathFromItem(item);
map.put(item, path);
return new TreeSelection(list.toArray(new TreePath[list.size()]));
private void preservingSelection(Runnable updateCode) {
ISelection oldSelection = null;
try {
// preserve selection
oldSelection = getSelection();
fPreservingSelecction = fRestoreSelection = true;
// perform the update;
} finally {
fPreservingSelecction = false;
// restore selection
if (fRestoreSelection) {
internalSetSelection(oldSelection, false);
// send out notification if old and new differ
ISelection newSelection = getSelection();
if (!newSelection.equals(oldSelection)) {
handleInvalidSelection(oldSelection, newSelection);
public void expandToLevel(Object elementOrTreePath, int level) {
VirtualItem[] items = findItems(elementOrTreePath);
if (items.length > 0) {
expandToLevel(items[0], level);
public void setExpandedState(Object elementOrTreePath, boolean expanded) {
for (VirtualItem item : findItems(elementOrTreePath)) {
public boolean getExpandedState(Object elementOrTreePath) {
VirtualItem[] items = findItems(elementOrTreePath);
if (items.length > 0) {
return items[0].getExpanded();
return false;
private void expandToLevel(VirtualItem item, int level) {
if (level == ALL_LEVELS || level > 0) {
if (!item.hasItems()) {
if (item.getData() == null) {
// Cannot expand children if data is null.
if (level == ALL_LEVELS || level > 1) {
int newLevel = (level == ALL_LEVELS ? ALL_LEVELS
: level - 1);
for (VirtualItem element : item.getItems()) {
expandToLevel(element, newLevel);
private void handleInvalidSelection(ISelection selection, ISelection newSelection) {
IModelSelectionPolicy selectionPolicy = ViewerAdapterService.getSelectionPolicy(selection, getPresentationContext());
if (selectionPolicy != null) {
while (!selection.equals(newSelection)) {
ISelection temp = newSelection;
selection = selectionPolicy.replaceInvalidSelection(selection, newSelection);
if (selection == null) {
selection = TreeSelection.EMPTY;
if (!temp.equals(selection)) {
internalSetSelection(selection, false);
newSelection = getSelection();
} else {
fireSelectionChanged(new SelectionChangedEvent(this, newSelection));
* Returns whether the candidate selection should override the current
* selection.
* @param current Current selection in viewer
* @param candidate New potential selection requested by model.
* @return true if candidate selection should be set to viewer.
public boolean overrideSelection(ISelection current, ISelection candidate) {
IModelSelectionPolicy selectionPolicy = ViewerAdapterService.getSelectionPolicy(current, getPresentationContext());
if (selectionPolicy == null) {
return true;
if (selectionPolicy.contains(candidate, getPresentationContext())) {
return selectionPolicy.overrides(current, candidate, getPresentationContext());
return !selectionPolicy.isSticky(current, getPresentationContext());
public ViewerFilter[] getFilters() {
return fFilters;
public void addFilter(ViewerFilter filter) {
ViewerFilter[] newFilters = new ViewerFilter[fFilters.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(fFilters, 0, newFilters, 0, fFilters.length);
newFilters[fFilters.length] = filter;
fFilters = newFilters;
public void setFilters(ViewerFilter... filters) {
fFilters = filters;
public void dispose() {
if (fColumnPresentation != null) {
if (fContentProvider != null) {
fContentProvider = null;
if (fLabelProvider != null) {
fLabelProvider = null;
* Returns this viewer's presentation context.
* @return presentation context
public IPresentationContext getPresentationContext() {
return fContext;
* Configures the columns for the given viewer input.
