blob: 3d1363f0ad7136ca97b0e7910e57e50f5ee05d1e [file] [log] [blame]
% * Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
% * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
% * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
% * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
% *
% *
% * Contributors:
% * Texas Instruments - initial implementation
% *
% * --/COPYRIGHT--*/
% * ======== linkcmd.xdt ========
% * This is template file is used to generate a linker command file for
% * executables. It provides a single place where we can embed information
% * necessary to load/run executables.
% *
% * This template is expanded after the configuration script runs and the
% * results placed in a file (with extension .xdl) associated with the
% * executable.
% *
% * Linker templates are passed the following arguments:
% * $out - an open file stream for the generated linker
% * command file
% * $args[] - an array of zero or more libraries that should be linked
% * with (in the order they appear in the argument list)
% *
% * In addition to these arguments, there is a global variable named
% * 'this' that is set as follows:
% * this - the program object
% */
%var _utils = xdc.loadCapsule("ti/targets/linkUtils.xs");
%var prog = this; /* meaningful alias for this (== xdc.cfg.Program) */
* Do not modify this file; it is automatically generated from the template
* linkcmd.xdt in the txn.platforms.ez430_rf2500 package and will be
* overwritten.
* put '"'s around paths because, without this, the linker
* considers '-' as minus operator, not a file name character.
%for (var i = 0; i < prog.$$asmvec.length; i++) {
%for (var i = 0; i < $args.length; i++) {
%/* aliases interfere with whole_program and are unnecessary in this case */
%if ( == null) {
--args `utils.toHex(prog.argSize)`
-heap `utils.toHex(prog.heap)`
-stack `utils.toHex(prog.stack)`
%for (var i = 0; i < prog.cpu.memoryMap.length; i++) {
%var mem = prog.cpu.memoryMap[i];
%var page = ( != null) ? ("PAGE " + + ": ") : "";
%var org = utils.toHex(mem.base);
%var len = utils.toHex(mem.len);
%var access = (mem.access != null) ? (" (" + mem.access + ")") : "";
`page````access` : org = `org`, len = `len`
* Linker command file contributions from all loaded packages:
* symbolic aliases for static instance objects
%for (var sym in Program.symbol) {
%var inst = Program.symbol[sym];
%if (typeof(inst) == 'number') {
`` = `inst`;
%else {
%var objTab = inst.$module.$name.replace(/\./g, '_') + '_Object__table__V';
%var off = Program.$capsule.instSize(inst) * inst.$index;
`` = `` + `off`;
IE1 = 0x0000;
IFG1 = 0x0002;
IE2 = 0x0001;
IFG2 = 0x0003;
* ADC10
ADC10DTC0 = 0x0048;
ADC10DTC1 = 0x0049;
ADC10AE0 = 0x004A;
ADC10AE1 = 0x004B;
ADC10CTL0 = 0x01B0;
ADC10CTL1 = 0x01B2;
ADC10MEM = 0x01B4;
ADC10SA = 0x01BC;
* Basic Clock Module
DCOCTL = 0x0056;
BCSCTL1 = 0x0057;
BCSCTL2 = 0x0058;
BCSCTL3 = 0x0053;
* Flash Memory
FCTL1 = 0x0128;
FCTL2 = 0x012A;
FCTL3 = 0x012C;
* Operational Amplifier
OA0CTL0 = 0x00C0;
OA0CTL1 = 0x00C1;
OA1CTL0 = 0x00C2;
OA1CTL1 = 0x00C3;
* DIGITAL I/O Port1/2 Pull up / Pull down Resistors
P1IN = 0x0020;
P1OUT = 0x0021;
P1DIR = 0x0022;
P1IFG = 0x0023;
P1IES = 0x0024;
P1IE = 0x0025;
P1SEL = 0x0026;
P1REN = 0x0027;
P2IN = 0x0028;
P2OUT = 0x0029;
P2DIR = 0x002A;
P2IFG = 0x002B;
P2IES = 0x002C;
P2IE = 0x002D;
P2SEL = 0x002E;
P2REN = 0x002F;
* DIGITAL I/O Port3/4 Pull up / Pull down Resistors
P3IN = 0x0018;
P3OUT = 0x0019;
P3DIR = 0x001A;
P3SEL = 0x001B;
P3REN = 0x0010;
P4IN = 0x001C;
P4OUT = 0x001D;
P4DIR = 0x001E;
P4SEL = 0x001F;
P4REN = 0x0011;
* Timer A3
TAIV = 0x012E;
TACTL = 0x0160;
TACCTL0 = 0x0162;
TACCTL1 = 0x0164;
TACCTL2 = 0x0166;
TAR = 0x0170;
TACCR0 = 0x0172;
TACCR1 = 0x0174;
TACCR2 = 0x0176;
* Timer B3
TBIV = 0x011E;
TBCTL = 0x0180;
TBCCTL0 = 0x0182;
TBCCTL1 = 0x0184;
TBCCTL2 = 0x0186;
TBR = 0x0190;
TBCCR0 = 0x0192;
TBCCR1 = 0x0194;
TBCCR2 = 0x0196;
UCA0CTL0 = 0x0060;
UCA0CTL1 = 0x0061;
UCA0BR0 = 0x0062;
UCA0BR1 = 0x0063;
UCA0MCTL = 0x0064;
UCA0STAT = 0x0065;
UCA0RXBUF = 0x0066;
UCA0TXBUF = 0x0067;
UCA0ABCTL = 0x005D;
UCA0IRTCTL = 0x005E;
UCA0IRRCTL = 0x005F;
UCB0CTL0 = 0x0068;
UCB0CTL1 = 0x0069;
UCB0BR0 = 0x006A;
UCB0BR1 = 0x006B;
UCB0I2CIE = 0x006C;
UCB0STAT = 0x006D;
UCB0RXBUF = 0x006E;
UCB0TXBUF = 0x006F;
UCB0I2COA = 0x0118;
UCB0I2CSA = 0x011A;
WDTCTL = 0x0120;
* Calibration Data in Info Mem
CALDCO_16MHZ = 0x10F8;
CALBC1_16MHZ = 0x10F9;
CALDCO_12MHZ = 0x10FA;
CALBC1_12MHZ = 0x10FB;
CALBC1_8MHZ = 0x10FD;
CALBC1_1MHZ = 0x10FF;
.reset > RESET
.usci_rx > USCI_RX
.int03 > IOPORT2
.timer_a0 > TIMER_A0
.timer_b0 > TIMER_B0
.adc10 > ADC10
%/get "standard" section text */
%var sections = _utils.genSections(prog);
%/* replace NOLOAD with COPY to work around a ti.targets "bug" */
%sections = sections.replace('NOLOAD', 'COPY');
%/* modify .stack to fill with a known initial value */
%sections = sections.replace('.stack:', '.stack: fill=0xcafe,');