Bug 295393 -  create Hudson build to run JUnit tests on one platform
diff --git a/bundles/org.eclipse.build.tools/scripts/test.xml b/bundles/org.eclipse.build.tools/scripts/test.xml
index a29f000..182d0e1 100644
--- a/bundles/org.eclipse.build.tools/scripts/test.xml
+++ b/bundles/org.eclipse.build.tools/scripts/test.xml
@@ -148,27 +148,38 @@
 		<property name="testResults" value="${testDir}/testresults" />
 		<!--set up testing directory-->
-		<unzip src="${testFramework}" dest="${testDir}" overwrite="false"/>		
-		<echo message="executionDir ${executionDir} testExecutable ${testExecutable} testScript ${testScript} args ${args}"/>
+		<unzip src="${testFramework}" dest="${testDir}" overwrite="false" />
+		<echo message="executionDir ${executionDir} testExecutable ${testExecutable} testScript ${testScript} args ${args}" />
 		<!--callback to custom script for post setup-->
 		<!-- <ant antfile="${customTest}" target="customSetup" dir="${basedir}" /> -->
-		<!--run the tests-->		
+		<condition property="executionArguments" value="/c ${testScript} ${args}">
+			<and>
+				<os family="windows" />
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+		<condition property="executionArguments" value="${testScript} ${args}">
+			<and>
+				<os family="unix" />
+			</and>
+		</condition>
+		<!--run the tests-->
 		<exec dir="${executionDir}" executable="${testExecutable}">
-			<arg line="/c ${testScript} ${args}" />		
+			<arg line="${executionArguments}" />
 		<!-- <arg line="${testScript} ${args}" /> -->
-	<!--	<mkdir dir="${testResults}" />
+		<!--	<mkdir dir="${testResults}" />
 		<mkdir dir="${testResults}/consolelogs" /> -->
-	<!--	<copy todir="${testResults}">
+		<!--	<copy todir="${testResults}">
 			<fileset dir="${executionDir}/results" />
 		</copy> -->
-		<!-- <copy todir="${testResults}/consolelogs" file="${executionDir}/${consolelog}" /> --> 
+		<!-- <copy todir="${testResults}/consolelogs" file="${executionDir}/${consolelog}" /> -->