blob: c5b1bcfc270185b0ba4deb7fa40c6fd42284336c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License
* v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. The Eclipse Public License is
* available at and the Eclipse
* Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== LoggerCallback.xdc ========
* ======== LoggerCallback ========
* A logger that passes events to a user supplied call back function
* @a(Examples)
* Configuration example: The following XDC configuration statements
* create a logger instance, assign it as the default logger for all
* modules, and enable `USER1` logging in all modules of the package
* `my.pkg`. See the `{@link Diags#setMaskMeta Diags.setMaskMeta()}` function
* for details on specifying the module names.
* @p(code)
* var Defaults = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Defaults');
* var Diags = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.Diags');
* var LoggerCallback = xdc.useModule('xdc.runtime.LoggerCallback');
* var LoggerCallbackParams = new LoggerCallback.Params();
* LoggerCallbackParams.callbackFxn = "&myCallbackFxn";
* Defaults.common$.logger = LoggerCallback.create(LoggerCallbackParams);
* Diags.setMaskMeta("my.pkg.%", Diags.USER1, Diags.RUNTIME_ON);
* @p
module LoggerCallback inherits xdc.runtime.ILogger {
* ======== ITimestampProxy ========
* User supplied time-stamp proxy
* This proxy allows `LoggerCallback` to use a timestamp server different
* from the server used by `{@link xdc.runtime.Timestamp}`. However, if
* not supplied by a user, this proxy defaults to whichever timestamp
* server is used by `Timestamp`.
proxy TimestampProxy inherits xdc.runtime.ITimestampClient;
* ======== CallbackFxn ========
* Callback character callback function
* This function is called each time a Log event is generated by the
* application.
typedef Void (*CallbackFxn)(xdc.runtime.Log.EventRec *);
* ======== callbackFxn ========
* User suplied character callback function
* If this parameter is set to a non-`null` value, the specified
* function will be called for each character received.
* For example, if you define a function named `myCallbackFxn`, the
* following configuration fragment will cause `LoggerCallback` to call
* `myCallbackFxn` whenever a character is received.
* @p(code)
* var LoggerCallback = xdc.useModule("xdc.runtime.LoggerCallback");
* LoggerCallback.callbackFxn = "&myCallbackFxn";
* @p
* If this parameter is not set, a default function will be used which
* simply drops the callback characters.
* @see #CallbackFxn
config CallbackFxn callbackFxn = null;
* ======== create ========
* Create a `LoggerCallback` logger
* The logger instance will route all log events it receives to
* the {@link System#printf} function.