blob: f1b8d09ce01c9e9d959758e9c0a936fb470381bb [file] [log] [blame]
// $codepro.audit.disable com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.audit.rule.effectivejava.alwaysOverridetoString.alwaysOverrideToString, useForLoop, com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.deserializeabilitySecurity, com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.disallowReturnMutable, com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.enforceCloneableUsageSecurity
* Copyright (c) 2010 Ericsson Research Canada
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Description:
* This class is used to access various eclipse editors from R4E model elements
* Contributors:
* Sebastien Dubois - Created for Mylyn Review R4E project
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentType;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.TextSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorRegistry;
import org.eclipse.ui.IReusableEditor;
import org.eclipse.ui.IStorageEditorInput;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;
import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor;
* @author lmcdubo
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public class EditorProxy {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Field R4E_COMPARE_EDITOR_TITLE. (value is ""R4E Compare"")
private static final String R4E_COMPARE_EDITOR_TITLE = "R4E Compare";
* Field DEFAULT_EDITOR_NAME. (value is ""org.eclipse.ui.DefaultTextEditor"")
private static final String DEFAULT_EDITOR_NAME = "org.eclipse.ui.DefaultTextEditor";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Method openEditor. Open the editor
* @param aPage
* IWorkbenchPage - the current workbench page
* @param aSelection
* ISelection - the currently selected model element
* @param forceSingleEditor
* boolean - flag to force single editor
* @throws CoreException
public static void openEditor(IWorkbenchPage aPage, ISelection aSelection, boolean forceSingleEditor) {
if (aSelection.isEmpty() || !(aSelection instanceof IStructuredSelection)) {
Object element = null;
IR4EUIPosition position = null;
R4EUIFileContext context = null;
R4EFileVersion baseFileVersion = null;
R4EFileVersion targetFileVersion = null;
for (final Iterator<?> iterator = ((IStructuredSelection) aSelection).iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
element =;
if (!(element instanceof IR4EUIModelElement)) {
//Depending on which element was selected in the tree, we make the target file editable
//The file is editable if it was opened from the anomaly or comment level, otherwise it is not
//Check to get the position we should put the cursor on and the highlight range in the editor
if (element instanceof R4EUIAnomalyBasic) {
position = ((R4EUIAnomalyBasic) element).getPosition();
} else if (element instanceof R4EUIComment) {
position = ((R4EUIAnomalyBasic) ((R4EUIComment) element).getParent()).getPosition();
} else if (element instanceof R4EUIContent) {
position = ((R4EUIContent) element).getPosition();
//Find the parent FileContextElement
while (!(element instanceof R4EUIFileContext)) {
element = ((IR4EUIModelElement) element).getParent();
if (null == element) {
context = ((R4EUIFileContext) element);
//Get files from FileContext
baseFileVersion = context.getBaseFileVersion();
targetFileVersion = context.getTargetFileVersion();
//If the files are the same (or do not exist), open the single editor
if (null == baseFileVersion || null == targetFileVersion
|| baseFileVersion.getVersionID().equals(targetFileVersion.getVersionID())) {
forceSingleEditor = true;
//Check if the base file is set, if so, we will use the compare editor. Otherwise we use the normal editor of the appropriate type
if (context.isFileVersionsComparable() && !forceSingleEditor) {
openCompareEditor(aPage, baseFileVersion, targetFileVersion);
} else {
if (null != targetFileVersion) {
openSingleEditor(aPage, targetFileVersion, position);
} else {
//File was removed, open the base then
openSingleEditor(aPage, baseFileVersion, position);
* Method openSingleEditor. Open the single-mode default editor for the file type
* @param aPage
* IWorkbenchPage - the current workbench page
* @param aFileVersion
* R4EFileVersion - the file version
* @param aPosition
* IR4EUIPosition - the position to go to in the file
private static void openSingleEditor(IWorkbenchPage aPage, R4EFileVersion aFileVersion, IR4EUIPosition aPosition) {
try {
IStorageEditorInput editorInput = null;
//NOTE: We use the workspace file as input if it is in sync with the file to review,
// otherwise we use the file to review that is included in the review repository
if (CommandUtils.useWorkspaceResource(aFileVersion)) {
editorInput = new R4EFileEditorInput(aFileVersion);
} else {
editorInput = new R4EFileRevisionEditorInput(aFileVersion);
final String id = getEditorId(editorInput.getName(),
getContentType(editorInput.getName(), editorInput.getStorage().getContents()));
final IEditorPart editor = aPage.openEditor(editorInput, id, OpenStrategy.activateOnOpen());
//Set highlighted selection and reset cursor if possible
if (editor instanceof ITextEditor && aPosition instanceof R4EUITextPosition) {
((ITextEditor) editor).setHighlightRange(((R4EUITextPosition) aPosition).getOffset(),
