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<title>Platform Debug Release Notes</title>
<h1> Eclipse 3.3 Debug Platform Build Notes&nbsp;</h1>
<h2>Summary of API changes in 3.3</h2>
The launch framework has been enhanced to support the following:
<li> Mixed mode launching - for example, allows an application to debugged and
profiled at the same time</li>
<li> Multiple launch delegates for the same configuration type and mode combination
- for example, allows multiple Java profilers to exist in the workbench side
by side</li>
<li>Contribution of extra tabs to existing tab groups - for example, allows
a profiler to contribute a profile options tab to an existing tab group in
the launch dialog</li>
<li>Read-only launch configurations - for example, if a launch configuration
is stored in the file system in a read-only state, the launch configuration
cannot be edited in the launch dialog</li>
<li>A default launch configuration setting for a resource - allows to set and
get a default configuration for a resource, used for simplified launching
support </li>
<li>Nested launch configuration working copies - allows a working copy to be
created from a working copy that saves back to the parent working copy instead
of file system</li>
<p>The following extension points have been added: </p>
<li><code>org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchConfigurationTabs</code> - allows a tab
to be contributed to an existing tab group in the launch configuration dialog
<li>added extension point identifier constant <code>IDebugUIConstants.EXTENSION_POINT_LAUNCH_TABS</code>
<p>The following extension points have been enhanced: </p>
<li><code>org.eclipse.debug.core.launchDelegates </code>
<li>addition of optional <code>name</code> attribute to allow users to select
a launcher when more than one is available</li>
<li>addition of optional <code>modeCombination</code> element to specify
supported mixed launch modes</li>
<li><code>org.eclipse.debug.core.launchConfigurationTypes </code>
<li>addition of optional <code>icon</code> attribute to allow an icon to
be contributed in the same extension as its type. This can only be used
if the icon is in the same plug-in as the launch configuration type.</li>
<li>addition of optional <code>delegateName </code>attribute to allow users
to select a launcher when more than one is available</li>
<p>The following types have been added:</p>
<li>added interface <code>org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchDelegate</code> - provides
access to a launch delegate extensions and attributes</li>
<li>added class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractLaunchModeConfigurationTab - abstract
implementation of a launch tab that modifies a configuration's launch mode</li>
<p>The following types have been modified in support of launching enhancements:</p>
<li>added method getAttribute(String key, Set defaultValue)</li>
<li>added method getModes()</li>
<li>added method isReadOnly()</li>
<li>deprecated method getDelegate(String mode)</li>
<li>added method getDelegates(Set modes)</li>
<li>added method getPreferredDelegate(Set modes)</li>
<li>added method setPreferredDelegate(Set modes)</li>
<li>added method supportsModes(Set modes)</li>
<li>deprecated method getSupportedModes()</li>
<li>added method getSupportedModeCombinations()</li>
<li>added method getContributorName()</li>
<li>added method getImageDescriptorPath()</li>
<li>added method addModes(Set modes)</li>
<li>added method setModes(Set modes)</li>
<li>added method removeModes(Set modes)</li>
<li>added method getNestedWorkingCopy()</li>
<li>added method getParent()</li>
<li>added method setDefaultConfiguration(IResource resource, ILaunchConfiguration
<li>added method getDefaultConfiguration(IResource resource)</li>
<li>added method getLastLaunch(String id)</li>
<li>added method openLaunchConfigurationEditDialog(Shell shell, ILaunchConfiguration
configuration, String groupIdentifier, IStatus status, boolean showCancel)</li>
<li>added method getId()</li>
<h3>Debug Context Service</h3>
<p>A debug context represents the active state of a program being debugged. The
active debug context drives the enabled state of debug actions (step, terminate,
etc.), source lookup, visible variables, watch expression values, etc. A set
of classes and interfaces have been added allowing clients to respond to and
