blob: 789ae5dfb4d2d9a26b7e8883ba037ed6cf6a0d24 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file should be run on Solaris x86
# Use this file (buildLibraries.csh) to compile and release all libraries for Solaris x86
echo Building Solaris x86 GTK
# These variables must be set to reflect the compilation context
setenv CC cc
setenv CXX CC
setenv JAVA_HOME /bluebird/teamswt/swt-builddir/IBMJava2-141
setenv MOZILLA_SDK /bluebird/teamswt/bog/mozilla/solaris_x86/1.7/mozilla/dist/sdk
setenv XULRUNNER_SDK /bluebird/teamswt/swt-builddir/xulrunner/
setenv MOZILLA_INCLUDES "-include ${MOZILLA_SDK}/include/mozilla-config.h -I${MOZILLA_SDK}/include"
setenv MOZILLA_LIBS "-L${MOZILLA_SDK}/lib -L${MOZILLA_SDK}/bin -lxpcom -lnspr4 -lplds4 -lplc4"
setenv XULRUNNER_INCLUDES "-include ${XULRUNNER_SDK}/include/mozilla-config.h -I${XULRUNNER_SDK}/include"
setenv XULRUNNER_LIBS "-L${XULRUNNER_SDK}/lib -lxpcomglue"
cd ../org.eclipse.swt/bin/library/
sh clean
sh make_mozilla install