((R4EUITextPosition) aPosition).getLength(), true);
final TextSelection selectedText = new TextSelection(((R4EUITextPosition) aPosition).getOffset(),
((R4EUITextPosition) aPosition).getLength());
((ITextEditor) editor).getSelectionProvider().setSelection(selectedText);
} catch (CoreException e) {
* Method openCompareEditor. Open the compare-mode default editor for the file types
* @param aPage
* IWorkbenchPage - the current workbench page
* @param aBaseFileVersion
* R4EFileVersion - the base (or reference) file version
* @param aTargetFileVersion
* R4EFileVersion - the target (or current) file version
private static void openCompareEditor(IWorkbenchPage aPage, R4EFileVersion aBaseFileVersion,
R4EFileVersion aTargetFileVersion) {
//Reuse editor if it is already open on the same input
CompareEditorInput input = null;
final IEditorPart editor = findReusableCompareEditor(aPage, aBaseFileVersion, aTargetFileVersion);
if (null != editor) {
aPage.activate(editor); //Simply provide focus to editor
//Go to the correct element in the compare editor
UIUtils.selectElementInEditor((R4ECompareEditorInput) editor.getEditorInput());
} else {
input = CommandUtils.createCompareEditorInput(aBaseFileVersion, aTargetFileVersion);
input.setTitle(R4E_COMPARE_EDITOR_TITLE); // Adjust the compare title
R4EUIPlugin.Ftracer.traceInfo("Open compare editor on files "
+ ((null != aTargetFileVersion) ? aTargetFileVersion.getName() : "") + " (Target) and "
+ ((null != aBaseFileVersion) ? aBaseFileVersion.getName() : "") + " (Base)");
CompareUI.openCompareEditor(input, true);
//NOTE: The position is set in editor in R4ECompareEditorInput#createContents
* Method findReusableCompareEditor. Find the appropriate compare editor based on the file types
* @param aPage
* IWorkbenchPage - the current workbench page
* @param aBaseFile
* R4EFileVersion - the base (or reference) file version
* @param aTargetFile
* R4EFileVersion - the target file version
* @return IEditorPart - the editor to use
public static IEditorPart findReusableCompareEditor(IWorkbenchPage aPage, R4EFileVersion aBaseFile,
R4EFileVersion aTargetFile) {
final IEditorReference[] editorRefs = aPage.getEditorReferences();
IEditorPart part = null;
R4ECompareEditorInput input = null;
ITypedElement left = null;
ITypedElement right = null;
// first loop looking for an editor with the same input
for (IEditorReference editorRef : editorRefs) {
part = editorRef.getEditor(false);
if (null != part && part instanceof IReusableEditor) {
// check if the editor input type complies with the types given by the caller
if (R4ECompareEditorInput.class.isInstance(part.getEditorInput())) {
//Now check if the input files are the same as with the found editor
input = (R4ECompareEditorInput) part.getEditorInput();
left = input.getLeftElement();
right = input.getRightElement();
//Case: No input in editor, that should never happen but guard here just in case
if (null == left && null == right) {
return null;
//Get the file versions
R4EFileVersion leftVersion = null;
R4EFileVersion rightVersion = null;
if (left instanceof R4EFileRevisionTypedElement) {
leftVersion = ((R4EFileRevisionTypedElement) left).getFileVersion();
} else if (left instanceof R4EFileTypedElement) {
leftVersion = ((R4EFileTypedElement) left).getFileVersion();
if (right instanceof R4EFileRevisionTypedElement) {
rightVersion = ((R4EFileRevisionTypedElement) right).getFileVersion();
} else if (right instanceof R4EFileTypedElement) {
rightVersion = ((R4EFileTypedElement) right).getFileVersion();
//Case: No target file and base is the same
if (null == leftVersion && null == aTargetFile && null != rightVersion && null != aBaseFile
&& rightVersion.equals(aBaseFile)) {
return part;
//Case: No base file and target is the same
if (null == rightVersion && null == aBaseFile && null != leftVersion && null != aTargetFile
&& leftVersion.equals(aTargetFile)) {
return part;
//Case: Base and target are the same
if (null != leftVersion && null != rightVersion && null != aBaseFile && null != aTargetFile) {
if (leftVersion.equals(aTargetFile) && rightVersion.equals(aBaseFile)) {
return part;
// no re-usable editor found
return null;
* Method getEditorId.
* @param aFileName
* String
* @param aType
* IContentType
* @return String
private static String getEditorId(String aFileName, IContentType aType) {
final IEditorRegistry registry = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getEditorRegistry();
final IEditorDescriptor descriptor = registry.getDefaultEditor(aFileName, aType);
String id = null;
if (null == descriptor || descriptor.isOpenExternal()) {
} else {
id = descriptor.getId();
return id;
* Method getContentType.
* @param aFileName
* String
* @param aContents
* InputStream
* @return IContentType
private static IContentType getContentType(String aFileName, InputStream aContents) {
IContentType type = null;
if (null != aContents) {
try {
type = Platform.getContentTypeManager().findContentTypeFor(aContents, aFileName);
} catch (IOException e) {
R4EUIPlugin.Ftracer.traceError("Exception: " + e.toString() + " (" + e.getMessage() + ")");
R4EUIPlugin.getDefault().logError("Exception: " + e.toString(), e);
if (null == type) {
type = Platform.getContentTypeManager().findContentTypeFor(aFileName);
return type;