* @param input new viewer input
private void resetColumns(Object input) {
if (input != null) {
// only change columns if the input is non-null (persist when empty)
IColumnPresentationFactory factory = ViewerAdapterService.getColumnPresentationFactory(input);
PresentationContext context = (PresentationContext) getPresentationContext();
String type = null;
if (factory != null) {
type = factory.getColumnPresentationId(context, input);
if (type != null && factory != null) {
if (fColumnPresentation != null) {
if (!fColumnPresentation.getId().equals(type)) {
// dispose old, create new
fColumnPresentation = null;
if (fColumnPresentation == null) {
fColumnPresentation = factory.createColumnPresentation(context, input);
if (fColumnPresentation != null) {
} else {
if (fColumnPresentation != null) {
fColumnPresentation = null;
* Configures the columns based on the current settings.
protected void configureColumns() {
if (fColumnPresentation != null) {
IColumnPresentation build = null;
if (isShowColumns(fColumnPresentation.getId())) {
build = fColumnPresentation;
} else {
// get rid of columns
* Toggles columns on/off for the current column presentation, if any.
* @param show whether to show columns if the current input supports
* columns
public void setShowColumns(boolean show) {
if (show) {
if (!isShowColumns()) {
} else {
if (isShowColumns()){
fShowColumns.put(fColumnPresentation.getId(), Boolean.FALSE);
* Refreshes the columns in the view, based on the viewer input.
protected void refreshColumns() {
* @return Returns true if columns are being displayed currently.
public boolean isShowColumns() {
if (fColumnPresentation != null) {
return isShowColumns(fColumnPresentation.getId());
return false;
* Returns whether columns can be toggled on/off for the current input.
* @return whether columns can be toggled on/off for the current input
public boolean canToggleColumns() {
return fColumnPresentation != null && fColumnPresentation.isOptional();
protected boolean isShowColumns(String columnPresentationId) {
Boolean bool = fShowColumns.get(columnPresentationId);
if (bool == null) {
return true;
return bool.booleanValue();
* Creates new columns for the given presentation.
* @param presentation presentation context to build columns for.
protected void buildColumns(IColumnPresentation presentation) {
PresentationContext presentationContext = (PresentationContext) getPresentationContext();
if (presentation != null) {
} else {
* Returns identifiers of the visible columns in this viewer, or <code>null</code>
* if there is currently no column presentation.
* @return visible columns or <code>null</code>
public String[] getVisibleColumns() {
if (isShowColumns()) {
IColumnPresentation presentation = getColumnPresentation();
if (presentation != null) {
String[] columns = fVisibleColumns.get(presentation.getId());
if (columns == null) {
return presentation.getInitialColumns();
return columns;
return null;
* Sets the id's of visible columns, or <code>null</code> to set default columns.
* Only affects the current column presentation.
* @param ids visible columns
public void setVisibleColumns(String[] ids) {
if (ids != null && ids.length == 0) {
ids = null;
IColumnPresentation presentation = getColumnPresentation();
if (presentation != null) {
if (ids != null) {
// put back in table if not default
String[] columns = presentation.getInitialColumns();
if (columns.length == ids.length) {
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
if (!ids[i].equals(columns[i])) {
fVisibleColumns.put(presentation.getId(), ids);
} else {
fVisibleColumns.put(presentation.getId(), ids);
PresentationContext presentationContext = (PresentationContext) getPresentationContext();
* Returns the current column presentation for this viewer, or <code>null</code>
* if none.
* @return column presentation or <code>null</code>
public IColumnPresentation getColumnPresentation() {
return fColumnPresentation;
* Save viewer state into the given memento.
* @param memento Memento to write state to.
public void saveState(IMemento memento) {
if (!fShowColumns.isEmpty()) {
for (Entry<String, Boolean> entry : fShowColumns.entrySet()) {
IMemento sizes = memento.createChild(SHOW_COLUMNS, entry.getKey());
sizes.putString(SHOW_COLUMNS, entry.getValue().toString());
if (!fVisibleColumns.isEmpty()) {
for (Entry<String, String[]> entry : fVisibleColumns.entrySet()) {
IMemento visible = memento.createChild(VISIBLE_COLUMNS, entry.getKey());
String[] columns = entry.getValue();
visible.putInteger(SIZE, columns.length);
for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
visible.putString(COLUMN+i, columns[i]);
// save presentation context properties
IPresentationContext context = getPresentationContext();
if (context instanceof PresentationContext) {
PresentationContext pc = (PresentationContext) context;
* Initializes viewer state from the memento
* @param memento Memento to read state from.
