blob: fe3918163c3216405ed7b866b25bbff288f87c49 [file] [log] [blame]
// $codepro.audit.disable com.instantiations.assist.eclipse.analysis.disallowReturnMutable, packageJavadoc
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2012 Ericsson AB and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are
* made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
* accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Description:
* This interface defines the methods used to access and control the UI model
* Contributors:
* Sebastien Dubois - Created for Mylyn Review R4E project
* Jacques Bouthillier - Add method definition for Report
import java.util.List;
* @author Sebastien Dubois
* @version $Revision: 1.0 $
public interface IR4EUIModelElement {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Method setName.
* @param aName
* String
void setName(String aName);
* Get the element name
* @return - the element name
String getName();
* Method getToolTip.
* @return String
String getToolTip();
* Method getToolTipColor.
* @return String
Color getToolTipColor();
* Get the element image path
* @return String - the path to the image
String getImageLocation();
* Get the element image
* @param - the path to the image to get
* @return Image - the element image
Image getImage(final String aLocation);
* Method setImage.
* @param aLocation
* String
void setImage(String aLocation);
* Method setDisabledImage.
* @param aLocation
* String
void setDisabledImage(String aLocation);
* Gets the overlay image that indicate that the element is reviewed
* @return Image
Image getUserReviewedImage();
* Gets the overlay image that indicate that the element is disabled
* @return Image
Image getDisabledImage();
* Gets the overlay image that indicate that the element is passed its dues date
* @return Image
Image getDueDatePassedImage();
* Gets the overlay image that indicate that the element is read-only
* @return Image
Image getReadOnlyImage();
* Gets the reviewed flag. Take note that this is not applicable to all model elements
* @return true/false
boolean isUserReviewed();
* Checks if the corresponding model element is enabled or disabled
* @return true/false
boolean isEnabled();
* Checks if the corresponding model element due date is passed (if applicable)
* @return boolean
boolean isDueDatePassed();
* Checks if the corresponding model element is read-only
* @return boolean
boolean isReadOnly();
* Checks if the corresponding model element is assigned to a user
* @param aUserName
* - the user name
* @param aCheckChildren
* - a flag that determines whether we will also check the child elements
* @return true/false
boolean isAssigned(String aUserName, boolean aCheckChildren);
* Sets the reviewed flag. Take note that this is not applicable to all model elements
* @param aReviewed
* - the reviewed flag (true/false)
* @param aSetChildren
* - flag that is used to see whether we should also update child elements
* @param aUpdateModel
* - flag that is used to see whether we should also update the serialization model
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
* @throws OutOfSyncException
void setUserReviewed(boolean aReviewed, boolean aSetChildren, boolean aUpdateModel)
throws ResourceHandlingException, OutOfSyncException;
* Sets the enabled flag. Take note that this is not applicable to all model elements
* @param aEnabled
* - the enable flag (true/false)
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
* @throws OutOfSyncException
* @throws CompatibilityException
void setEnabled(boolean aEnabled) throws ResourceHandlingException, OutOfSyncException, CompatibilityException;
* Add assignees to review element. Take note that this is not applicable to all model elements
* @param aParticipants
* - the list of assigned participants to assign
void addAssignees(List<R4EParticipant> aParticipants);
* Remove assignees from review element. Take note that this is not applicable to all model elements
* @param aParticipants
* - the list of assigned participants to unassign
void removeAssignees(List<R4EParticipant> aParticipants);
* Set this child reviewed state
* @param aReviewed
* - the reviewed state
* @param aUpdateModel
* - flag that is used to see whether we should also update the serialization model
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
* @throws OutOfSyncException
void setChildUserReviewed(boolean aReviewed, boolean aUpdateModel) throws ResourceHandlingException,
* Checks if all the children of this parent are set as reviewed
* @param aUpdateModel
* - flag that is used to see whether we should also update the serialization model
* @throws OutOfSyncException
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
void checkToSetUserReviewed(boolean aUpdateModel) throws ResourceHandlingException, OutOfSyncException;
* Open the model element (i.e. enable it)
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws CompatibilityException
void open() throws ResourceHandlingException, FileNotFoundException, CompatibilityException;
* Checks whether an element is open or close
* @return true if open, false otherwise
boolean isOpen();
* Close the model element (i.e. disable it)
void close();
* Create a serialization model element object
* @return the new serialization elements objects
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
List<IReviewComponent> createChildModelDataElement() throws ResourceHandlingException;
* Set serialization model data by copying it from the passed-in object
* @param aModelComponent
* - a serialization model element to copy information from
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
* @throws OutOfSyncException
void setModelData(IReviewComponent aModelComponent) throws ResourceHandlingException, OutOfSyncException;
* Method setInput.
