blob: ba91c3f2c9fd02b34e1163507b0ffba88aaf94e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v0.5
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial implementation
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.QualifiedName;
* This abstract class implements the state of a local and corresponding remote resource,
* and behavior of those resources.
* <p>
* Common state for all 'managed' resources includes:
* <ul>
* <li>the local resource and corresponding remote resource objects</li>
* <li>the timestamp of the local resource as it was last in synch with the provider</li>
* <li>an identifier for the remote resource as it was last in synch with the provider</li>
public abstract class ResourceState {
* Serialization format identifier.
* see toBytes() and fromBytes()
private static final int BYTES_FORMAT = 0;
* These constants are used to indicate uninitialized values for the local
* base timestamp and remote base identifier.
protected static final long EMPTY_LOCALBASETS = -1L;
protected static final String EMPTY_REMOTEBASEID = "Undefined:"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* The base state of the resource. The 'base' is the state of the resource
* state that was fetched from (or put in) the provider.
protected long localBaseTimestamp = EMPTY_LOCALBASETS;
protected String remoteBaseIdentifier = EMPTY_REMOTEBASEID;
protected boolean checkedOut = true;
* This is the local resource that the receiver represents. It is initialized by
* the constructor. (The remote resource is maintained by specific subclasses
* as it is type-dependent.)
protected IResource localResource;
protected QualifiedName stateKey = new QualifiedName("", "state_info"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
protected URL rootUrl;
* Constructor for a resource state given a local resource.
* Remember which local resource this state represents.
* @param localResource the local part of a synchronized pair of resources.
public ResourceState(IResource localResource, URL rootUrl) {
this.rootUrl = rootUrl;
this.localResource = localResource;
* Get the timestamp that represents the base state of the local resource, that is
* the state that the local resource had when it was initially fetched from the repository.
* @return the timestamp of the local state of the resource (as reported by
* at the point the resource was downloaded to the
* workspace.
* @throws BaseIdentifierNotInitializedException if the resource has not yet been
* downloaded.
public long getLocalBaseTimestamp()
throws BaseIdentifierNotInitializedException {
if (localBaseTimestamp == EMPTY_LOCALBASETS)
throw new BaseIdentifierNotInitializedException();
return localBaseTimestamp;
* Get the identifier that represents the base state of the remote resource, that is
* the state of the remote resource when it was fetched as the base state of the
* local resource.
* <p>
* In general, repositories have arbitrary ways to distinguish resource states.
* The result should only be used for equality comparison, there should be no
* ordering or other information implied from the value returned. For example,
* the value may be a version identifier, timestamp, ETag, etc. To ensure
* schemes do not inadvertantly test equal it is recommended that the identifier
* be a URI where the scheme denotes the value type,
* e.g., date-rfc1123:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 06:25:24 GMT</p>
* @return an opaque identifier to the base state of the resource in the provider.
* @throws BaseIdentifierNotInitializedException if the resource has not yet been
* downloaded.
public String getRemoteBaseIdentifier()
throws BaseIdentifierNotInitializedException {
if (remoteBaseIdentifier.equals(EMPTY_REMOTEBASEID))
throw new BaseIdentifierNotInitializedException();
return remoteBaseIdentifier;
* Get the identifier that represents the released state of the resource,
* that is the state that it currently has in the repository.
* <p>
* In general, repositories have arbitrary ways to distinguish resource states.
* The result should only be used for equality comparison, there should be no
* ordering or other information implied from the value returned. For example,
* the value may be a version identifier, timestamp, ETag, etc. To ensure
* schemes do not inadvertantly test equal it is recommended that the identifier
* be a URI where the scheme denotes the value type,
* e.g., date-rfc1123:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 06:25:24 GMT</p>
* @param progress a progress monitor to indicate the duration of the operation, or
* <code>null</code> if progress reporting is not required.
* @return an opaque identifier to the current released state of the resource in
* the provider.
* @throws TeamException if there is a problem getting the released state
* identifier from the provider. Valid exception status codes include:
* <ul>
* <li>IO_FAILED</li>
* </ul></p>
public abstract String getReleasedIdentifier(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException;
* Check out the receiver. Return a status if the receiver is in the wrong state for the operation to be performed.
