blob: ca250245afbaae87a00042026dd2c759e3275aff [file] [log] [blame]
AbstractFortranRefactoringActionDelegate_FileInEditorCannotBeRefactored=The file in the editor cannot be refactored.\n\nFortran files can only be refactored if they are located inside a Fortran project in your workspace.
AddOnlyToUseStmtInputPage_ClickOKMessage=Click OK to add the ONLY clause to the selected USE statement. To see what changes will be made, click Preview.
AddOnlyToUseStmtInputPage_SelectModuleEntitiesLabel=Select the module entities to add to the ONLY clause.
CommonVarNamesInputPage_NewNameLabel=New Name
CommonVarNamesInputPage_OriginalNameLabel=Original Name
ExtractProcedureAction_SubroutineNameLabel=Extract selected code to a subroutine named
KeywordCaseInputPage_ChangeKeywordsToLabel=Change keywords to:
KeywordCaseInputPage_ClickOKMessage=Click OK to change the case of all keywords in the selected files. To see what changes will be made, click Preview.
KeywordCaseInputPage_LowerCaseLabel=Lower Case
KeywordCaseInputPage_UpperCaseLabel=Upper Case
RenameAction_MatchExternalSubprograms=Match external subprograms with interfaces and external declarations
RenameAction_RenameAtoB=Rename {0} to