blob: cc414aba9c42a3d784b84aed0019a26e354ed31d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS;
public class RepositoryRoot extends PlatformObject {
public static final String[] DEFAULT_AUTO_REFRESH_FILES = { ".project" }; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String DEFINED_MODULE_PREFIX = "module:"; //$NON-NLS-1$
ICVSRepositoryLocation root;
String name;
// Map of String (remote folder path) -> TagCacheEntry
Map versionAndBranchTags = new HashMap();
// Map of String (remote folder path) -> Set (file paths that are project relative)
Map autoRefreshFiles = new HashMap();
// Map of String (module name) -> ICVSRemoteFolder (that is a defined module)
Map modulesCache;
Object modulesCacheLock = new Object();
// List of date tags
List dateTags = new ArrayList();
public static class TagCacheEntry {
Set tags = new HashSet();
long lastAccessTime;
private static final int CACHE_LIFESPAN_IN_DAYS = 7;
public TagCacheEntry() {
public boolean isExpired() {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
long ms = currentTime - lastAccessTime;
int seconds = (int)ms / 1000;
int hours = seconds / 60 / 60;
int days = hours / 24;
public void accessed() {
lastAccessTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
public RepositoryRoot(ICVSRepositoryLocation root) {
this.root = root;
* Returns the name.
* @return String
public String getName() {
return name;
* Method getRemoteFolder.
* @param path
* @param tag
* @return ICVSRemoteFolder
public ICVSRemoteFolder getRemoteFolder(String path, CVSTag tag, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
if (isDefinedModuleName(path)) {
return getDefinedModule(getDefinedModuleName(path), tag, monitor);
} else {
return root.getRemoteFolder(path, tag);
static boolean isDefinedModuleName(String path) {
return path.startsWith(DEFINED_MODULE_PREFIX);
static String getDefinedModuleName(String path) {
return path.substring(DEFINED_MODULE_PREFIX.length());
static String asDefinedModulePath(String path) {
* Method getDefinedModule.
* @param path
* @param tag
* @param monitor
* @return ICVSRemoteFolder
private ICVSRemoteFolder getDefinedModule(String path, CVSTag tag, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
Map cache = getDefinedModulesCache(tag, monitor);
ICVSRemoteFolder folder = (ICVSRemoteFolder)cache.get(path);
if (folder != null) {
folder = (ICVSRemoteFolder)folder.forTag(tag);
return folder;
private Map getDefinedModulesCache(CVSTag tag, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
if (modulesCache == null) {
try {
// Fetch the modules before locking the cache (to avoid deadlock)
ICVSRemoteResource[] folders = root.members(CVSTag.DEFAULT, true, monitor);
synchronized(modulesCacheLock) {
modulesCache = new HashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
ICVSRemoteResource resource = folders[i];
modulesCache.put(resource.getName(), resource);
} catch (CVSException e) {
// we could't fetch the modules. Log the problem and continue
// Return an empty map but don't save it so the fetching of
// the modules will occur again
return new HashMap();
return modulesCache;
public ICVSRemoteResource[] getDefinedModules(CVSTag tag, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
Map cache = getDefinedModulesCache(tag, monitor);
return (ICVSRemoteResource[]) cache.values().toArray(new ICVSRemoteResource[cache.size()]);
public static String getRemotePathFor(ICVSResource resource) throws CVSException {
if (resource.isFolder()) {
if (resource instanceof ICVSRemoteFolder) {
ICVSRemoteFolder remoteFolder = (ICVSRemoteFolder) resource;
if (remoteFolder.isDefinedModule()) {
return asDefinedModulePath(remoteFolder.getName());
FolderSyncInfo info = ((ICVSFolder)resource).getFolderSyncInfo();
if (info == null)
throw new CVSException(NLS.bind(CVSUIMessages.RepositoryRoot_folderInfoMissing, new String[] { resource.getName() }));
return info.getRepository();
} else {
FolderSyncInfo info = resource.getParent().getFolderSyncInfo();
if (info == null)
throw new CVSException(NLS.bind(CVSUIMessages.RepositoryRoot_folderInfoMissing, new String[] { resource.getParent().getName() }));
String path = new Path(null, info.getRepository()).append(resource.getName()).toString();
return path;
* Returns the root.
