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<title>Eclipse Platform Release Notes - Desktop</title>
Eclipse Platform Release Notes<br>
Compare (including example)</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 105 - May 10, 2001
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API Additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
1GCC8BV: ITPUI:ALL - Need icons for Compare<br>
1GD9XVG: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Release: no busy cursor during diff computation<br>
1GCWH49: ITPVCM:WINNT - UI: If nothing to release, should not say "Compare failed"
Problem reports closed</h2>
1G60D5W: ITPUI:ALL - Compare should not be enabled if two items not selected<br>
1G5YG2R: ITPUI:ALL - Navigator->Popup->Compare should be disabled if there is only one item selected.<br>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 104 - May 6, 2001
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API Additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
1GD6YLA: ITPVCM:WINNT - Exception in release viewer<br>
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 103
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API Additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
<tt>EditionSelectionDialog</tt> provides support for "Add edition" in addition
to "Replace with edition".
<br>Fixed plugin point doc (after "the big rename").
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
SDK Build 102
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API Additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
1GCPBTE: ITPVCM:WINNT - Catchup/release shouldn't show structure on multi-selection
<br>1GCP1DH: ITPJUI:WINNT - Double click on calendar dismisses replace
<br>1GCJBUT: ITPJUI:ALL - No indication when there are no editions available
<br>1GCFU1D: ITPJUI:ALL - Compare: incorrect icon Replace Java Element
Problem reports closed</h2>
1G8BNIK: ITPJUI:WINNT - strange naming in compare view
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Build 0.048
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API Additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
1GCOZHF: ITPUI:WINNT - Error navigating stucture in release view
<br>1GCOLNU: ITPUI:WINNT - Double clicking in compare editor is slow
<br>1GCJWNF: ITPJUI:ALL - "no differences" message is not a sentence
<br>1GCHN93: ITPUI:WINNT - Walkback in DiffTreeViewer
<br>1G9UVEC: ITPJUI:WINNT - compare viewer: no syntax coloring
<br>1GAOS9R: ITPUI:WINNT - Unable to cancel compare
<br>1GBCZXK: ITPUI:WINNT - Failed assertion when java structure fails to
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Build 0.046
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API Additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
1GCDH47: ITPUI:ALL - Next and Prev buttons don't work in strcuture compare
<br>1GCBHKO: ITPUI:ALL - Illegal uses of FileImageDescriptor in Compare
<br>1GCDHNA: ITPUI:ALL - remove "..."&nbsp;&nbsp; from CompareWith and
ReplaceWith ... cascade menus
<br>1GCF6T6: ITPUI:ALL - Inconsistent contextmenu labels in TextMergeViewer
<br>1GBYOQY: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Need to configure label in EditionSelectionDialog
<br>1GCF905: ITPUI:ALL - EditionSelectionDialog must sort input array
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Build 0.044
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API Additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
1GBBL6K: ITPUI:ALL - SH: NullPointer in StructuredDiffViewer
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%">
<p>Build 0.043
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API Additions</h3>
Added new constructor taking a SWT style bits to ContentMergeViewer &amp;
Added API to EditionSelectionDialog to control on which side of a compare
viewer to show the workspace and editions.</li>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
the javadoc in package.html files is incorrect.</li>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
1GBPOEB: ITPJUI:WINNT - Layout trouble in the default diff editor
<br>1GBPOZE: ITPJUI:WINNT - compare: synchronize panes button disappears
<br>1GBWQ5V: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Infinite loop in BinaryCompareViewer
<br>1GBWUJ8: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Compare editor has wrong title
<br>1GBYJ41: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Need style bits for top level composite of
<br>1GBYOJX: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Better name for ReplaceWithEditionDialog
<br>1GB0P4S: ITPVCM:WINNT - Structure viewer on jar is brutal
<br>1GBYONP: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Flipping sides of EditionSelectionDialog
<br>1GBYOQY: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Need to configure label in EditionSelectionDialog
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Build 0.042
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
API Additions</h3>
new method CompareEditorInput.setFocus</li>
Other highlights</h3>
Adapted to new workbench UI look.</li>
Removed VCM synch stuff</li>
Clarification how to do filtering in ResourceNode.createChild(...): if
null is returned given child is not added to list of children.</li>
Known deficiencies</h2>
the javadoc in package.html files is incorrect.</li>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
1GBPN75: ITPJUI:WINNT - Endless loop when copying diffs in diff editor
<br>1GBM7QL: ITPJUI:WINNT - replace with catchup?
<br>1GBMJ9I: ITPUI:WINNT - ResourceNode resource and children should be
<br>1GBM3AQ: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Null as input for TextMergeViewer
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Build 0.040
What's new in this drop</h2>
Javadoc &amp; Incorporated API review.
API changes</h3>
too many</li>
API Additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Build 032
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
deprecated <tt>ViewerPane</tt>; use <tt>CompareViewerSwitchingPane</tt>
deprecated <tt>ByteContentAccessor</tt> and <tt>IByteContentAccessor</tt>.