provide the active debug context.</p>
<p>The package <code>org.eclipse.debug.ui.contexts</code> has been added with
the following types:</p>
<p>The following types have been modified</p>
<li><code>org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugUITools </code>
<li>added method <code>getDebugContextManager()</code></li>
<h3>Debug Commands</h3>
<p>Debug commands represent common debug operations implemented by debuggers -
for example, step over, suspend, resume, and terminate. The debug platform allows
debuggers to provide custom implementations of the operations by implementing
debug command handler interfaces. The platform provides a user interface and
actions that delegate to the command handlers. As well, the platform provides
an implementation of the commands for debuggers that are implementations of
the standard debug model. Debuggers may override the standard implementation
by directly implementing the command handler interfaces in debug model elements
or by registering adapters for the command handler interfaces on debug model
elements. The command handler interfaces are to be implemented in a non-blocking
fashion, and are designed with an asynchronous API, allowing clients to cancel
a command or report failure via the asynchronous request.</p>
<p>The package<code> org.eclipse.debug.core.commands</code> has been added with
the following types:</p>
<li><code> ISuspendHandler</code></li>
<li><code> ITerminateHandler</code></li>
<p>Note that the &quot;use step filters&quot; setting has been moved to the <code>org.eclipse.debug.core</code>
plug-in from <code>org.eclipse.debug.ui</code>. This is to allow the toggle
step filters command to work properly in absence of the UI plug-in. The following
API methods have been added to <code>DebugPlugin</code>:</p>
<li><code>setUseStepFilters(boolean useStepFilters)</code></li>
<p>The same methods that existed in <code>DebugUITools</code> now delegate to
these new methods.</p>
<h3>Pluggable Detail Panes</h3>
<p>The variables, registers, and expressions views in Eclipse 3.3 support pluggable
detail panes. A new extension point - <code>org.eclipse.debug.ui.detailPaneFactories</code>
- is used to contribute factories that create detail panes for specific selections.
The platform provides a default text details area that displays textual details
based on a debug model presentation's <code>computeDetails(...)</code> method.
Clients can contribute detail pane factories with enablement expressions that
can create one or more detail panes for specific objects/selections. The user
is allowed to choose between available detail panes using a context menu. See
<code>IDetailPaneFactory</code> and <code>IDetailPane</code>.</p>
<h3>Source Lookup</h3>
<p>Source lookup is driven by the active debug context. When a context is activated
the debug platform displays source for that context. Clients may provide a custom
implementation of source lookup by implementing the source display interface
directly on their debug model elements, or by providing an adapter for the source
display interface. The debug platform provides a standard implementation of
source display for debuggers that are an implementation of the standard debug
model - i.e. implementations of <code>IStackFrame</code> that have an associated
<p>The following interface has been added:</p>
<li>Added <code>DebugPlugin.ATTR_CONSOLE_ENCODING</code> - this launch attribute
specifies the encoding used by the console. When unspecified the default system
encoding is used. This constant replaces the now deprecated <code>IDebugUIConstants.ATTR_CONSOLE_ENCODING</code>.</li>
<li>Deprecated <code>IDebugUIConstants.ATTR_CONSOLE_ENCODING</code>.</li>
<li>Added support to set the background color to text consoles - see new methods
<code>TextConsole.setBackground(Color)</code> and <code>getBackground()</code></li>
<li>Added property constant to indicate background color of a console has changed
- <code>IConsoleConstants.P_BACKGROUND_COLOR</code>.</li>
<li><Added preference constant <code>IDebugUIConstants.PREF_CONSOLE_FONT</code>, which is used to specify
what font should be used in the console.</li>
<li>added <code>org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.IWatchExpressionFactoryAdapterExtension</code>
- this is an interface that can be optionally implemented by <code>IWatchExpressionFactoryAdapter</code>'s.
