blob: f311406a5504c4227217fc077e154ca505e16933 [file] [log] [blame]
* ======== getDefs ========
function getDefs()
var mcuDef = "-D__" + String(this.$module.mcu).replace(/^.*\./, "") + "__";
var radioDef = " -DMRFI_" + String(this.$^.*\./,"");
var deviceType = " -D" + String(this.deviceType).replace(/^.*\./, "");
var rxMode = "";
if (this.rxMode != null) {
rxMode = " -D" + String(this.rxMode).replace(/^.*\./, "");
else {
// TODO: is rxMode only necessary for end-devices?
// print("warning: rxMode not defined");
var defs = mcuDef + radioDef
+ " -DMAX_HOPS=" + this.maxHopCount
+ " -DMAX_HOPS_FROM_AP=" + this.maxHopFromAP
+ " -DMAX_APP_PAYLOAD=" + this.maxAppPayload
+ " -DDEFAULT_LINK_TOKEN=" + this.linkToken
+ " -DDEFAULT_JOIN_TOKEN=" + this.joinToken
+ " -DNUM_CONNECTIONS=" + this.numConnections
+ " -DSIZE_INFRAME_Q=" + this.inFrameQSize
+ " -DSIZE_OUTFRAME_Q=" + this.outFrameQSize
+ ' -DTHIS_DEVICE_ADDRESS="' + this.deviceAddress + '"'
+ deviceType
+ rxMode;
if (this.isDataHub) {
defs += " -DAP_IS_DATA_HUB"
+ " -DNUM_STORE_AND_FWD_CLIENTS=" + this.numStoreAndFwdClients;
if (this.frequencyAgility) {
return (defs);
* ======== getIncs ========
function getIncs()
/* location of header file directories necessary to use Simplicity */
var DIRS = [
/* create the -I options to tell the compiler where to find includes */
var prefix = " -I " + this.$module.rootDir + "/";
var incs = prefix + DIRS.join(prefix);
return (incs);
* ======== check ========
function check(inst)
var msg = null;
if (inst.deviceType == null) {
msg = "you must specify " + inst.$name + ".deviceType";
if (inst.$module.rootDir == null) {
msg = "you must specify " + inst.$module.$name + ".rootDir";
if (inst.maxAppPayload > 50 || inst.maxAppPayload < 0) {
msg = inst.$name
+ ".maxAppPayload must be less than 50 and non-negative";
if (msg != null) {
throw new Error(msg);
* ======== checkMod ========
function checkMod(mod)
var msg = null;
if (mod.rootDir == null) {
throw new Error(mod
+ ".rootDir must be set before calling any methods of " + mod);
/* TODO: check existance of rootDir and required include sub-directories */
if (msg != null) {
throw new Error(msg);
* ======== getMakePrologue ========
function getMakePrologue()
return ("# vpath for SimpliciTI sources\n"
+ "vpath %.c " + this.rootDir + "\n\n"
+ "# vpath for local.rf sources\n"
+ "vpath %.c " + this.$package.packageRepository + "\n\n");