blob: 6b580c49fb3d4fb94c3eafda0f823e818b9a3662 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
pluginName = Ant UI
providerName =
AntBuild = Ant Build
AntLaunchShortcut.label = &Ant Build
AntLaunchShortcutWithDialog.label = &Ant Build...
ContextualAntLaunchShortcut.label = Ant Build
ContextualAntLaunchShortcutWithDialog.label = Ant Build...
antLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.description=Create a configuration that will run an Ant buildfile.
antBuilderLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.description=Create a configuration that will run an Ant buildfile during a build. Editor
AddBookmark.label=Add Boo&kmark...
AddBookmark.tooltip=Add Bookmark...
AddTask.label=Add &Task...
AddTask.tooltip=Add Task... Content Assist
ActionDefinition.antContentAssistProposals.description=Content Assist in the Ant Editor
CategoryView.antViews = Ant
View.antView = Ant
PreferencePage.antPreferences = Ant
PreferencePage.antRuntimePreferences = Runtime
PreferencePage.antEditorPreferences = Editor
PreferencePage.antCodeFormatterPreferences = Formatter
PreferencePage.antTemplatePreferences = Templates
errorMessageColor.label=Error message color
errorMessageColor.description=The color used in the console for Ant error messages resulting from an Ant build.
warningMessageColor.label=Warning message color
warningMessageColor.description=The color used in the console for Ant warning messages resulting from an Ant build.
informationMessageColor.label=Information message color
informationMessageColor.description=The color used in the console for Ant information messages resulting from an Ant build.
verboseMessageColor.label=Verbose message color
verboseMessageColor.description=The color used in the console for Ant verbose messages resulting from an Ant build.
debugMessageColor.label=Debug message
debugMessageColor.description=The color used in the console for Ant debug messages resulting from an Ant build.
lineNumberColor.label=Line number foreground color
lineNumberColor.description=The color used in the Ant editor for the line numbers.
currentLineHighlightColor.label=Current line highlight color
currentLineHighlightColor.description=The color used in the Ant editor to highlight the current line.
printMarginColor.label=Print Margin color
printMarginColor.description=The color used in the Ant editor for the print margin.
codeAssistBackgroundColor.label=Code assist proposals background color
codeAssistBackgroundColor.description=The color used for the background of the Ant editor code assist proposals.
codeAssistForegroundColor.label=Code assist proposals foreground color
codeAssistForegroundColor.description=The color used for the foreground of the Ant editor code assist proposals.
textColor.label=Text color
textColor.description=The color used in the Ant editor for simple text.
processingInstructionsColor.label=Processing instructions color
processingInstructionsColor.description=The color used in the Ant editor for XML processing instructions.
constantStringsColor.label=Constant strings color
constantStringsColor.description=The color used in the Ant editor for constant strings.
tagsColor.label=Tags color
tagsColor.description=The color used in the Ant editor for tags.
commentsColor.label=Comments color
commentsColor.description=The color used in the Ant editor for comments.
templatesName = Ant Templates Definitions Ant Ant Task Ant Document Factory Ant Document Setup Participant
ant.resolvers.src= Source Fileset
ant.resolvers.src.description= A source fileset
ant.resolvers.dst= Destination Fileset
ant.resolvers.dst.description= An output fileset
Ant.marker.label = Ant Buildfile Problem Existing Ant Buildfile
antImportWizard.description= Creates an Eclipse project from an exisiting Ant buildfile in the filesystem.