Allows the <b>Create Watch Expression</b> action to be dynamically enabled
based on the selected variables.</li>
<li>Added new optional interface for breakpoint organizer extensions. Breakpoint
organizer delegates may optionally implement the <code>IBreakpointOrganizerDelegateExtension</code>
interface. The new interfaces supports add and remove operations on collections
of breakpoints to allow for more efficient drag and drop operations in the
breakpoints view.</li>
<h2>Milestone 5 - Feb 9, 2007</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">170857</a>: Index out of bound at the SWT level in the debug view<br>
<a href="">132055</a>: [launching] Promote LaunchHistory methods to AbstractLaunchToolbarAction API?<br>
<a href="">173093</a>: [detail panes] detail pane test failure on linux<br>
<a href="">114377</a>: [Memory View] Endian in hex view and ASCII view doesn't work<br>
<a href="">150003</a>: expansion state not maintained when suspending target with thread groups<br>
<h2>Jan 30, 2007</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">172248</a>: TextConsoleViewer should be checking for disposed text widget<br>
<a href="">159944</a>: Asynchronous viewer should allow model to set selection after selected object is removed.<br>
<a href="">172026</a>: [launching] alt+enter shortcut dies when resource adapter cannot be resolved<br>
<a href="">168733</a>: Manifest and properties file could get some clean up<br>
<a href="">171700</a>: [launching] changing LCD filtering with last items elected throws exception<br>
<a href="">171790</a>: Chkpii error in build N20070126-0010<br>
<h2>Jan 23, 2007</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">170766</a>: NPE MultiLaunchGroupFilter.equalModes()<br>
<a href="">150970</a>: Progress Monitor not handled correctly during launch<br>
<a href="">166102</a>: RetargetBreakpointAction should use the &quot;resource-&gt;launch configuration&quot; association to find the IToggleBreakpointsTarget adapter.<br>
<a href="">171056</a>: Detail job should stop wait()'ing when canceled<br>
<a href="">171091</a>: [detail pane] Removing default detail pane results in NPE<br>
<a href="">170673</a>: [Console] Select all keyboard shortcut marked incorrectly in context menu<br>
<h2>Jan 16, 2007</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">170669</a>: [Launching] Main Tab missing search options under main type<br>
<a href="">170485</a>: [launching] no useful help in save and launch dialog<br>
<a href="">170502</a>: [source lookup] [launching] string variables added to the bootpath via the launch dialog do not stay there<br>
<h2>Jan 9, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">169701</a>: IllegalArgumentException in LaunchConfigurationViewer<br>
<a href="">169992</a>: Non-externalized string in debug ui plugin.xml<br>
<a href="">169689</a>: [launching] revert button does not revert config name text<br>
<a href="">168434</a>: move debug commands to core plug-in<br>
<a href="">168618</a>: step actions enabled when multiple frames selected<br>
<a href="">169549</a>: no description for java tab group anymore<br>
<a href="">165986</a>: [Memory View] Migrate MemoryBlocksTreeViewPane to use new tree viewer<br>
<a href="">126883</a>: [launching] Allow multi-selection of application types in Perspective Switching preferences<br>
<a href="">167667</a>: [launching] No visual clue configurations are filtered from dialog<br>
<a href="">153938</a>: [Memory View] Base address of memory block is not displayed on first rendering's tab label<br>
<a href="">167292</a>: [Memory View] Icons and labels for Memory view layout menu are mismatched<br>
<a href="">168768</a>: [Memory View] NPE when shutting down workbench with table rendering<br>
<a href="">167031</a>: Switching perspectives based on launch delegates<br>
<h2>Dec 19, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">168525</a>: Loading Debug Core plug-in causes ClassNotFoundException<br>
<a href="">168428</a>: &quot;Asynchronous viewer update&quot; appears when stepping<br>
<a href="">170784</a>: org.eclipse.debug.ui plugin.xml uses enablesFor=&quot;1+&quot; incorrectly<br>
<h2>3.3 M4 - Dec 15, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">166659</a>: [launching] Launcher selection dialog layout<br>
<a href="">167119</a>: [launching] tab icons not decorated consistently<br>
<h2>Dec 11, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">156441</a>: Scalability enhancement to the flexible hierarchy's IAsynchronousContentAdapter<br>
<a href="">75852</a>: [variables] Support for custom details view widgets.<br>