* @return ICVSRepositoryLocation
public ICVSRepositoryLocation getRoot() {
return root;
* Sets the name.
* @param name The name to set
public void setName(String name) { = name;
* Accept the tags for any remote path that represents a folder. However, for the time being,
* the given version tags are added to the list of known tags for the
* remote ancestor of the resource that is a direct child of the remote root.
* It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the given remote path is valid.
public void addTags(String remotePath, CVSTag[] tags) {
addVersionAndBranchTags(remotePath, tags);
private void addDateTags(CVSTag[] tags){
for(int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++){
if(tags[i].getType() == CVSTag.DATE){
private void addVersionAndBranchTags(String remotePath, CVSTag[] tags) {
// Get the name to cache the version tags with
String name = getCachePathFor(remotePath);
// Make sure there is a table for the ancestor that holds the tags
TagCacheEntry entry = (TagCacheEntry)versionAndBranchTags.get(name);
if (entry == null) {
entry = new TagCacheEntry();
versionAndBranchTags.put(name, entry);
} else {
// Store the tag with the appropriate ancestor
for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
if(tags[i].getType() != CVSTag.DATE){
* Add the given date tag to the list of date tags associated with the repository.
* @param tag a date tag
public void addDateTag(CVSTag tag) {
if (!dateTags.contains(tag)) {
public void removeDateTag(CVSTag tag) {
if (dateTags.contains(tag)) {
* Return the list of date tags associated with the repository.
* @return the list of date tags
public CVSTag[] getDateTags() {
return (CVSTag[]) dateTags.toArray(new CVSTag[dateTags.size()]);
* Remove the given tags from the receiver
* @param remotePath
* @param tags
public void removeTags(String remotePath, CVSTag[] tags) {
removeVersionAndBranchTags(remotePath, tags);
private void removeDateTags(CVSTag[] tags) {
// Store the tag with the appropriate ancestor
for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
private void removeVersionAndBranchTags(String remotePath, CVSTag[] tags) {
// Get the name to cache the version tags with
String name = getCachePathFor(remotePath);
// Make sure there is a table for the ancestor that holds the tags
TagCacheEntry entry = (TagCacheEntry)versionAndBranchTags.get(name);
if (entry == null) {
// Store the tag with the appropriate ancestor
for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
* Returns the absolute paths of the auto refresh files relative to the
* repository.
* @return String[]
public String[] getAutoRefreshFiles(String remotePath) {
String name = getCachePathFor(remotePath);
Set files = (Set)autoRefreshFiles.get(name);
if (files == null || files.isEmpty()) {
// convert the default relative file paths to full paths
if (isDefinedModuleName(remotePath)) {
return new String[0];
List result = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_AUTO_REFRESH_FILES.length; i++) {
String relativePath = DEFAULT_AUTO_REFRESH_FILES[i];
result.add(new Path(null, remotePath).append(relativePath).toString());
return (String[]) result.toArray(new String[result.size()]);
} else {
return (String[]) files.toArray(new String[files.size()]);
* Sets the auto refresh files for the given remote path to the given
* string values which are absolute file paths (relative to the receiver).
* @param autoRefreshFiles The autoRefreshFiles to set
public void setAutoRefreshFiles(String remotePath, String[] autoRefreshFiles) {
Set newFiles = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(autoRefreshFiles));
// Check to see if the auto-refresh files are the default files
if (autoRefreshFiles.length == DEFAULT_AUTO_REFRESH_FILES.length) {
boolean isDefault = true;
for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_AUTO_REFRESH_FILES.length; i++) {
if (!newFiles.contains(new Path(null, remotePath).append(filePath).toString())) {
isDefault = false;
if (isDefault) {
this.autoRefreshFiles.put(getCachePathFor(remotePath), newFiles);
* Fetches tags from auto-refresh files.
