blob: fe7aed3c4f4bb66db076a1c2df170fe58ff3dc51 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
* This is a TestCase that does provide the possibility
* to run tests on both the reference reference-client and the
* client provided by us, and to check on equal results
* in files and messages to the consol.
* No own tests should be placed here, instead you should
* instantiate this testcase in order to make your test from
* another suite.
* The class is final, because you need to be able to open
* two (or more) different environments to test certain things.
public final class SameResultEnv extends JUnitTestCase {
private IProject referenceProject;
private ICVSFolder referenceRoot;
private IProject eclipseProject;
private ICVSFolder eclipseRoot;
private boolean ignoreExceptions;
public SameResultEnv(String arg) {
* Always to be called in the setUp of the testCase that wants to
* use the same-result environment.
public void setUp() throws Exception {
IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
// setup reference client test project
referenceProject = root.getProject(getName() + "-reference");
referenceProject.delete(true /*deleteContent*/, true /*force*/, null);
referenceRoot = CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(referenceProject);
// setup eclipse client test project
eclipseProject = root.getProject(getName() + "-eclipse");
eclipseProject.delete(true /*deleteContent*/, true /*force*/, null);
eclipseRoot = CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(eclipseProject);
// By default, exceptions are not ignored.
// Specific test cases can choose to ignore exceptions
ignoreExceptions = false;
* Always to be called in the tearDown of the testCase that wants to
* use the same-result environment.
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
// we deliberately don't clean up test projects to simplify debugging
* Helper method.
* Calls execute(command, EMPTY_ARGS, localOptions, arguments, pathRelativeToRoot)
public void execute(String command, String[] localOptions, String[] arguments, String pathRelativeToRoot)
throws CVSException {
execute(command, EMPTY_ARGS, localOptions, arguments, pathRelativeToRoot);
* Helper method.
* Calls execute(command, EMPTY_ARGS, localOptions, arguments, "")
public void execute(String command, String[] localOptions, String[] arguments)
throws CVSException {
execute(command, EMPTY_ARGS, localOptions, arguments, "");
* Runs a command twice, once in the reference environments, once
* in the eclipse environment. Compares the resulting resources
* on disk, but not console output.
public void execute(String command,
String[] globalOptions, String[] localOptions, String[] arguments,
String pathRelativeToRoot) throws CVSException {
// run with reference client
boolean referenceClientException = execute(CommandLineCVSClient.INSTANCE,
CompatibleTestSetup.referenceClientRepository, referenceProject,
command, globalOptions, localOptions, arguments, pathRelativeToRoot);
// run with Eclipse client
boolean eclipseClientException = execute(EclipseCVSClient.INSTANCE,
CompatibleTestSetup.eclipseClientRepository, eclipseProject,
command, globalOptions, localOptions, arguments, pathRelativeToRoot);
// assert same results
assertEquals(referenceClientException, eclipseClientException);
private boolean execute(ICVSClient client, ICVSRepositoryLocation repositoryLocation,
IContainer localRoot, String command,
String[] globalOptions, String[] localOptions, String[] arguments,
String pathRelativeToRoot) throws CVSException {
try {
IPath path = new Path(pathRelativeToRoot);
if (path.segmentCount() != 0) {
localRoot = localRoot.getFolder(path);
client.executeCommand(repositoryLocation, localRoot, command, globalOptions,
localOptions, arguments);
} catch (CVSException e) {
if (ignoreExceptions) return true;
throw e;
return false;
* Deletes files on the both of the cvs-servers.
public void magicDeleteRemote(String remoteName) throws CVSException {
super.magicDeleteRemote(CompatibleTestSetup.referenceClientRepository, remoteName);
super.magicDeleteRemote(CompatibleTestSetup.eclipseClientRepository, remoteName);
* Set up both of the repos on the cvs-server(s) with the standard
* file-structure:
* project
* a.txt
* f1
* b.txt
* c.txt
public void magicSetUpRepo(String projectName)
throws IOException, CoreException, CVSException {
magicSetUpRepo(projectName, new String[]{"a.txt","f1/b.txt","f1/c.txt"});
* Set up both of the repos on the cvs-server(s) with a file structure
* resulting for your input in the parameter createResources.
public void magicSetUpRepo(String projectName, String[] createResources)
throws IOException, CoreException, CVSException {
IProject projectRoot = workspaceRoot.getProject(projectName + "-setup-tmp");
createRandomFile(projectRoot, createResources);
String[] lOptions = new String[]{"-m","msg"};
String[] args = new String[]{projectName,"a","b"};
magicDeleteRemote(CompatibleTestSetup.referenceClientRepository, projectName);
EclipseCVSClient.execute(CompatibleTestSetup.referenceClientRepository, CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(projectRoot),
"import", EMPTY_ARGS, lOptions, args);
magicDeleteRemote(CompatibleTestSetup.eclipseClientRepository, projectName);
EclipseCVSClient.execute(CompatibleTestSetup.eclipseClientRepository, CVSWorkspaceRoot.getCVSFolderFor(projectRoot),
"import", EMPTY_ARGS, lOptions, args);
projectRoot.delete(false /*force*/, null);
* Create a file with random-content in both, the reference client and
* the eclipse-client.
