blob: 2e6951e12bf4df83e73e926cadb6f1014e63afc7 [file] [log] [blame]
; L. Westlund
; Texas Instruments Inc.
; July 2006
; Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 3.40A
#include <msp430x22x4.h>
MODULE VLO_Rand_Library
PUBLIC TI_getRandomIntegerFromVLO
PUBLIC TI_getRandomIntegerFromADC
TI_RandomIntegerFromVLO DS 2
TI_RandomIntegerFromADC DS 2
#ifdef TACCTL2_ ; For non-Timer_A2 devices
#define CCRX TACCR2
#define CCRX TACCR0
RSEG CODE ; Code is relocatable
; returns: r12
mov.w #16, r15 ; loop counter
mov.w #INCH_10, &ADC10CTL1
mov.w #SREF_1 + ADC10SHT_1 + REFON + ADC10ON, &ADC10CTL0
adcloop bis.w #ENC + ADC10SC, &ADC10CTL0
sampling bit.w #ADC10BUSY, &ADC10CTL1
jnz sampling
bit.w #0x01, &ADC10MEM
rrc.w r12
dec.w r15
jnz adcloop
; returns: r12
push.w r11 ; r11 preserved
//bis.b #LFXT1S_2, &BCSCTL3 ; ACLK = VLO
mov.w #CM_1 + CCIS_1 + CAP, &CCTLX ; CAP, ACLK
mov.w #TASSEL_2 + MC_2, &TACTL; SMCLK, cont-mode, don't clear
mov.w #16, r15 ; loop counter = 16
clr.w r12 ; return value cleared
clr.w r13 ; ACLK divider randomness
mainLoop mov.w #5, r14 ; sub loop counter
clr.w r11 ; majority vote holder
capture bit.w #CCIFG, &CCTLX ; test for capture
jz capture
bic.w #CCIFG, &CCTLX ; capture occured, clear flag
bit.w #0x01, &CCRX ; test LSB of captured time
jz zero ; of LSB is zero, jump
inc.w r11 ; if not, add one to R11 to count 1s
zero dec.w r14 ; decrement majority vote counter
jnz capture ; if 3 bits aren't counted for, loop
rra.w r12 ; make space for the new bit
cmp.w #0x03, r11 ; see if there are 2 or more 1s
jge one
bic.w #0x8000, r12 ; if not, clear the new bit in r12
jmp done
one bis.w #0x8000, r12 ; if so, set the new bit in r12
;------------------- ; xor the ACLK divider section of the BCSCTL1
mov.w r12, r13
swpb r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
rra.w r13
and.w #0x30, r13
xor.b r13, &BCSCTL1
;------------------- ; add to the RSEL bits to change DCO speed
add.b #0x05, &BCSCTL1
and.b #0x3F, &BCSCTL1
;------------------- ; XOR DCO Mod bits
xor.b #0x1F, &DCOCTL
dec.w r15
jnz mainLoop
pop.w r11