blob: 03997537dc7a6371795814f27d7bee663f865fcb [file] [log] [blame]
# This makefile is only required for:
# local/apps/make/* - the makefile-based examples need the location
# of the compiler and the XDCtools
# ../makefile - top-level makefile that builds all tutorial
# examples
# Modify the following definitions as appropriate:
# CGTOOLS - must point to a 3.1 version (or later) of TI's MSP430 compiler
# XDCROOT - must point to a 3.15 version (or later) of XDCtools
CGTOOLS = "C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/CC Essentials v3.1/tools/compiler/MSP430"
XDCROOT = $(HOME)/xdctools_3_15_00_33
# If necessary modify HOSTOS to be
# o Windows for Windows hosts,
# o output of uname for unix hosts
HOSTOS := $(shell uname)
ifeq (,$(HOSTOS))
HOSTOS := Windows
$(info setting HOSTOS = $(HOSTOS))
HOSTOS := $(patsubst Windows%,Windows,$(HOSTOS))