void setInput();
* Get the element parent
* @return - the parent
IR4EUIModelElement getParent();
* Get the element children
* @return - the children
IR4EUIModelElement[] getChildren();
* Check whether the element has children
* @return true/false
boolean hasChildren();
* Add a new children to the current element
* @param tempModelComponent
* - the serialization model component object
* @return IR4EUIModelElement
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
* @throws OutOfSyncException
* @throws CompatibilityException
IR4EUIModelElement createChildren(IReviewComponent tempModelComponent) throws ResourceHandlingException,
OutOfSyncException, CompatibilityException;
* Method addChildren.
* @param aChildToAdd
* IR4EUIModelElement
void addChildren(IR4EUIModelElement aChildToAdd);
* Remove a child from the current element list
* @param aChildToRemove
* - the child to remove
* @param aFileRemove
* - also remove from file (hard remove)
* @throws OutOfSyncException
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
* @throws CompatibilityException
void removeChildren(IR4EUIModelElement aChildToRemove, boolean aFileRemove) throws ResourceHandlingException,
OutOfSyncException, CompatibilityException;
* Method restore.
* @throws CompatibilityException
* @throws OutOfSyncException
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
void restore() throws ResourceHandlingException, OutOfSyncException, CompatibilityException;
* Method removeAllChildren.
* @param aFileRemove
* boolean
* @throws OutOfSyncException
* @throws ResourceHandlingException
* @throws CompatibilityException
void removeAllChildren(boolean aFileRemove) throws ResourceHandlingException, OutOfSyncException,
* Method isAddLinkedAnomalyCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isAddLinkedAnomalyCmd();
* Method isOpenEditorCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isOpenEditorCmd();
* Method isChangeReviewStateCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isChangeUserReviewStateCmd();
* Method isAssignToCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isAssignToCmd();
* Method isUnassignToCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isUnassignToCmd();
* Method isOpenElementCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isOpenElementCmd();
* Method getOpenElementCmdName.
* @return String
String getOpenElementCmdName();
* Method getOpenElementCmdTooltip.
* @return String
String getOpenElementCmdTooltip();
* Method isReportElementCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isReportElementCmd();
* Method getReportElementCmdName.
* @return String
String getReportElementCmdName();
* Method getReportElementCmdTooltip.
* @return String
String getReportElementCmdTooltip();
* Method isCloseElementCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isCloseElementCmd();
* Method getCloseElementCmdName.
* @return String
String getCloseElementCmdName();
* Method getCloseElementCmdTooltip.
* @return String
String getCloseElementCmdTooltip();
* Method isCopyElementCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isCopyElementCmd();
* Method getCopyElementCmdName.
* @return String
String getCopyElementCmdName();
* Method getCopyElementCmdTooltip.
* @return String
String getCopyElementCmdTooltip();
* Method isPasteElementCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isPasteElementCmd();
* Method getPasteElementCmdName.
* @return String
String getPasteElementCmdName();
* Method getPasteElementCmdTooltip.
* @return String
String getPasteElementCmdTooltip();
* Method isNextStateElementCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isNextStateElementCmd();
* Method getNextStateElementCmdName.
* @return String
String getNextStateElementCmdName();
* Method getNextStateElementCmdTooltip.
* @return String
String getNextStateElementCmdTooltip();
* Method isPreviousStateElementCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isPreviousStateElementCmd();
* Method getPreviousStateElementCmdName.
* @return String
String getPreviousStateElementCmdName();
* Method getPreviousStateElementCmdTooltip.
* @return String
String getPreviousStateElementCmdTooltip();
* Method isRestoreElementCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isRestoreElementCmd();
* Method getRestoreElementCmdName.
* @return String
String getRestoreElementCmdName();
* Method getRestoreElementCmdTooltip.
* @return String
String getRestoreElementCmdTooltip();
* Method isNewChildElementCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isNewChildElementCmd();
* Method getNewChildElementCmdName.
* @return String
String getNewChildElementCmdName();
* Method getNewChildElementCmdTooltip.
* @return String
String getNewChildElementCmdTooltip();
* Method isRemoveElementCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isRemoveElementCmd();
* Method getRemoveElementCmdName.
* @return String
String getRemoveElementCmdName();
* Method getRemoveElementCmdTooltip.
* @return String
String getRemoveElementCmdTooltip();
* Method isSendEmailCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isSendEmailCmd();
* Method isImportPostponedCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isImportPostponedCmd();
* Method isShowPropertiesCmd.
* @return boolean
boolean isShowPropertiesCmd();