<a href="">166408</a>: VM Capabilities property page shows up unexpectedly<br>
<a href="">160745</a>: Dangerous use of getActiveShell in Debug<br>
<h2>Dec 5, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">166683</a>: [plugins] DebugUIPlugin should be a save participant<br>
<a href="">166525</a>: [launching] Should display error message in LCD when launcher choice required<br>
<a href="">45061</a>: [launching] LaunchHistory is serialized 9 times on preference change<br>
<h2>Nov 28, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">166065</a>: Deadlock in DebugCommandAction/DebugCommandActionDelegate<br>
<a href="">165829</a>: [launching] the source lookup tab is the new apply button<br>
<a href="">165175</a>: [source lookup] ContainerSourceContainer assumes resource is in local file system<br>
<a href="">156516</a>: Incorrect popup text in debug icon<br>
<a href="">165855</a>: Launch Shortcuts shows deprecated example.<br>
<a href="">165348</a>: [source lookup] source lookup panel is not saving changes to source lookup path<br>
<a href="">164682</a>: NPE SourceLookupPanel add external archive<br>
<a href="">166125</a>: [launching] run last no longer runs last<br>
<h2>Nov 21, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">165174</a>: [viewers] selection is lost in launch view after stepping into sync block<br>
<a href="">165046</a>: [viewers] launch view loses selection with monitors showing<br>
<a href="">164953</a>: Watch expression keeps reference to old IDebugTarget object after debug session terminates<br>
<a href="">164671</a>: NPE updating children in view<br>
<a href="">164651</a>: [viewers] launch view has duplicate entries<br>
<a href="">164379</a>: ClassCastException from StackFrameContentProvider<br>
<a href="">156761</a>: [console] Allow possibility of changing console background color<br>
<a href="">104369</a>: [breakpoints] drag & drop of many breakpoints is slow<br>
<a href="">164620</a>: Tree in Debug view should not have border<br>
<a href="">99709</a>: [breakpoints] Breakpoints dropped to incorrect working set when moved using drag and drop<br>
<a href="">158280</a>: CCE in JDIObjectValue.getEnclosingObject<br>
<a href="">163082</a>: Add Memory Rendering Dialog should listen for Memory Rendering Bindings changed event<br>
<a href="">159359</a>: expressions serialized each time they change state<br>
<a href="">163130</a>: [breakpoints] select default breakpoint working set dialog throws NPE<br>
<a href="">164940</a>: Disabled state of Run/Profile/Debug button is not handled properly sometimes<br>
<h2>Nov 14, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">162802</a>: [launching] launch manager causes exception persisting preferred delegates<br>
<a href="">163128</a>: org.eclipse.debug.ui plugin needs organizing<br>
<a href="">160749</a>: Can't set a breakpoint on the first line of an editor<br>
<a href="">163684</a>: [variables view] Max details pane text length dialog does nothing<br>
<a href="">162996</a>: NPE in EnvironmentVariableResolver.resolveValue<br>
<a href="">163988</a>: org.eclipse.debug.ui.console.FileLink missing adaptation, protection<br>
<a href="">153461</a>: DnD slow in breakpoints view.<br>
<a href="">163684</a>: [variables view] Max details pane text length dialog does nothing<br>
<a href="">163400</a>: fileExtension is deprecated but doesn't offer alternatives in schema description<br>
<a href="">163961</a>: Schema description for launchConfigurationTypes outdated<br>
<h2>3.3 Milestone 3 - Nov 3, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">159200</a>: Step action should not automatically disable after the action is invoked.<br>
<a href="">162802</a>: [launching] launch manager causes exception persisting preferred delegates<br>
<a href="">162667</a>: Javadoc warnings in N20061028-0010<br>
<a href="">162816</a>: [commands] StepFilterCommand can lead to NPE<br>
<a href="">162320</a>: Toggle step filters action does not initialize state properly<br>
<a href="">160932</a>: API for debug context and debug commands<br>
<a href="">162426</a>: Javadoc warnings in N20061026-0010<br>
<a href="">162666</a>: Chkpii error in nightly build 20061028-0010<br>
<a href="">162106</a>: Missing org.eclipse.debug.core.launchOptions extension point<br>
<a href="">162547</a>: ConcurrentModificationEx in DebugCommandService.postUpdate<br>
<a href="">160130</a>: Multi-line environment variables are truncated<br>
<h2>Oct 24, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">161896</a>: Warnings in N20061022-0010<br>
