blob: d5e446211cdeb3ae6cc8ec931abc9edfda422e95 [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import java.util.Date;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
* The CVS analog of a file. CVS files have access to synchronization information
* that describes their association with the CVS repository. CVS files also provide
* mechanisms for sending and receiving content.
* @see ICVSResource
public interface ICVSFile extends ICVSResource {
// Constants used to indicate the type of updated response from the server
public static final int UPDATED = 1;
public static final int MERGED = 2;
public static final int UPDATE_EXISTING = 3;
public static final int CREATED = 4;
* Answers the size of the file.
long getSize();
* Gets an input stream for reading from the file.
* It is the responsibility of the caller to close the stream when finished.
InputStream getContents() throws CVSException;
* Set the contents of the file to the contents of the provided input stream
* @param responseType the type of reponse that was received from the server
* UPDATED - could be a new file or an existing file
* MERGED - merging remote changes with local changes. Failure could result in loss of local changes
* CREATED - contents for a file that doesn't exist locally
* UPDATE_EXISTING - Replacing a local file with no local changes with remote changes.
public void setContents(InputStream stream, int responseType, boolean keepLocalHistory, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CVSException;
* Sets the file's read-only permission.
void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) throws CVSException;
* Answers if the file is read-only.
boolean isReadOnly() throws CVSException;
* Move the resource to another location. Does overwrite without
* promting.
void copyTo(String filename) throws CVSException;
* Answers the current timestamp for this file with second precision.
Date getTimeStamp();
* If the date is <code>null</code> then the current time is used.
void setTimeStamp(Date date) throws CVSException;
* Answers <code>true</code> if the file differs from its base. If the file has no
* base, it is not dirty
boolean isDirty() throws CVSException;
* Answers <code>true</code> if the file has changed since it was last updated
* from the repository, if the file does not exist, or is not managed. And <code>false</code>
* if it has not changed.
boolean isModified() throws CVSException;
* Answers the revision history for this file. This is similar to the
* output of the log command.
public ILogEntry[] getLogEntries(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException;