blob: fcaf3cde984914351d37042137b6514ac6088054 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Texas Instruments Incorporated
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Texas Instruments - initial implementation
* --/COPYRIGHT--*/
* ======== Model.xs ========
* ======== start ========
function start(vers, executable, recap, sym, mem, callBack)
{$$bind('$name', 'rov'); = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Program');
/* Check Model compatibility. */
if (vers != this.vers) {
Program.debugPrint("Incompatible version of ROV Model. Model version " +
this.vers + ", client version " + vers + ".");
throw (new Error("Incompatible version of ROV Model. Model version " +
this.vers + ", client version " + vers + "."));
/* Store off the objects passed in */
this.$private.sym = sym;
this.$private.mem = mem;
this.$private.callBack = callBack;
this.$private.recap = recap;
/* Store off the list of all modules in the recap file */
var mnames = [];
for (var m in this.$private.recap.$modules) {
if (m[0] != '#') {
Program.moduleNames = mnames.sort();
Program.$$bind('build', this.$;
Program.$$bind('$modules', this.$private.recap.$modules);
/* Read construct objects */
var rovFile = executable.replace(/(\/Debug)|(\/Release)/, "");
rovFile = rovFile.replace(/.out$/, "");
var startTime = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();
if (java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > 30000) {
callBack.updateStartupProgress(90, "Parsing DWARF data was taking too "
+ "long.\nTo speed up the ROV startup, with some loss of "
+ "functionality , you can create a new empty file " + rovFile
+ ".rov.json. For a detailed explanation of this feature, see "
+ ""
+ "#Retrieving_constructed_objects.");
/* Notify the CallBack that we are about to start loading the packages. */
callBack.updateStartupProgress(120, "Loading packages ...");
/* Indicates whether getModuleDesc has been called on all modules. */
Program.$private.allModsRead = false;
Program.$$bind('loadModFailed', "Failed to load module");
* Load all of the packages so the user gets this hit during
* startup rather than on the first view.
for each (var mod in this.$private.recap.$modules) {
* 'getModuleDesc' will handle modules which are missing from the path.
* If it fails for any other reason, we need to allow that exception
* to propogate up.
try {
catch (e) {
Program.debugPrint("Failed to load module " + mod.$name + ": " + e);
throw (new Error("Failed to load module " + mod.$name + ": " + e));
/* getModuleDesc has been called on all modules. */
Program.$private.allModsRead = true;
* TODO - version checks to ensure package versions in recap file
* match package versions found along XDCPATH.
for each (var mod in this.$private.recap.$modules) {
recapPkgVers = mod.$package.$vers.toString();
pathPkg = xdc.loadPackage(mod.$package.$name);
pathPkgVers = pathPkg.$vers;
if (recapPkgVers != pathPkgVers) {
throw new Error("xdc.rov.Model: Package " + mod.$package.$name
+ " version mismatch: Executable built with "
+ recapPkgVers + ", Package in path " + pathPkgVers);
else {
print(mod.$package.$name + "Version matches fine.");
Program.debugPrint("bitsPerChar = " + this.$;
* Create the StringReader for reading dynamic strings. Create this first
* in case the OFReader needs to fall back on it.
var strReader = initStringReader();
/* Create and initialize the object file reader. */
var ofReader = initOFReader(executable);
/* Bind the OFReader and StringReader to Program for looking up strings. */
Program.$$bind('strReader', strReader);
Program.$$bind('ofReader', ofReader);
* Set up the printf Formatter for any views that will use it.
* The formatter needs the symbol table for %r and the object
* file reader for %s.
* TODO - We should be able to get the java implementation directly;
* we shouldn't need to create a wrapper.
//var javaSymTab = sym.getJavaImp();
var javaSymTab = new xdc.jre.xdc.rov.ISymbolTable(
lookupDataSymbol: function lookupDataSymbol(addr) {
return (sym.lookupDataSymbol(addr));
lookupFuncName: function lookupFuncName(addr) {
return (sym.lookupFuncName(addr));
/* Tell the Formatter the target size of an Arg in bits */
this.$['t_IArg'].size *
/* Create the StructureDecoder and bind to Program. */
var StructureDecoder = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.StructureDecoder');
var strDec = StructureDecoder.create(mem, this.$;
Program.$$bind('strDec', strDec);
/* Create the StateReader and bind to Program. */
var StateReader = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.StateReader');
var stateReader = StateReader.create(sym, strDec);
Program.$$bind('stateReader', stateReader);
//Program.getModuleDesc('xdc.runtime.Text'); // ?????
this.$private.initialized = true;
* ======== initStringReader ========
* Creates a StringReader instance and saves it to the Model's $private
* object.
function initStringReader()
var Model = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Model');
/* Retrieve the MemoryImage java object. */
var memReader = Model.getMemoryImageInst();
/* Create a StringReader instance using the memory reader instance. */
var strReader = new xdc.jre.xdc.rov.StringReader(memReader);
/* Store the StringReader in the Model's $private object. */
Model.$private.strReader = strReader;
return (strReader);
* ======== initOFReader ========
* Creates and initializes the object file reader.
