blob: a073d9b7df1c9237eb1c63af6bf97325b476b4ae [file] [log] [blame]
# File describing the string use in the LDAP R4E plug-in
# Server Information
fhostTooltip= Hostname.server
fPortTooltip= 389
fBaseTooltip = DC=abc, DC=se
# Security section
fUserNameTooltip = Enter the user Id or domain\\userId;
# Field Description
defaultDescription = Default value: {0}
# Message error
messageError1=R4E - Unable to perform operation: \n
messageError2=R4E Password error UnsupportedEncodingException: \n
messageError3=R4E Password error NoSuchAlgorithmException: \n
messageError4=Server information not defined
noHostOrPort=Host or Port not set
noUserIdProvided=Cannot perform search when no user Identification is provided
noUserNameProvided=Cannot perform search when no user Name is provided