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<html><head><title>Importing a zip over a shared project</title>
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</head><body><h2>Importing a zip over a shared project</h2>
<p>Since: 3.0 M6<br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/05/23 13:19:14 $</p>
<p>This scenario captures one means of patching. It assumes that a zip file contains
a previous version of a project that has been modified in some way and added to
a zip archive (without CVS directories).</p>
<p>Perform the following steps:</p>
<li>Load the project from CVS (using Checkout or some other means).</li>
<li>Import the zip over the loaded project.</li>
<li>Ensure that the sync states are Outgoing for all resources from the zip file.</li>
<li>Ensure that all folders from the zip file (except new ones)
are marked as in-sync and all files (except new ones) are outgoing changes.</li>
<li>Changing the comparison criteria to compare contents should not contact the server
and should leave only the resources that differ in the sync view. Perform a
Mark As Merged and a Commit on these resources.</li>
<li>Changing the comparison criteria back to revision number will
reveal all the files whose content did not change, perform a Mark as
merged on these resources followed by a Team>Update on the project in
the Navigator (Note: This could be handled better).</li>
<li>After the update, ensure the project has no out-of-sync resources.</li>