* @param relativeFileName is the relative path as always in the
class used for access
public void createRandomFile(String relativeFileName)
throws IOException, CoreException {
String[] contents = new String[] { createRandomContent() };
writeToFile(relativeFileName, contents);
* Call createRandomFile for every element of the array
* @see SameResultEnv#createRandomFile(String)
public void createRandomFile(String[] relativeFileNames,
String pathRelativeToRoot) throws CoreException, IOException {
if (pathRelativeToRoot == null) {
pathRelativeToRoot = "";
} else if (! pathRelativeToRoot.endsWith("/")) {
pathRelativeToRoot += "/";
for (String relativeFileName : relativeFileNames) {
createRandomFile(pathRelativeToRoot + relativeFileName);
* Read from the file (check that we have actually got the same
* content in both versions
public String[] readFromFile(String relativeFileName)
throws IOException, CoreException {
IFile referenceFile = referenceProject.getFile(relativeFileName);
String[] content1 = super.readFromFile(referenceFile);
IFile eclipseFile = eclipseProject.getFile(relativeFileName);
String[] content2 = super.readFromFile(eclipseFile);
return content1;
* Delete a file / folder from both directories.
public void deleteFile(String relativeFileName) throws CoreException {
IResource referenceFile, eclipseFile;
if (relativeFileName.length() != 0) {
referenceFile = referenceProject.findMember(relativeFileName);
eclipseFile = eclipseProject.findMember(relativeFileName);
} else {
referenceFile = referenceProject;
eclipseFile = eclipseProject;
assertEquals(referenceFile != null, eclipseFile != null);
if (referenceFile == null) return;
assertEquals(referenceFile.exists(), eclipseFile.exists());
referenceFile.delete(true, null);
eclipseFile.delete(true, null);
* Creates a folder (and its parents if needed) in both environments.
public void mkdirs(String relativeFolderName) throws CoreException {
IFolder referenceFolder = referenceProject.getFolder(relativeFolderName);
IFolder eclipseFolder = eclipseProject.getFolder(relativeFolderName);
assertEquals(referenceFolder.exists(), eclipseFolder.exists());
* Append a String to an file (actually to both of the files, that are going
* to have the same content)
public void appendToFile(String relativeFileName, String[] contents)
throws IOException, CoreException {
// Wait a second so that the timestamp will change for sure
IFile referenceFile = referenceProject.getFile(relativeFileName);
appendToFile(referenceFile, contents);
IFile eclipseFile = eclipseProject.getFile(relativeFileName);
appendToFile(eclipseFile, contents);
* Append a String to an file (actually to both of the files, that are going
* to have the same content)
public void prefixToFile(String relativeFileName, String[] contents)
throws IOException, CoreException {
// Wait a second so that the timestamp will change for sure
IFile referenceFile = referenceProject.getFile(relativeFileName);
prefixToFile(referenceFile, contents);
IFile eclipseFile = eclipseProject.getFile(relativeFileName);
prefixToFile(eclipseFile, contents);
* Write to the file (actually to both of the files, that are going
* to have the same content)
public void writeToFile(String relativeFileName, String[] contents)
throws IOException, CoreException {
IFile referenceFile = referenceProject.getFile(relativeFileName);
writeToFile(referenceFile, contents);
IFile eclipseFile = eclipseProject.getFile(relativeFileName);
writeToFile(eclipseFile, contents);
* Checks whether the two directories inside the environment
* are equal and therefore the state valid.
public void assertConsistent() throws CVSException {
assertEquals(referenceRoot, eclipseRoot);
* Deep compare of two ManagedResources (most likely folders).
* Passwords are ignored.