* @throws TeamException if there is a error communicating with the resource from the server.
public void checkout(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
progress.beginTask(null, 100);
try {
// Not going to allow branching.
if (isOutOfDate(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 50)))
throw new TeamException(ITeamStatusConstants.CONFLICT_STATUS);
// Sanity check.
if (!hasRemote(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 50)))
throw new TeamException(ITeamStatusConstants.NO_REMOTE_RESOURCE_STATUS);
// Legally, the resource must be checked in before it can be checked out.
if (isCheckedOut())
throw new TeamException(ITeamStatusConstants.NOT_CHECKED_IN_STATUS);
// Do the provider specific action for check-out.
} finally {
* A basic checkout is provider specific.
* Unless overridden, work in an optimistic mode.
protected void basicCheckout(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
checkedOut = true;
* Check in the receiver.
* @throws TeamException if there is a error communicating with the resource from the server.
public void checkin(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
progress = Policy.monitorFor(progress);
progress.beginTask(null, 100);
try {
// The resource must be checked out before it can be checked in.
if (!isCheckedOut())
throw new TeamException(ITeamStatusConstants.NOT_CHECKED_OUT_STATUS);
if (!hasLocal()) {
if (hasRemote(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 10))) {
delete(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 80));
} else {
// Ensure the necessary remote direcotories exist
mkRemoteDirs(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 10));
// Copy from the local resource to the repository.
if (getLocal().getType() == IResource.FILE) {
upload(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 80));
//if we got to here the upload succeeded (didn't throw)
checkedOut = false;
} finally {
* Uncheckout the receiver.
public void uncheckout(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
// Has to be checked-out before it can be reversed.
if (!isCheckedOut())
throw new TeamException(ITeamStatusConstants.NOT_CHECKED_OUT_STATUS);
// Nothing interesting to do since the API spec. requires that we do not reverse
// any local changes.
checkedOut = false;
* Answer whether the receiver is checked out or not.
* <p>
* Note that this is a quick operation that will be called from the UI, so providers are required
* to cache information that is expensive to compute. Where the cache may get stale users
* have the opportunity to force a refresh using ITeamProvider.refreshState().
* @return <code>true</code> if the receiver is checked in, and <code>false</code>
* if it is not.
* @see ITeamProvider#isCheckedOut(IResource)
* @see ITeamProvider#refreshState(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor)
public boolean isCheckedOut() {
return checkedOut;
* Answer if the local resource currently has a different timestamp to the
* base timestamp for this resource.
* @return <code>true</code> if the resource has a different modification
* timestamp, and <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @see ITeamProvider#isDirty(IResource)
public boolean isDirty() {
if (!hasPhantom()) return false;
if (!hasLocal()) return true;
if (localBaseTimestamp == EMPTY_LOCALBASETS)
return localResource.getType() == IResource.FILE;
return localBaseTimestamp != localResource.getModificationStamp();
* Answers true if the base identifier of the given resource is different to the
* current released state of the resource.
public boolean isOutOfDate(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException {
if (!hasPhantom()) return false;
if (remoteBaseIdentifier.equals(EMPTY_REMOTEBASEID)) return false;
String releasedIdentifier = getReleasedIdentifier(monitor);
return !remoteBaseIdentifier.equals(releasedIdentifier);
* Download the remote resource represented by the receiver state to the location
* represented by the local resource (i.e., resource.getLocation().toFile()).
* This copies from the provider to the workspace, <em>and</em> sets the local
* base timestamp and remote base identifier.
* The provider may (and should wherever possible) optimize the case where it
* knows the local resource is identical to the remote resource.
public abstract void download(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException;
* Upload the resource represented by the local resource to the remote
* resource represented by the receiver. This copies from the workspace to
* the provider <em>and</em> sets the local base timestamp and remote base
* identifier.
public abstract void upload(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException;
* Delete the remote resource.
public abstract void delete(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException;
* Answer if the remote resource exists.
public abstract boolean hasRemote(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException;
* Answer the type of the remote resource (if it exists).
* The type should correspond to the IResource enumerated types.
public abstract int getRemoteType();
* Answer the array of resource states for each member of the receiver.
