blob: 1e79b6be6a1b245e2d4175405037f14edf525f83 [file] [log] [blame]
* (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2001.
* All Rights Reserved.
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
* The CVS analog of file system files and directories. These are handles to
* state maintained by a CVS client. That is, the CVS resource does not
* actually contain data but rather represents CVS state and behavior. You are
* free to manipulate handles for CVS resources that do not exist but be aware
* that some methods require that an actual resource be available.
* <p>
* The CVS client has been designed to work on these handles uniquely. As such, the
* handle could be to a remote resource or a local resource and the client could
* perform CVS operations ignoring the actual location of the resources.</p>
* @see ICVSFolder
* @see ICVSFile
public interface ICVSResource {
* Answers the name of the resource.
* @return the name of the resource this handle represents. It can never
* be <code>null</code>.
public String getName();
* Answers if this resource has CVS synchronization information associated
* with it.
* @return <code>true</code> if the resource is
public boolean isManaged() throws CVSException;
* Unmanage the given resource by purging any CVS synchronization associated with the
* resource. The only way a resource can become managed is by running the
* appropriate CVS commands (e.g. add/commit/update).
public void unmanage(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CVSException;
* Answer whether the resource could be ignored because it is in the one of the
* ignore lists maintained by CVS. Even if a resource is ignored, it can still be
* added to a repository, at which time it should never be ignored by the CVS
* client.
* @return <code>true</code> if this resource is listed in one of the ignore
* files maintained by CVS and <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean isIgnored() throws CVSException;
* Add the following file to the parent's ignore list
public void setIgnored() throws CVSException;
* Add the following pattern to the file's parent ignore list
public void setIgnoredAs(String pattern) throws CVSException;
* Answers if the handle is a file or a folder handle.
* @return <code>true</code> if this is a folder handle and <code>false</code> if
* it is a file handle.
public boolean isFolder();
* Answers if the resource identified by this handle exists.
* @return <code>true</code> if the resource represented by this handle
* exists and <code>false</code> false otherwise.
public boolean exists() throws CVSException;
* Answers the local relative path from the given ancestor to the receiver.
* @return the ancestor relative path for this resource.
public String getRelativePath(ICVSFolder ancestor) throws CVSException;
* Get the remote location of a resource.
* @return the remote location.
public String getRemoteLocation(ICVSFolder stopSearching) throws CVSException;
* Answers the workspace synchronization information for this resource. This would
* typically include information from the <b>Entries</b> file that is used to track
* the base revisions of local CVS resources.
* @return the synchronization information for this resource, or <code>null</code>
* if the resource does not have synchronization information available.
public ResourceSyncInfo getSyncInfo() throws CVSException;
* Called to set the workspace synchronization information for a resource. To
* clear sync information call <code>unmanage</code>. The sync info will
* become the persisted between workbench sessions.
* @param info the resource synchronization to associate with this resource.
public void setSyncInfo(ResourceSyncInfo info) throws CVSException;
* Deletes the resource represented by the handle.
public void delete() throws CVSException;
* Give the folder that contains this resource. If the resource is not managed
* then the result of the operation is not specified.
* @return a handle to the parent of this resource.
public ICVSFolder getParent();
* Accept a vistor to this resource.
public void accept(ICVSResourceVisitor visitor) throws CVSException;