blob: a1465821e69507942a4454949c7907eeb9e3fe8f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013 EclipseSource.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* EclipseSource - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.rap.addons.dropdown.viewer;
import org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.FieldDecoration;
import org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.FieldDecorationRegistry;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.*;
import org.eclipse.rap.addons.dropdown.DropDown;
import org.eclipse.rap.addons.dropdown.viewer.internal.resources.ResourceLoaderUtil;
import org.eclipse.rap.clientscripting.ClientListener;
import org.eclipse.rap.clientscripting.WidgetDataWhiteList;
import org.eclipse.rap.json.JsonObject;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.RWT;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.client.service.JavaScriptLoader;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.internal.protocol.JsonUtil;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.lifecycle.WidgetUtil;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.remote.AbstractOperationHandler;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.remote.RemoteObject;
import org.eclipse.rap.rwt.service.ResourceManager;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.widgets.ControlDecorator;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
@SuppressWarnings( "restriction" )
public class DropDownViewer extends ContentViewer {
private static final String REMOTE_TYPE = "rwt.remote.UniversalRemoteObject";
private static final String UNIVERSAL_REMOTE_OBJECT_JS
= "rwt/remote/UniversalRemoteObject.js";
private static final String ATTR_CLIENT_LISTNER_HOLDER
= ClientListenerHolder.class.getName() + "#instance";
private static final String SELECTION_CHANGED = "SelectionChanged";
private static final String VIEWER_LINK = DropDownViewer.class.getName() + "#viewer";
private static final String DROPDOWN_KEY = "dropDown";
private static final String TEXT_KEY = "text";
private static final String DECORATOR_KEY = "decorator";
private static final String ELEMENTS_KEY = "elements";
private static final String SELECTION_KEY = "selection";
private final DropDown dropDown;
private final Text text;
private final ClientListenerHolder clientListeners;
private final RemoteObject remoteObject;
private Object[] elements;
private ControlDecorator decorator;
public DropDownViewer( Text text ) {
this.text = text;
dropDown = new DropDown( text );
clientListeners = getClientListenerHolder();
remoteObject = RWT.getUISession().getConnection().createRemoteObject( REMOTE_TYPE );
remoteObject.setHandler( new InternalOperationHandler() );
setClientElements( new String[ 0 ] );
hookControl( text );
public Control getControl() {
return text;
public ISelection getSelection() {
return null;
public void refresh() {
public void setSelection( ISelection selection, boolean reveal ) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Setting the selection is currently not supported" );
public void addSelectionChangedListener( ISelectionChangedListener listener ) {
super.addSelectionChangedListener( listener );
// can't remove selection listener, listener list is private in viewer
remoteObject.listen( SELECTION_CHANGED, true );
protected void inputChanged( Object input, Object oldInput ) {
protected void handleDispose( DisposeEvent event ) {
super.handleDispose( event );
// Internals
private void checkParent() {
if( text.getData( VIEWER_LINK ) != null ) {
throw new IllegalStateException( "Text already has a " + getClass().getSimpleName() );
private void updateElements() {
IStructuredContentProvider contentProvider = ( IStructuredContentProvider )getContentProvider();
Object input = getInput();
if( contentProvider != null && input != null ) {
elements = contentProvider.getElements( input );
private void updateClientElements() {
ILabelProvider labelProvider = ( ILabelProvider )getLabelProvider();
if( elements != null ) {
String[] clientElements = new String[ elements.length ];
for( int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++ ) {
clientElements[ i ] = labelProvider.getText( elements[ i ] );
setClientElements( clientElements );
private void setClientElements( String[] elements ) {
// TODO : Using a separate client object (e.g. "RemoteList") for the elements might allow
// sharing and incremental updates
remoteObject.set( ELEMENTS_KEY, JsonUtil.createJsonArray( elements ) );
remoteObject.set( SELECTION_KEY, -1 );
private void createControlDecorator() {
decorator = new ControlDecorator( text, SWT.LEFT | SWT.TOP, null );
decorator.setMarginWidth( 2 );
decorator.setImage( getDecorationImage( FieldDecorationRegistry.DEC_ERROR ) );
private static Image getDecorationImage( String id ) {
FieldDecorationRegistry registry = FieldDecorationRegistry.getDefault();
FieldDecoration decoration = registry.getFieldDecoration( id );
return decoration.getImage();
private void attachClientListener() {
text.addListener( ClientListener.Modify, getTextModifyListener() );
text.addListener( ClientListener.Verify, getTextVerifyListener() );
text.addListener( ClientListener.KeyDown, getTextKeyDownListener() );
text.addListener( ClientListener.MouseDown, getTextMouseDownListener() );
dropDown.addListener( ClientListener.Selection, getDropDownSelectionListener() );
dropDown.addListener( ClientListener.DefaultSelection, getDropDownDefaultSelectionListener() );
dropDown.addListener( ClientListener.Show, getDropDownShowListener() );
private void linkClientObjects() {
// NOTE : Order is relevant, DropDown renders immediately!
