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<title>Sharing a new project</title>
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<h2>Sharing a new project</h2>
<p>Since: 3.0 M8<br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2004/06/01 15:23:56 $</p>
<h3>Scenario 1: Existing location using project name</h3>
<p>Perform the following steps:</p>
<li>Create a new project that does not exist in the repository</li>
<li>Select Team>Share and select CVS (if there is more than one
repository provider available).</li>
<li>Select a repository and click Next</li>
<li>Use the project name as the module name. Click Next.</li>
<li>After a time, the last page should show the outgoing changes
in the project. Commit the changes from the synchronize pane.</li>
<li>Click Finish</li>
<h3>Scenario 2: New location using different name</h3>
<p>Perform the following steps:</p>
<li>Create a new project</li>
<li>Select Team>Share and select CVS (if there is more than one
repository provider available).</li>
<li>Select to create a new repository and click Next</li>
<li>Enter the repository information for a new repository and
click Next</li>
<li>Enter a single segment module name that does not exist in the
repository and click Next.</li>
<li>After a time, the last page should show the outgoing changes
in the project. Commit the changes from the synchronize pane.</li>
<li>Click Finish</li>