blob: b770f58494c27b49a0f722d58e8cdbc3e93c8174 [file] [log] [blame]
/* specify installation directory for CCS (for compilers and debuggers) */
var CCSPATH = "C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/CC Essentials v3.1";
/* get and configure the MSP430 target */
var MSP430 = xdc.module("txn.targets.MSP430");
MSP430.platform = "txn.platforms.ez430_rf2500";
MSP430.rootDir = CCSPATH + "/tools/compiler/MSP430";
/* define/configure some platforms */
Build.platformTable["txn.platforms.ez430_rf2500"] = {
dssPath: CCSPATH + "/DebugServer"
Build.platformTable["ti.platforms.generic:MSP430"] = {
clockRate: 16,
deviceName: "MSP430F227x",
catalogName: "txn.catalog.c430"
/* define the set of tarets to build for */
Build.targets = [MSP430];
/* set default build profile for all packages */
Pkg.attrs.profile = "whole_program_debug";
//Pkg.attrs.profile = "debug";