Use <tt>IStreamContentAccessor </tt>instead<tt>.</tt></li>
deprecated <tt>IDiffParent</tt>; Use <tt>IDiffElement</tt> instead<tt>.</tt></li>
Moved more classes to internal package.</li>
removed byte[] argument from <tt>IEditable.replace</tt>. Replace only handles
add, remove, and copy contents. For setting a contents use <tt>IEditable.setContents</tt>.</li>
Renamed <tt>IByteContentChangedListener</tt> to <tt>IContentChangedListener</tt>.</li>
removed methods <tt>addChangeListener</tt> and <tt>removeChangeListener</tt>
from <tt>IByteContentAccessor</tt>. Use <tt>IContentChangedProvider</tt>
Deprecated <tt>IDiffConstants.INCOMING</tt>, <tt>IDiffConstants.OUTGOING</tt>.
Use <tt>LEFT</tt> and <tt>RIGHT</tt> instead. The interpretation of LEFT
and RIGHT (e.g. Incoming and Outgoing) is left to the client.</li>
Changed return type of&nbsp; <tt>DiffContainer.findChild(String name)</tt>
from <tt>DiffContainer</tt> to <tt>IDiffElement</tt>.</li>
Changed return type of <tt>IDiffContainer.getChildren</tt> from <tt>Iterator</tt>
to <tt>Object[]</tt>.</li>
API Additions</h3>
&nbsp;added method <tt>ResourceNode.createChild(IResource child)</tt></li>
<br>(can be used to filter children)
added method <tt>setContents(byte[] ...)</tt> to <tt>IEditable</tt></li>
added interface <tt>IContentChangedProvider.</tt></li>
Other highlights</h3>
Panes within compare editor can be resized</li>
Replace from history buffer.</li>
Support for method level editions.</li>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
Problem reports closed</h2>
not yet</li>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Build 027
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
deprecated <tt>ViewerPane</tt>; use <tt>deprectCompareViewerSwitchingPane</tt>
API Additions</h3>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Build 026
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
changed <tt>IViewer</tt> to <tt>ICompareViewer</tt></li>
renamed <tt>AbstractViewer</tt> to <tt>AbstractCompareViewer</tt></li>
removed interface <tt>IDocumentRange</tt></li>
removed class <tt>HistoryCompareOp</tt> (Use the new command "Replace with
edition") instead</li>
removed the history mechanism of <tt>ResourceNode</tt>. Use the new class
removed <tt>NullViewer</tt> from API.</li>
new method <tt>IEditable.isEditable()</tt></li>
API Additions</h3>
first cut of new <tt>ReplaceWithActionAction</tt></li>
new class <tt>HistoryItem</tt></li>
new constructor: <tt>DiffNode(ITypedInput left, ITypedInput right)</tt></li>
Other highlights</h3>
first cut of "Replace with edition". A dialog is there but pressing "OK"
has no effect.</li>
Known deficiencies</h2>
correct focus/activation handling still waiting for SWT focus/activation
Problem reports fixed</h2>
1G8FFQ7: ITPUI:WIN2000 - Walkback
<br>1G8BRDW: ITPUI:ALL - Reference to deprecated DesktopPlugin
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Build 022
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
changed visibility of <tt>ByteContentAccessor.loadContent()</tt> from public
to protected</li>
API Additions</h3>
differencing engine (<tt>Differencer</tt>) supports <tt>IProgressMonitor</tt></li>
Other highlights</h3>
Known deficiencies</h2>
correct focus/activation handling is still broken.</li>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
Problem reports closed</h2>
<hr WIDTH="100%"></h1>
Build 021
What's new in this drop</h2>
API changes</h3>
Harmonized usage of the compare directions: Mine/Yours/Your, Incoming/Outgoing,
Left/Right. Everywhere <b>Left/Right </b>is used.</li>
<br>API changes: ContentMergeViewer, ImageMergeViewer, TextMergeViewer,
IMergeViewerContentProvider, MergeViewerContentProvider, ICompareConfiguration,
CompareConfiguration, IThreeWayInput, StructureDiffViewer, DiffNode, DiffTreeViewer
changed signature of <tt></tt> from <tt>void save(Object
input, IDocument document)</tt> to <tt>void save(Object input, IStructureComparator
made <tt></tt>
package private.</li>
API Additions</h3>
Added new classes <tt>CompareOp</tt>, <tt>ResourceCompareOp, HistoryCompareOp</tt></li>
<br>All comparison operations can now be written as subclasses of <tt>CompareOp</tt>.
generically opens a <tt>CompareEditor</tt> for it. <tt>ResourceCompareOp</tt>
implements a universal two/threeway compare on desktop resources. <tt>HistoryCompareOp</tt>
compares a resource with its most recent edition from the history buffer.
Another example would be a <tt>RepositoryCompareOp</tt>.</ul>
Other highlights</h3>
background coloring in the TextMergeViewer no longer depend on StyledText
background coloring support.</li>
generic <i>copy-left-to-right</i> and <i>copy-right-to-left</i> action
now work in second and third structure panes.</li>
<br>In the resource pane they just print a message to the console but don't
do anything.
Progress is shown while a compare runs.</li>
Support for comparing jpegs.</li>
if resources with unknown types are compared the Compare Plugin tries to
guess whether they contain text and whether the TextMergeViewer can be
Known deficiencies</h2>
correct focus/activation handling is still broken.</li>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
Problem reports closed</h2>
<p><br><i><font size=-1>(c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001&nbsp; All Rights Reserved.</font></i>