* If the receiver has no members (or is incapable of having members)
* answer an empty array.
public abstract ResourceState[] getRemoteChildren(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException;
* Create the necessary remote directories corresponding to the local resource.
* That is, if the resource is a folder, create it and its parents if they don't
* already exist. If the resource is a file, create its parents if they don't
* already exist.
protected abstract void mkRemoteDirs(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException;
public IResource getLocal() {
return localResource;
* Get the file underlying the local resource.
protected File getLocalFile() {
return localResource.getLocation().toFile();
* Answer if the local resource exists.
protected boolean hasLocal() {
return localResource.exists();
* Answer if the local resource has a phantom, which indicates that the respource had both a local
* and remote version at one time.
protected boolean hasPhantom() {
try {
return SynchronizedTargetProvider.getSynchronizer().getSyncInfo(stateKey, localResource) != null;
} catch (CoreException e) {
return false;
* Initializes the resource state instance from the given serialized state.
* The format of the serialized state is that produced by <code>toBytes()</code>.
* @param bytes the serialized resource state.
public final void loadState() throws TeamException {
try {
byte[] storedState =
SynchronizedTargetProvider.getSynchronizer().getSyncInfo(stateKey, localResource);
if (storedState != null)
} catch (CoreException e) {
throw TeamPlugin.wrapException(e);
* Initializes the resource state instance from the given serialized state.
* The format of the serialized state is that produced by <code>toBytes()</code>.
* @param bytes the serialized resource state.
protected void fromBytes(byte[] bytes) throws TeamException{
try {
DataInputStream dataStream =
new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
if (BYTES_FORMAT != dataStream.readByte())
// Restore common resource state values.
remoteBaseIdentifier = dataStream.readUTF();
localBaseTimestamp = dataStream.readLong();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw TeamPlugin.wrapException(e);
public final void storeState() throws TeamException {
try {
// Ensure that the parent has base info recorded (otherwise deleting the parent will cause the lose of sync info)
if (localResource.getType() == IResource.PROJECT) return;
IContainer parent = localResource.getParent();
if (parent != null && parent.getType() != IResource.PROJECT &&
SynchronizedTargetProvider.getSynchronizer().getSyncInfo(stateKey, parent) == null) {
} else {
ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().save(false, null);
} catch (CoreException e) {
throw TeamPlugin.wrapException(e);
* Answer the resource state as a sequence of bytes, in a format that can be used to
* reconstruct an equivalent resource state using the <code>fromBytes(byte[])</code>
* method.
* <p>
* Subclasses should implement <code>storeState(DataOutputStream)</code> to
* store provider specific state information.</p>
* @return the resource state as a byte array.
* @see #storeState(DataOutputStream)
* @see fromBytes(byte[])
protected byte[] toBytes() throws TeamException {
try {
// Create a stream to store the byte representation of the receiver's state.
ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(32);
// Guess ~32 bytes
DataOutputStream dataStream = new DataOutputStream(byteStream);
// Store data common to all resource states.
return byteStream.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw TeamPlugin.wrapException(e);
final public void removeState() throws TeamException {
try {
if (localResource.exists() || localResource.isPhantom()) {
} catch (CoreException e) {
throw TeamPlugin.wrapException(e);
* @see org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable#getAdapter(Class)
public Object getAdapter(Class adapter) {
return Platform.getAdapterManager().getAdapter(this, adapter);
* Method getRoot.
* @return URL of this resource's parent
public URL getRoot() {
return rootUrl;
private ResourceState getParent() throws TeamException {
return getResourceStateFor(localResource.getParent());
private ResourceState getResourceStateFor(IResource resource) throws TeamException {
TargetProvider provider = TargetManager.getProvider(resource.getProject());
return ((SynchronizedTargetProvider)provider).getState(resource);
* Get the resource corresponding to the receiver to the specified depth.
protected final void get(int depth, IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
progress = Policy.monitorFor(progress);
// the no progress monitor is used to control the progress given to
// other methods and ensures that the progress monitor is not overloaded
// with subtask messages and work. The null monitor does propagate
// cancellation.