public void initState(IMemento memento) {
for (IMemento child : memento.getChildren(SHOW_COLUMNS)) {
String id = child.getID();
Boolean bool = Boolean.valueOf(child.getString(SHOW_COLUMNS));
if (!bool.booleanValue()) {
fShowColumns.put(id, bool);
for (IMemento child : memento.getChildren(VISIBLE_COLUMNS)) {
String id = child.getID();
Integer integer = child.getInteger(SIZE);
if (integer != null) {
int length = integer.intValue();
String[] columns = new String[length];
for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) {
columns[j] = child.getString(COLUMN+j);
fVisibleColumns.put(id, columns);
// restore presentation context properties
// save presentation context properties
IPresentationContext context = getPresentationContext();
if (context instanceof PresentationContext) {
PresentationContext pc = (PresentationContext) context;
public void addViewerUpdateListener(IViewerUpdateListener listener) {
public void removeViewerUpdateListener(IViewerUpdateListener listener) {
ITreeModelContentProvider cp = getContentProvider();
if (cp != null) {
public void addModelChangedListener(IModelChangedListener listener) {
public void removeModelChangedListener(IModelChangedListener listener) {
ITreeModelContentProvider cp = getContentProvider();
if (cp != null) {
public void addStateUpdateListener(IStateUpdateListener listener) {
public void removeStateUpdateListener(IStateUpdateListener listener) {
ITreeModelContentProvider cp = getContentProvider();
if (cp != null) {
public void addLabelUpdateListener(ILabelUpdateListener listener) {
public void removeLabelUpdateListener(ILabelUpdateListener listener) {
* Performs auto expand on an element at the specified path if the auto expand
* level dictates the element should be expanded.
* @param elementPath tree path to element to consider for expansion
public void autoExpand(TreePath elementPath) {
int level = getAutoExpandLevel();
if (level > 0 || level == org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.ITreeModelViewer.ALL_LEVELS) {
if (level == org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.ITreeModelViewer.ALL_LEVELS || level > elementPath.getSegmentCount()) {
expandToLevel(elementPath, 1);
public int getChildCount(TreePath path) {
int childCount = -1;
VirtualItem[] items = findItems(path);
if (items.length > 0) {
childCount = items[0].getItemCount();
// Mimic the jface viewer behavior which returns 1 for child count
// for an item that has children but is not yet expanded.
// Return 0, if we do not know if the item has children.
if (childCount == -1) {
childCount = items[0].hasItems() ? 1 : 0;
return childCount;
public Object getChildElement(TreePath path, int index) {
VirtualItem[] items = findItems(path);
if (items.length > 0) {
if (index < items[0].getItemCount()) {
return items[0].getItem(new VirtualItem.Index(index)).getData();
return null;
public TreePath getTopElementPath() {
return null;
public boolean saveElementState(TreePath path, ModelDelta delta, int flagsToSave) {
VirtualTree tree = getTree();
VirtualItem[] selection = tree.getSelection();
Set<VirtualItem> set = new HashSet<>();
Collections.addAll(set, selection);
VirtualItem parent = findItem(path);
if (parent != null) {
delta.setChildCount(((TreeModelContentProvider)getContentProvider()).viewToModelCount(path, parent.getItemCount()));
if (parent.getExpanded()) {
if ((flagsToSave & IModelDelta.EXPAND) != 0) {
delta.setFlags(delta.getFlags() | IModelDelta.EXPAND);
} else if ((flagsToSave & IModelDelta.COLLAPSE) != 0 && parent.hasItems()){
delta.setFlags(delta.getFlags() | IModelDelta.COLLAPSE);
if (set.contains(parent) && (flagsToSave & IModelDelta.SELECT) != 0) {
delta.setFlags(delta.getFlags() | IModelDelta.SELECT);
for (VirtualItem item : parent.getItems()) {
doSaveElementState(path, delta, item, set, flagsToSave);
return true;
} else {
return false;
