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<title>Untitled Document</title>
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<h1>3.0 Debug Platform Change Notes</h1>
<p>This document describes important changes in the 3.0 debug platform, relative
to the 2.1 release.</p>
<h2>New Features</h2>
<h3> Extensible Launch Modes</h3>
<p>The debug platform supports an extensible set of launch modes. Releases prior
to 3.0 only supported two launch modes - run and debug. The debug platform now
provides an extension point for contributing new launch modes - <code>org.eclipse.debug.core.launchModes</code>.
The debug platform now defines (contributes) three basic launch modes - run,
debug, and profile. Other clients may contribute new launch modes. The launch
manager (<code>ILaunchManager</code>) has additional API to retrieve all launch
modes, and a human readable label for each launch mode.</p>
<p>The debug platform has a new extension point to support the contribution of
a launch delegate for a specific launch configuration type and launch mode -
<code>org.eclipse.debug.core.launchDelegates</code>. This allows launch configurations
to be extended by third parties, to support new launch modes. For example, a
client could contribute a launch delegate that launches a Java Application in
profile mode (currently, the SDK does not provide a profiler).</p>
<p>For backwards compatibility, the launch delegate supplied by a launch configuration
type extension is used for the launch modes specified by the launch configuration
type. A launch delegate supplied for a specific mode, is used only for that
mode. </p>
<p>The debug platform has added an optional element (<code>launchMode</code>),
to the definition of a launch tab group extension - <code>(org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchConfigurationTabGroup</code>),
to support the contribution of a set of tabs for a specific launch configuration
type and launch mode. This allows third parties to extend an existing lauch
configuration user interface. For example, a client contributing a launch delegate
to profile a Java Application would also contribute a set of tabs to configure
the profiler. The launchMode element defines a perpsective attribute to specify
the default perspective assocaited with the launch configuration type and mode.
This controls the perspective that is switched to/opened, by default, when a
configuration is launched in the associated mode. For example, a client contributing
a profiler may also contribute a profiling perspective that should be displayed
when an application is profiled.</p>
<p>For backwards compatibility, the tab group contributed for a launch confiugration
type (specifying no launch mode), is used for all launch modes for which a specific
launch tab group is not contributed. Thus, when a mode is not specified by a
tab group, the tab group effectively becomes the default tab group.</p>
<h3>Extensible Debug Events</h3>
<p>The debug platform supports an extensible set of debug events. A debug event
kind of <code>MODEL_SPECIFIC</code> has been added in the 3.0 release to indicate
an application specific debug event. When a debug event of kind <code>MODEL_SPECIFIC</code>
is created, the detail code in the event is client defined. The source of the
event (debug element that generated the event) identifies the debug model from
which the event was generated. The debug platform and user interface ignores
model specific debug events.</p>
<p>A data field has been added to debug events to allow clients to store application
specific data in debug events.</p>
<h3>Extensible Instruction Pointer Images</h3>
<p>When a stack frame is selected in the debug view, the debugger opens a corresponding
editor and displays an image in the editor ruler on the line that corresponds
to the selected stack frame. In releases prior to 3.0, the images were provided
by the debug plug-in and could not be overridden by a debug model. In release
3.0, a debug model presentation (<code>IDebugModelPresentation</code>) can provide
specialized images by implementing the debug editor presentation interface (<code>IDebugEditorPresentation</code>).</p>
<h3>Editor Positioning and Custom Decorations</h3>
<p>In release 3.0, debug model presentations can control the positioning of editors
opened by the debugger for a stack frame, and may add extra decorations to the
editor for a stack frame (for example, custom background coloring, etc.). This
can be acheived by having a debug model presentation implement the new interface
<code>IDebugEditorPresentation</code>, and implementing the appropriate methods
- <code>selectAndReveal</code>,<code> decorateEditor</code>, and <code>removeDecorations</code>.</p>
<h3>Extensible Watch Expressions</h3>
<p>In release 3.0, the debug platform provides an implementation of watch expressions.
Debug models can contribute watch expression delegates if they support watch
expressions. When a stack frame is selected, the associated delegate is queried
to provide a value for a watch expression in the given (stack frame) context.
The debug platform provides persistence, enabling, disabling, entering, and
editing of watch expressions.</p>
<h2>API Changes</h2>
<h3>Extensible Launch Modes</h3>
<p>With the introduction of extensible launch modes, more than one launch delegate
can exist for a launch configuration type. Releases prior to 3.0 only supported
one launch delegate per launch configuration type. The method <code>ILaunchConfigurationType.getDelegate()</code>
is now deprecated. The method <code>getDelegate(String mode)</code> should be
used in its place to retrieve the launch delegate for a specific launch mode.
The deprecated method has been changed to return the launch delegate for the
<code>run</code> mode.</p>
<h3>Launch Tabs &amp; Tab Groups</h3>
<p>Launch tab groups and launch tabs are no longer notified when a launch completes.
The method <code>launched(ILaunch)</code> in the interfaces <code>ILaunchConfigurationTab</code>
and <code>ILaunchConfigurationTabGroup</code> has been deprecated and is no
longer called. Relying on this method for launch function was always problematic,
since tabs only exist when launching is performed from the launch dialog. Also,
with the introduction of background launching, this method can no longer be
called, as the launch dialog is be closed before the resulting launch object