public CVSTag[] refreshDefinedTags(ICVSFolder folder, boolean recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException {
monitor = Policy.monitorFor(monitor);
monitor.beginTask(null, 100);
CVSTag[] tags = null;
if (!recurse && !folder.getFolderSyncInfo().isVirtualDirectory()) {
// Only try the auto-refresh file(s) if we are not recursing into sub-folders
tags = fetchTagsUsingAutoRefreshFiles(folder, Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, 50));
if (tags == null || tags.length == 0) {
// There we're no tags found on the auto-refresh files or we we're aksed to go deep
// Try using the log command
tags = fetchTagsUsingLog(folder, recurse, Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, 50));
if (tags != null && tags.length > 0) {
String remotePath = getRemotePathFor(folder);
addTags(remotePath, tags);
return tags;
private CVSTag[] fetchTagsUsingLog(ICVSFolder folder, final boolean recurse, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CVSException {
LogEntryCache logEntries = new LogEntryCache();
RemoteLogOperation operation = new RemoteLogOperation(null, new ICVSRemoteResource[] { asRemoteResource(folder) }, null, null, logEntries) {
protected Command.LocalOption[] getLocalOptions(CVSTag tag1,CVSTag tag2) {
Command.LocalOption[] options = new Command.LocalOption[] {};
if (recurse)
return options;
Command.LocalOption[] newOptions = new Command.LocalOption[options.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(options, 0, newOptions, 0, options.length);
newOptions[options.length] = Command.DO_NOT_RECURSE;
return newOptions;
try {;
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw CVSException.wrapException(e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore;
String[] keys = logEntries.getCachedFilePaths();
Set tags = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
String key = keys[i];
ILogEntry[] entries = logEntries.getLogEntries(key);
for (int j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) {
ILogEntry entry = entries[j];
return (CVSTag[]) tags.toArray(new CVSTag[tags.size()]);
private ICVSRemoteResource asRemoteResource(ICVSFolder folder) throws CVSException {
if (folder instanceof ICVSRemoteResource) {
return (ICVSRemoteResource)folder;
return CVSWorkspaceRoot.getRemoteResourceFor(folder);
* Fetches tags from auto-refresh files.
private CVSTag[] fetchTagsUsingAutoRefreshFiles(ICVSFolder folder, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException {
String remotePath = getRemotePathFor(folder);
String[] filesToRefresh = getAutoRefreshFiles(remotePath);
try {
monitor.beginTask(null, filesToRefresh.length * 10);
List tags = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < filesToRefresh.length; i++) {
ICVSRemoteFile file = root.getRemoteFile(filesToRefresh[i], CVSTag.DEFAULT);
try {
tags.addAll(Arrays.asList(fetchTags(file, Policy.subMonitorFor(monitor, 5))));
} catch (TeamException e) {
IStatus status = e.getStatus();
boolean doesNotExist = false;
if (status.getCode() == CVSStatus.SERVER_ERROR && status.isMultiStatus()) {
IStatus[] children = status.getChildren();
if (children.length == 1 && children[0].getCode() == CVSStatus.DOES_NOT_EXIST) {
// Don't throw an exception if the file does no exist
doesNotExist = true;
if (!doesNotExist) {
throw e;
return (CVSTag[]) tags.toArray(new CVSTag[tags.size()]);
} finally {
* Returns Branch and Version tags for the given files
private CVSTag[] fetchTags(ICVSRemoteFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException {
Set tagSet = new HashSet();
ILogEntry[] entries = file.getLogEntries(monitor);
for (int j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) {
CVSTag[] tags = entries[j].getTags();
for (int k = 0; k < tags.length; k++) {
return (CVSTag[])tagSet.toArray(new CVSTag[0]);
* Return the cache key (path) for the given folder path.
* This has been changed to cache the tags directly
* with the folder to better support non-root projects.
* However, resources in the local workspace use the folder
* the project is mapped to as the tag source (see TagSource)
private String getCachePathFor(String remotePath) {
return remotePath;
* Write out the state of the receiver as XML on the given XMLWriter.
* @param writer
* @throws IOException
public void writeState(XMLWriter writer) {
HashMap attributes = new HashMap();
attributes.put(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.ID_ATTRIBUTE, root.getLocation(false));
if (name != null) {
attributes.put(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.NAME_ATTRIBUTE, name);
writer.startTag(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.REPOSITORY_TAG, attributes, true);
//put date tag under repository
writer.startTag(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.DATE_TAGS_TAG, attributes, true);
Iterator iter = dateTags.iterator();
CVSTag tag = (CVSTag);
writeATag(writer, attributes, tag, RepositoriesViewContentHandler.DATE_TAG_TAG);
// Gather all the modules that have tags and/or auto-refresh files
// for each module, write the moduel, tags and auto-refresh files.