private void doSaveElementState(TreePath parentPath, ModelDelta delta, VirtualItem item, Collection<VirtualItem> set, int flagsToSave) {
Object element = item.getData();
if (element != null) {
boolean expanded = item.getExpanded();
boolean selected = set.contains(item);
int flags = IModelDelta.NO_CHANGE;
if (expanded && (flagsToSave & IModelDelta.EXPAND) != 0) {
flags = flags | IModelDelta.EXPAND;
if (!expanded && (flagsToSave & IModelDelta.COLLAPSE) != 0 && item.hasItems()){
flags = flags | IModelDelta.COLLAPSE;
if (selected && (flagsToSave & IModelDelta.SELECT) != 0) {
flags = flags | IModelDelta.SELECT;
if (expanded || flags != IModelDelta.NO_CHANGE) {
int modelIndex = ((TreeModelContentProvider)getContentProvider()).viewToModelIndex(parentPath, item.getIndex().intValue());
TreePath elementPath = parentPath.createChildPath(element);
int numChildren = ((TreeModelContentProvider)getContentProvider()).viewToModelCount(elementPath, item.getItemCount());
ModelDelta childDelta = delta.addNode(element, modelIndex, flags, numChildren);
if (expanded) {
for (VirtualItem childItem : item.getItems()) {
doSaveElementState(elementPath, childDelta, childItem, set, flagsToSave);
public void updateViewer(IModelDelta delta) {
getContentProvider().updateModel(delta, ITreeModelContentProvider.ALL_MODEL_DELTA_FLAGS);
public ViewerLabel getElementLabel(TreePath path, String columnId) {
if (path.getSegmentCount() == 0) {
return null;
int columnIdx = -1;
String[] visibleColumns = getVisibleColumns();
if (columnId != null && visibleColumns != null) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < visibleColumns.length; i++) {
if (columnId.equals(getVisibleColumns()[i])) {
columnIdx = i;
if (i == visibleColumns.length) {
return null;
} else {
columnIdx = 0;
VirtualItem item = findItem(path);
if (item != null) {
ViewerLabel label = new ViewerLabel(getText(item, columnIdx), getImage(item, columnIdx));
label.setFont(getFont(item, columnIdx));
label.setBackground(getBackground(item, columnIdx));
label.setForeground(getForeground(item, columnIdx));
return label;
return null;
public TreePath[] getElementPaths(Object element) {
VirtualItem[] items = findItems(element);
TreePath[] paths = new TreePath[items.length];
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
paths[i] = getTreePathFromItem(items[i]);
return paths;
public String getText(VirtualItem item, int columnIdx) {
String[] texts = (String[])item.getData(VirtualItem.LABEL_KEY);
if (texts != null && texts.length > columnIdx) {
return texts[columnIdx];
return null;
public Image getImage(VirtualItem item, int columnIdx) {
ImageDescriptor[] imageDescriptors = (ImageDescriptor[]) item.getData(VirtualItem.IMAGE_KEY);
if (imageDescriptors != null && imageDescriptors.length > columnIdx) {
return getLabelProvider().getImage(imageDescriptors[columnIdx]);
return null;
public Font getFont(VirtualItem item, int columnIdx) {
FontData[] fontDatas = (FontData[]) item.getData(VirtualItem.FONT_KEY);
if (fontDatas != null) {
return getLabelProvider().getFont(fontDatas[columnIdx]);
return null;
public Color getForeground(VirtualItem item, int columnIdx) {
RGB[] rgbs = (RGB[]) item.getData(VirtualItem.FOREGROUND_KEY);
if (rgbs != null) {
return getLabelProvider().getColor(rgbs[columnIdx]);
return null;
public Color getBackground(VirtualItem item, int columnIdx) {
RGB[] rgbs = (RGB[]) item.getData(VirtualItem.BACKGROUND_KEY);
if (rgbs != null) {
return getLabelProvider().getColor(rgbs[columnIdx]);
return null;
public void clearSelectionQuiet() {
public boolean getElementChecked(TreePath path) {
// Not supported
return false;
public boolean getElementGrayed(TreePath path) {
// Not supported
return false;
public void setElementChecked(TreePath path, boolean checked, boolean grayed) {
// Not supported
public String toString() {
return getTree().toString();