IProgressMonitor noProgress = new NullSubProgressMonitor(progress);
try {
progress.beginTask(null, 100);
// If remote does not exist then simply ensure no local resource exists.
if (!hasRemote(noProgress)) {
if (hasLocal())
// Ensure that the required local folders exist
if (!hasLocal()) {
// If the remote resource is a file, download the remote contents
if (getRemoteType() == IResource.FILE) {
download(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 100));
// The remote resource is a container.
// If the local resource is a file, we must remove it first.
if (getLocal().getType() == IResource.FILE) {
if (hasLocal()) {
deleteLocal(noProgress); // May not exist.
// change the local resource to a folder and create it
localResource = localResource.getParent().getFolder(new Path(localResource.getName()));
// Finally, resolve the collection membership based upon the depth parameter.
switch (depth) {
case IResource.DEPTH_ZERO :
// If we are not considering members of the collection then we are done.
case IResource.DEPTH_ONE :
// If we are considering only the immediate members of the collection
getFolderShallow(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 100));
case IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE :
// We are going in deep.
getFolderDeep(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 100));
default :
// We have covered all the legal cases.
return; // Never reached.
} // end switch
} finally {
* Get the folder resource represented by the receiver deeply.
protected final void getFolderDeep(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
progress = Policy.monitorFor(progress);
try {
progress.beginTask(null, 10);
// Could throw if problem getting the folder at this level.
ResourceState[] childFolders = getFolderShallow(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 7));
// If there are no further children then we are done.
if (childFolders.length == 0)
IProgressMonitor subProgress = Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 3);
// Collect the responses in the multistatus.
try {
subProgress.beginTask(null, childFolders.length);
for (int i = 0; i < childFolders.length; i++) {
childFolders[i].get(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, Policy.subMonitorFor(subProgress, 1));
} finally {
} finally {
* Synchronize from the remote provider to the workspace.
* Assume that the 'remote' folder is correct, and change the local
* folder to look like the remote folder.
* returns an array of children of the remote resource that are themselves
* collections.
protected final ResourceState[] getFolderShallow(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
progress = Policy.monitorFor(progress);
IProgressMonitor noProgress = new NullProgressMonitor();
try {
// We are assuming that the resource is a container.
Assert.isLegal(getLocal() instanceof IContainer);
IContainer localContainer = (IContainer)getLocal();
// Get list of all _remote_ children.
ResourceState[] remoteChildren = getRemoteChildren(noProgress);
// This will be the list of remote children that are themselves containers.
Set remoteChildFolders = new HashSet();
// Make a list of _local_ children that have not yet been processed,
IResource[] localChildren = getLocalChildren();
Set surplusLocalChildren = new HashSet(localChildren.length);
progress.beginTask(null, remoteChildren.length * 100);
// For each remote child that is a file, make the local file content equivalent.
for (int i = 0; i < remoteChildren.length; i++) {
ResourceState remoteChildState = remoteChildren[i];
// If the remote child is a container add it to the list, and ensure that the local child
// is a folder if it exists.
if (remoteChildState.getRemoteType() == IResource.FILE) {
// The remote resource is a file. Copy the content of the remote file
// to the local file, overwriting any existing content that may exist, and
// creating the file if it doesn't., 100));
// Remember that we have processed this child.
} else {
// The remote resource is a container.
// If the local child is not a container then it must be deleted.
IResource localChild = remoteChildState.getLocal();
if (localChild.exists() && (!(localChild instanceof IContainer)))
} // end if
} // end for
// Remove each local child that does not have a corresponding remote resource.
TargetProvider provider = TargetManager.getProvider(localContainer.getProject());
Iterator childrenItr = surplusLocalChildren.iterator();
while (childrenItr.hasNext()) {
IResource unseenChild = (IResource);
} // end-while
// Answer the array of children seen on the remote collection that are
// themselves collections (to support depth operations).
return (ResourceState[]) remoteChildFolders.toArray(
new ResourceState[remoteChildFolders.size()]);
} finally {
* Delete the local resource represented by the resource state. Do not complain if the resource does not exist.
protected final void deleteLocal(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
try {
getLocal().delete(IResource.KEEP_HISTORY, progress);
} catch (CoreException exception) {
throw TeamPlugin.wrapException(exception);
* Make the local directories matching the description of the local resource state.