WidgetDataWhiteList.addKey( VIEWER_LINK );
text.setData( VIEWER_LINK, remoteObject.getId() );
dropDown.setData( VIEWER_LINK, remoteObject.getId() );
remoteObject.set( DROPDOWN_KEY, WidgetUtil.getId( dropDown ) );
remoteObject.set( TEXT_KEY, WidgetUtil.getId( text ) );
remoteObject.set( DECORATOR_KEY, WidgetUtil.getId( decorator ) );
RemoteObject getRemoteObject() {
return remoteObject;
ClientListener getTextModifyListener() {
return clientListeners.getTextModifyListener();
ClientListener getTextVerifyListener() {
return clientListeners.getTextVerifyListener();
ClientListener getTextKeyDownListener() {
return clientListeners.getTextKeyDownListener();
ClientListener getTextMouseDownListener() {
return clientListeners.getTextMouseDownListener();
DropDown getDropDown() {
return dropDown;
ControlDecorator getDecorator() {
return decorator;
ClientListener getDropDownSelectionListener() {
return clientListeners.getDropDownSelectionListener();
ClientListener getDropDownDefaultSelectionListener() {
return clientListeners.getDropDownDefaultSelectionListener();
ClientListener getDropDownShowListener() {
return clientListeners.getDropDownShowListener();
// TODO : make exchangeable by accepting a class that extends the holder in the constructor
private ClientListenerHolder getClientListenerHolder() {
Object result = RWT.getUISession().getAttribute( ATTR_CLIENT_LISTNER_HOLDER );
if( result == null ) {
result = new ClientListenerHolder();
RWT.getUISession().setAttribute( ATTR_CLIENT_LISTNER_HOLDER, result );
return ( ClientListenerHolder )result;
private void fireSelectionChanged( int index ) {
Object element = elements[ index ];
ISelection selection = new StructuredSelection( element );
fireSelectionChanged( new SelectionChangedEvent( this, selection ) );
private void ensureTypeHandler() {
ResourceManager manager = RWT.getResourceManager();
if( !manager.isRegistered( UNIVERSAL_REMOTE_OBJECT_JS ) ) {
getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( UNIVERSAL_REMOTE_OBJECT_JS )
JavaScriptLoader jsl = RWT.getClient().getService( JavaScriptLoader.class );
jsl.require( manager.getLocation( UNIVERSAL_REMOTE_OBJECT_JS ) );
private class InternalOperationHandler extends AbstractOperationHandler {
public void handleNotify( String event, JsonObject properties ) {
if( SELECTION_CHANGED.equals( event ) ) {
int index = properties.get( "index" ).asInt();
fireSelectionChanged( index );
private static class ClientListenerHolder {
private final String PREFIX = "org/eclipse/rap/addons/dropdown/viewer/internal/resources/";
private final ClientListener textListener = createListener( "TextEventListener.js" );
private final ClientListener dropDownListener = createListener( "DropDownEventListener.js" );
private ClientListener createListener( String name ) {
return new ClientListener( ResourceLoaderUtil.readTextContent( PREFIX + name ) );
public ClientListener getDropDownShowListener() {
return dropDownListener;
public ClientListener getTextModifyListener() {
return textListener;
public ClientListener getDropDownDefaultSelectionListener() {
return dropDownListener;
public ClientListener getDropDownSelectionListener() {
return dropDownListener;
public ClientListener getTextKeyDownListener() {
return textListener;
public ClientListener getTextMouseDownListener() {
return textListener;
public ClientListener getTextVerifyListener() {
return textListener;