String[] paths = getKnownRemotePaths();
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
String path = paths[i];
String name = path;
if (isDefinedModuleName(path)) {
name = getDefinedModuleName(path);
attributes.put(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, RepositoriesViewContentHandler.DEFINED_MODULE_TYPE);
attributes.put(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.PATH_ATTRIBUTE, name);
TagCacheEntry entry = (TagCacheEntry)versionAndBranchTags.get(path);
boolean writeOutTags = entry != null && !entry.isExpired();
if (writeOutTags)
attributes.put(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.LAST_ACCESS_TIME_ATTRIBUTE, Long.toString(entry.lastAccessTime));
writer.startTag(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.MODULE_TAG, attributes, true);
if (writeOutTags) {
Iterator tagIt = entry.tags.iterator();
while (tagIt.hasNext()) {
CVSTag tag = (CVSTag);
writeATag(writer, attributes, tag, RepositoriesViewContentHandler.TAG_TAG);
Set refreshSet = (Set)autoRefreshFiles.get(path);
if (refreshSet != null) {
Iterator filenameIt = refreshSet.iterator();
while (filenameIt.hasNext()) {
String filename = (String);
attributes.put(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.FULL_PATH_ATTRIBUTE, filename);
writer.startAndEndTag(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.AUTO_REFRESH_FILE_TAG, attributes, true);
private void writeATag(XMLWriter writer, HashMap attributes, CVSTag tag, String s) {
attributes.put(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.NAME_ATTRIBUTE, tag.getName());
attributes.put(RepositoriesViewContentHandler.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, RepositoriesViewContentHandler.TAG_TYPES[tag.getType()]);
writer.startAndEndTag(s, attributes, true);
* Method getKnownTags.
* @param remotePath
* @return CVSTag[]
public CVSTag[] getAllKnownTags(String remotePath) {
TagCacheEntry entry = (TagCacheEntry)versionAndBranchTags.get(getCachePathFor(remotePath));
if(entry != null){
CVSTag [] tags1 = (CVSTag[]) entry.tags.toArray(new CVSTag[entry.tags.size()]);
CVSTag[] tags2 = getDateTags();
int len = tags1.length + tags2.length;
CVSTag[] tags = new CVSTag[len];
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++){
if(i < tags1.length){
tags[i] = tags1[i];
tags[i] = tags2[i-tags1.length];
return tags;
return getDateTags();
public String[] getKnownRemotePaths() {
Set paths = new HashSet();
return (String[]) paths.toArray(new String[paths.size()]);
* @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable#getAdapter(java.lang.Class)
public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) {
if (ICVSRepositoryLocation.class.equals(adapter)) return getRoot();
return super.getAdapter(adapter);
* Method tagIsKnown.
* @param remoteResource
* @return boolean
public boolean tagIsKnown(ICVSRemoteResource remoteResource) {
if (remoteResource instanceof ICVSRemoteFolder) {
ICVSRemoteFolder folder = (ICVSRemoteFolder) remoteResource;
String path = getCachePathFor(folder.getRepositoryRelativePath());
CVSTag[] tags = getAllKnownTags(path);
CVSTag tag = folder.getTag();
for (int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
CVSTag knownTag = tags[i];
if (knownTag.equals(tag)) return true;
return false;
* This method is invoked whenever the refresh button in the
* RepositoriesView is pressed.
void clearCache() {
synchronized(modulesCacheLock) {
if (modulesCache != null)
modulesCache = null;
* Sets the root.
* @param root The root to set
void setRepositoryLocation(ICVSRepositoryLocation root) {
this.root = root;
* Set the last access time of the cache entry for the given path
* as it was read from the persistent store.
/* package */ void setLastAccessedTime(String remotePath, long lastAccessTime) {
TagCacheEntry entry = (TagCacheEntry)versionAndBranchTags.get(getCachePathFor(remotePath));
if(entry != null){
entry.lastAccessTime = lastAccessTime;