blob: 1a9f69bbe0bf0610ae1c8f05156823d694be093b [file] [log] [blame]
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<p>Since: <br>
Last Modified: $Date: 2007/05/23 13:19:14 $</p>
<p>Test that authentication, connection errors result in appropriate
error messages and that these don't pollute the log file or console. To
setup for these tests ensure there are a couple of shared projects in
your workspace.</p>
<li>Clear you log file before starting the tests and turn on the
CVS quick diff provider.</li>
<li>Perform an update, a synchronize, and open a file. The log
should be empty and the operations should succeed.</li>
<li>Disconnect from the network.</li>
<li>Open a file. The CVS quick diff will fail and an error should
be in the log.</li>
<li>Synchronize all the shared projects. One error explaining the
failures should be returned.</li>
<li>Change the connection properties of one of the projects to
point to an non-existing location. Then synchronize again, the error
message should indicate that some succeeded and others failed. But the
user should no that the operation did complete and skipped the failed
<li>Expand the invalid location in the CVS repositories view. An
appropriate error should be shown.</li>