<a href="">151848</a>: [launching] Write protected launch configurations fails in Launch Configuration Dialog<br>
<a href="">153789</a>: [launching] Launch configuration dialog: switching filters should not remove multi-selection<br>
<a href="">154400</a>: [WorkingSets] Select Default Breakpoint Working Set dialog is confusing and can clear default setting accidentally<br>
<a href="">157915</a>: Delete launch configurations confirmation dialog too small<br>
<a href="">158232</a>: 'Terminate and relaunch' action is enabled for non-relaunchable configs<br>
<a href="">161077</a>: [schema] build N20061016-0010 schema errors<br>
<a href="">161080</a>: [schema] build &gt; N20061016-0010 schema errors<br>
<a href="">157090</a>: should adopt ICU Collator and use new APIs on StructuredViewer<br>
<a href="">155552</a>: Debug View has no selection after long step<br>
<h2>Oct 3, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">158760</a>: Warning in latest nightly build and integration build<br>
<h2>Sep 22, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">158202</a>: LaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy setAttributes(Map) does not set dirty?<br>
<a href="">140722</a>: Surface Run/Debug Terminate key mapping<br>
<a href="">76341</a>: [evaluation] Yellow popup box cannot be moved easily<br>
<h2>Sep 12, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">155791</a>: Patch to fix jface.text.Assert deprecation<br>
<a href="">156134</a>: debug.core should re-export dependencies whose API is exposed<br>
<a href="">155690</a>: Launch shortcuts: Allow 'forcePluginActivation' for expressions<br>
<a href="">148255</a>: [tests] &quot;should be access&quot; test failure<br>
<a href="">155055</a>: [views] [actions] Terminate All changed since 3.1.2<br>
<a href="">156087</a>: NPE in CreateLaunchConfigurationAction#performAction<br>
<a href="">105574</a>: TVT 3.1 - TCT 466 - Truncated string on Memory monitor<br>
<h2>Aug 22, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">153929</a>: [Memory View] Shift+F10 does not bring up context menu in table rendering<br>
<a href="">153964</a>: Need public access to LaunchConfigurationManager.getLastLaunch()<br>
<a href="">153428</a>: Share a launch configuration: NPE<br>
<a href="">154025</a>: Unable to create view: Argument not valid---:---Variables view doesn't show variable values in debug mode<br>
<h2>3.3 Milestone 1 - August 10, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">138976</a>: [console] IOException when closing the application<br>
<a href="">152794</a>: ConcurrentModificationException disposing consoles from Ant UI test suite<br>
<a href="">152583</a>: Use proceed label and button id for compile error prompt<br>
<a href="">152664</a>: Separate workbench part from presentation context id<br>
<h2>July 29, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">151066</a>: details sash same background color as tree<br>
<a href="">149728</a>: Detaching from process with many threads takes a long time<br>
<a href="">142198</a>: [breakpoints] Initial state of breakpoint's 'Enable/Disable Breakpoint' ruler menu is always 'Enable Breakpoint'<br>
<a href="">138252</a>: [console] Stream closed while debugging<br>
<a href="">151433</a>: Firing content event on a debug target does not causing the target to be refreshed<br>
<a href="">148900</a>: IWatchExpressionDelegate needs to be context sensitive<br>
<a href="">142602</a>: [breakpoints] Default Breakpoint Working Set's setting lost when working set name is changed<br>
<h2>July 18, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">151006</a>: Expression View menu inconsistent when referring to Detail(s) Pane/Area<br>
<a href="">149205</a>: AssignValueAction ignores target messages<br>
<a href="">135170</a>: Terminate All menu option does not do anything<br>
<a href="">150193</a>: second frame selected instead of top frame after step return<br>
<a href="">148995</a>: Deadlock while stepping<br>
<a href="">148897</a>: [Memory View] memory renderings leak menu listener<br>
<a href="">148923</a>: [Memory View] selection is incorrect after stepping<br>
<a href="">140102</a>: [breakpoints] Focus cannot be set to &quot;Type&quot;, &quot;Line Number&quot; and &quot;Member&quot; fields in the properties dialog of the breakpoint<br>
<a href="">150569</a>: [help] Add exception dialog show workbench help<br>
<a href="">149638</a>: [breakpoints] 'Don't ask again' option for 'Remove All Breakpoints'<br>
<a href="">149176</a>: [Working Sets] UI is blocked when clearing all items in a breakpoint working set<br>