* @param ignoreTimestamp if true timestamps of
files are ignored for the comparison
public static void assertEquals(ICVSResource mResource1,
ICVSResource mResource2)
throws CVSException {
assertEquals(mResource1.isFolder(), mResource2.isFolder());
assertEquals(mResource1.isManaged() , mResource2.isManaged());
assertEquals(mResource1.exists(), mResource2.exists());
if (!mResource1.exists()) {
if (mResource1.isFolder()) {
} else {
* Assert that two CVSFile's are equal by comparing the content
* and the meta information out of the ResourceSync.
private static void assertEquals(ICVSFile mFile1, ICVSFile mFile2) throws CVSException {
if (mFile1.getName().equals(".project")) return;
// Check the permissions on disk
assertEquals(mFile1.isReadOnly(), mFile2.isReadOnly());
// Compare the content of the files
byte[] buffer1 = new byte[(int) mFile1.getSize()];
byte[] buffer2 = new byte[(int) mFile2.getSize()];
try (InputStream in1 = mFile1.getContents(); InputStream in2 = mFile2.getContents()) {
// This is not the right way to do it, because the Stream
// may read less than the whole file;;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CVSException("Error in TestCase");
assertEquals("Length differs for file " + mFile1.getName(), buffer1.length, buffer2.length);
assertEquals("Contents differs for file " + mFile1.getName(), new String(buffer1),new String(buffer2));
// We can not do the check, because the reference client does
// check out dirty files ?!?
// assertEquals(mFile1.isDirty(),mFile2.isDirty());
assertEquals(mFile1.getSyncInfo() == null,mFile2.getSyncInfo() == null);
if (mFile1.getSyncInfo() == null) {
ResourceSyncInfo info1 = mFile1.getSyncInfo();
ResourceSyncInfo info2 = mFile2.getSyncInfo();
assertEquals(info1.getKeywordMode(), info2.getKeywordMode());
assertEquals(info1.getTag(), info2.getTag());
assertEquals(info1.getName(), info2.getName());
assertEquals(info1.getRevision(), info2.getRevision());
assertEquals(info1.isDeleted(), info2.isDeleted());
assertEquals(info1.isAdded(), info2.isAdded());
assertEquals(info1.isMerged(), info2.isMerged());
assertEquals(info1.isMergedWithConflicts(), info2.isMergedWithConflicts());
// Ensure that timestamps are written using same time zone.
// assertTimestampEquals(info1.getTimeStamp(), info2.getTimeStamp());
// We are not able to check for the permissions, as the reference-client doesn't save them
* Assert that two CVSFile's are equal. First the
* meta information out of the FolderSync for this
* folder is compared, then the amount of children is
* checked and finally the recursion is started to
* compare the children of this folder.
private static void assertEquals(ICVSFolder mFolder1,
ICVSFolder mFolder2)
throws CVSException {
if (mFolder1.isCVSFolder()) {
String root1 = removePassword(mFolder1.getFolderSyncInfo().getRoot());
String root2 = removePassword(mFolder2.getFolderSyncInfo().getRoot());
root1 = root1.substring(0,root1.lastIndexOf("@"));
root2 = root2.substring(0,root2.lastIndexOf("@"));
ICVSResource[] resourceList1 = mFolder1.members(ICVSFolder.FILE_MEMBERS | ICVSFolder.FOLDER_MEMBERS);
ICVSResource[] resourceList2 = mFolder2.members(ICVSFolder.FILE_MEMBERS | ICVSFolder.FOLDER_MEMBERS);
assertEquals(resourceList1.length, resourceList2.length);
for (ICVSResource r : resourceList1) {
boolean resourceFound = false;
for (ICVSResource _r : resourceList2) {
if (r.getName().equals(_r.getName())) {
assertEquals(r, _r);
resourceFound = true;
assertTrue("Resource " + r.getName() + " not found in the list", resourceFound);
* Sets whether Exceptions that are thrown in the execution of both of the clients are
* caught or thrown to the upper level. If the exceptions are caught the result of the
* reference-client and this client are compared as if the execution succeeded.
public void setIgnoreExceptions(boolean ignoreExceptions) {
this.ignoreExceptions = ignoreExceptions;
* returns ":pserver:nkrambro@fiji:/home/nkrambro/repo"
* when you insert ":pserver:nkrambro:password@fiji:/home/nkrambro/repo"
public static String removePassword(String root) {
int indexOfHostSeparator = root.lastIndexOf("@", root.length());
String hostAndPath = root.substring(indexOfHostSeparator);
root = root.substring(0, indexOfHostSeparator);
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(root, ":", true);
StringBuilder filteredRoot = new StringBuilder();
int colonCounter = 3;
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = tok.nextToken();
if (":".equals(token)) {
if (--colonCounter == 0) continue; // skip colon
if (colonCounter == 0) continue; // skip password
return filteredRoot.toString();