protected final void mkLocalDirs(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
try {
IResource resource = getLocal();
if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
resource = resource.getParent();
if (resource.getType() == IResource.FOLDER && ! resource.exists()) {
if (!resource.getParent().exists()) {
ResourceState parent=getResourceStateFor(resource.getParent());
((IFolder)resource).create(false /* force */, true /* make local */, progress);
// Mark the folders as having a base
} catch (CoreException exception) {
// The creation failed.
throw TeamPlugin.wrapException(exception);
* Get an array of local children of the given container, or an empty array if the
* container does not exist or has no children.
protected final IResource[] getLocalChildren() throws TeamException {
// We are assuming that the resource is a container.
Assert.isLegal(getLocal() instanceof IContainer);
IContainer container = (IContainer)getLocal();
if (container.exists())
try {
return container.members();
} catch (CoreException exception) {
throw TeamPlugin.wrapException(exception);
return new IResource[0];
* Put the resource from the workspace to the remote provider.
* Assume that the 'local' resource is correct, and change the remote
* resource to look like the local resource. This includes removing any
* child resources that exist remotely but do not exist locally.
protected final void put(IProgressMonitor progress) throws TeamException {
progress = Policy.monitorFor(progress);
// the no progress monitor is used to control the progress given to
// other methods and ensures that the progress monitor is not overloaded
// with subtask messages and work. The null monitor does propagate
// cancellation.
IProgressMonitor noProgress = new NullSubProgressMonitor(progress);
try {
// Check cancellation
progress.beginTask(null, 100);
// This operation is inefficient
// // Ensure that the remote type matches the local type
// boolean hasRemote = hasRemote(noProgress);
// if ((getRemoteType() != localResource.getType() && localResource.getType() != IResource.PROJECT)) {
// if (hasRemote) delete(noProgress);
// hasRemote = false;
// }
// Upload the resource (this is a shallow operation for folders)
checkin(Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 75));
// If we're putting a file, we're done
if (localResource.getType() == IResource.FILE) return;
// If the local doesn't exist then we just deleted the remote so we're done
if (!hasLocal()) return;
// Make a list of _remote_ children that have not yet been processed,
Map surplusRemoteChildren = new HashMap();
boolean hasRemote = hasRemote(noProgress); // XXX is this needed?
if (hasRemote) {
ResourceState[] remoteChildren = remoteChildren = getRemoteChildren(progress);
for (int i = 0; i < remoteChildren.length; i++) {
ResourceState resourceState = remoteChildren[i];
surplusRemoteChildren.put(resourceState.getLocal(), resourceState);
// For each local child that is a file, make the remote file content equivalent.
IResource[] localChildren = getLocalChildren();
IProgressMonitor subMonitor = Policy.subMonitorFor(progress, 25);
try {
subMonitor.beginTask(null, localChildren.length * 100);
for (int i = 0; i < localChildren.length; i++) {
IResource localChild = localChildren[i];
// Get the resource state corresponding to the local resource
ResourceState state = (ResourceState)surplusRemoteChildren.get(localChild);
if (state == null) {
// There is no remote corresponding to the local
state = getResourceStateFor(localChild);
} else {
// There is a remote. Remember that we have processed this child.
// Put the child (this is a deep operation for folders)
state.put(Policy.subMonitorFor(subMonitor, 100));
} finally {
// Remove each remote child that does not have a corresponding local resource.
Iterator childrenItr = surplusRemoteChildren.values().iterator();
while (childrenItr.hasNext()) {
ResourceState unseenChild = (ResourceState);
} finally {
* Method to be used only by subclasses to set the remoteBaseIdentifier after
* an upload or download.
* @param remoteBaseIdentifier The remoteBaseIdentifier to set
protected void setRemoteBaseIdentifier(String remoteBaseIdentifier) {
this.remoteBaseIdentifier = remoteBaseIdentifier;
* Method to be used only by subclasses to set the localBaseTimestamp after
* an upload or download.
* @param localBaseTimestamp The localBaseTimestamp to set
public void setLocalBaseTimestamp(long localBaseTimestamp) {
this.localBaseTimestamp = localBaseTimestamp;