blob: 194c60fd221341a2e066d5f942268ad70adb5cd4 [file] [log] [blame]
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<p>Since: 3.0 M6<br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2004/06/01 15:23:56 $</p>
<h4>Annotate action should be available from</h4>
<li>history view, repo explorer, resource/packages view</li>
<h4>Annotate java files</h4>
<li>should show the java editor</li>
<li>you should be able to step through changes in the annotate
view and the java editor should stay in sync (e.g. highlight) the
changes associated with the selected change in the annotate view.</li>
<li>you should also be able to select a line in the java file and
the annotate view should select the change that is associated with that
<li>the history view should show the history for the opened file
and highlight the revision of the currently selected change in the
annotate view.</li>
<h4>Annotate non-text editor files</h4>
<li>annotate plugin.xml file</li>
<li>the default text editor should be shown</li>
<li>you should also be able to select a line in the text file and
the annotate view should select the change that is associated with that
<li>the history view should show the history for the opened file
and highlight the revision of the currently selected change in the
annotate view.</li>
<h4>Annotate binary files</h4>
<li>annotate a file marked as binary</li>
<li>the server should report an error that annotations cannot be
shown for binary files.</li>