<a href="">148863</a>: [Memory View] Memory View should clean up command handler for NextMemoryBlock action<br>
<a href="">148865</a>: [Memory View]Sync service is holding onto rendering after a memory block is removed<br>
<a href="">149891</a>: SourceLookupFacility should use IEditorMatchingStrategy<br>
<h2>July 11, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">149069</a>: [preferences] Move USE_STEP_FILTERING pref constant to public API<br>
<a href="">148776</a>: !MESSAGE NLS unused messages<br>
<a href="">149076</a>: [preferences] Use step filtering pref is not persisted over workbench restart<br>
<a href="">148526</a>: Editing a string variable discards last entered character<br>
<a href="">149021</a>: [tests] testInstructionPointerLeaks failing<br>
<a href="">139089</a>: [breakpoints] NPE in JavaBreakpoint.fireRemoved () shutting down eclipse with Java Debug session running<br>
<a href="">144258</a>: The image registry is created twice<br>
<a href="">144560</a>: [console] NPE in ProcessConsole$InputReadJob<br>
<a href="">145545</a>: [console] Console can only be associated with IDebugElement instances<br>
<a href="">148940</a>: [Preferences] Step filter settings broken post-RC7<br>
<a href="">140561</a>: debug view scrolls to top, loses thread focus<br>
<h2>June 27, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">142972</a>: [launching] Add &quot;Run&quot; to context menu of shared launch config<br>
<a href="">148006</a>: [console] deadlock in ConsoleDocument during ant execution in autobuild<br>
<a href="">148646</a>: [console] current console combo uses CHECK instead of RADIO style buttons<br>
<a href="">138719</a>: [source lookup] memory leak in DecorationManager<br>
<a href="">132616</a>: [console] Console corrupts UTF-8<br>
<a href="">38387</a>: NLS'ing of internal error messages<br>
<a href="">138473</a>: [breakpoints] BreakpointManager sometimes fails to send a breakpoint-changed notification<br>
<a href="">142476</a>: TVT3.2:TCT535: Text boxes overlap with borders<br>
<a href="">89594</a>: [console] typing in the JSTConsole is screwy<br>
<a href="">137694</a>: [console] scrollbar in empty console<br>
<h2>June 20, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">67370</a>: [console] F1 help missing - Console view<br>
<a href="">140487</a>: [launching] The Debug/Run Configurations dialog uses wrong color<br>
<a href="">140823</a>: [launching] Code clean up<br>
<a href="">141782</a>: [help] Debug dialogs not offering help<br>
<a href="">141785</a>: [help] No context help for Debug Dialogs<br>
<a href="">145634</a>: [view management] Context-Based Debug View Activation only uses last contributed binding per view<br>
<a href="">147335</a>: [help] Source Tab has no context help topic<br>
<a href="">147502</a>: [view management] most relevant view should be brought to top<br>
<a href="">42876</a>: [help] F1 help in the Launch Configuration Dialog<br>
<a href="">145766</a>: [launching] Launch configuration change dialog appears twice<br>
<a href="">147464</a>: [view management] debug view does not activate in non-debug perspective<br>
<h2>June 13, 2006</h2>
<h3>Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">132554</a>: keybinding doesn't enable 'Use Step Filters/Step Debug' action<br>
<a href="">144900</a>: TVT3.2:TCT824: FR : Base - Missing apostrophes in Perspective preferences<br>
<a href="">120606</a>: [variables] Static variables disappeared after clicking a variable<br>
<a href="">136085</a>: [variables] view doesn't remember column positions or even which column<br>
<a href="">140487</a>: [launching] The Debug/Run Configurations dialog uses wrong color<br>
<a href="">141769</a>: [preferences] Perspectives tab is broken<br>
<a href="">143569</a>: Debug actions should check status after an action is completed<br>
<a href="">143805</a>: [viewers] array does not grow when parent not visible<br>
<a href="">144221</a>: [Memory View] Table rendering fails to show changes after resume<br>
<a href="">144258</a>: The image registry is created twice<br>
<a href="">144400</a>: [launching] LaunchManager keeps references on last resource delta<br>
<a href="">144560</a>: [console] NPE in ProcessConsole$InputReadJob<br>
<a href="">144900</a>: TVT3.2:TCT824: FR : Base - Missing apostrophes in Perspective preferences<br>
<a href="">145545</a>: [console] Console can only be associated with IDebugElement instances<br>
<a href="">145553</a>: [variables] Cannot modify String variable with empty string value with Change Value dialog<br>
<a href="">134304</a>: Fix broken NLS strings<br>