* The StringReader should be initialized first; if anything goes wrong
* creating the object file reader, we fall back on the string reader.
function initOFReader(executable)
var Model = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Model');
/* Retrieve the class name of the binary parser to use */
var binaryParser = Model.$;
var ofReader;
/* Make sure the target defines a binary parser. */
if (binaryParser != undefined) {
try {
/* Parse the package name from the class name so we can load it. */
var parserPackage =
binaryParser.substring(0, binaryParser.lastIndexOf('.'));
/* Load the parser's package */
/* Get the parser class */
var binaryParserClass = Packages[binaryParser];
/* Create an instance of the ofReader */
ofReader = new binaryParserClass();
/* Initialize the OFReader */
* Close the reader to release the file handle. The reader will
* reopen the file when a string lookup occurs.
* If there was a problem creating the OFReader, use the
* StringReader instead.
catch (e) {
print("Caught an exception while initializing the object " +
"file reader:\n" + e);
ofReader = Model.$private.strReader;
* If the target doesn't define an object file reader, use the
* string reader.
else {
print("The target does not specify an object file reader; using the " +
"dynamic string reader instead.");
ofReader = Model.$private.strReader;
/* Store the object file reader in the Model. */
Model.$private.ofReader = ofReader;
/* Initialize the formatter's OFReader */
return (ofReader);
* ======== reset ========
function reset()
var Program = xdc.useModule('xdc.rov.Program');
Program.$$bind('moduleNames', undefined);
Program.$$bind('build', undefined);
Program.$$bind('$modules', undefined);
Program.$$bind('_decoder', undefined);
* ======== getISymbolTableInst ========
function getISymbolTableInst()
return (this.$private.sym);
* ======== getMemoryImageInst ========
function getMemoryImageInst()
return (this.$private.mem);
* ======== getICallBackInst ========
function getICallBackInst()
return (this.$private.callBack);
* ======== getICallStackInst ========
* Called by clients to get the optional call stack parser.
* Returns `null` in the event that there is no call stack parser; i.e.,
* there is no implementation of this functionality in the current
* `Model` context.
function getICallStackInst()
return (this.$private.callStack);
* ======== getIOFReaderInst ========
function getIOFReaderInst()
return (this.$private.ofReader);
* ======== getModuleList ========
* This function returns a JavaScript object representing the package
* hierarchy and the modules, including the views they support.
function getModuleList()
/* Check if the module list has already been computed. */
if (this.$private.modList) {
return (this.$private.modList);
var root = {name: "ModuleList", modules: [], subPkgs: []};
root.children = new Array();
var pkg = root;
/* For each module in the system... */
for (var i = 0; i < Program.moduleNames.length; i++) {
/* Break the module name into packages */
var names = Program.moduleNames[i].split(".");
for (var j = 0; j < names.length; j++) {
var fullName = getFullName(names, j);
/* If this is a module... */
if (j == (names.length - 1)) {
var modDesc = Program.getModuleDesc(fullName);
var module = {}; = names[j];
module.fullName = fullName;
module.loadFailed = modDesc.loadFailed;
module.loadFailedMsg = modDesc.loadFailedMsg;
module.tabs = Program.getSupportedTabs(fullName);
pkg.modules[pkg.modules.length] = module;
/* If the package hasn't already been created */
var index;
if ((index = indexOfChild(pkg, fullName)) == -1) {
var newPkg = {
name: names[j],
fullName: fullName,
modules: [],
subPkgs: []
pkg.subPkgs[pkg.subPkgs.length] = newPkg;
pkg = newPkg;
else {
pkg = pkg.subPkgs[index];
/* Start back from the root. */
pkg = root;
/* Store off the computed module list. */
this.$private.modList = root;
return (root);
* ======== getFullName ========
* Takes the array of names created by splitting a module's name
* by the periods '.' and finds the package name referenced at
* the given index.
* For example, for the module xdc.runtime.HeapStd, index 1 will return
* "xdc.runtime".
function getFullName(names, index)
var pkgName = "";
for (var i = 0; i <= index; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
pkgName += names[i];
else {
pkgName += "." + names[i];
return (pkgName);
* ======== setICallStackInst ========
* Called only during Model initialization
* This method is called to "bind" an optional stack call stack parser
* and is called by the same client that calls Model.start().
function setICallStackInst(callStack)
this.$private.callStack = callStack;
* ======== indexOfChild ========
function indexOfChild(pkg, name)
for (var i = 0; i < pkg.subPkgs.length; i++) {
if (pkg.subPkgs[i].fullName.equals(name)) {
return (i);
return (-1);
* ======== fetchConstructObjects ========
* Reads constructed objects from object file and user specified json file
* This function parses object file to find the constructed objects.
* Alternally the user can specify a json file with .rov.json extension with
* an array of constructed objects.
* Example:
* [
* {
* "type": "ti_sysbios_knl_Task_Struct",
* "name": "tStruct",
* },
* {
* "type": "ti_sysbios_knl_Task_Struct",
* "name": "tStruct2",
* },
* {
* "type": "ti_sysbios_knl_Semaphore_Struct",
* "name": "sem",
* },
* ]
* The .rov.json should of the same name as the executable (.out) and
* can be in the same directory as, one directory level above or two directory
* levels above the executable.
function fetchConstructObjects(executable)
var constructInstArr = [];
var binaryParser = "";
var ofReader = null;
/* Read from the .rov.json */
try {
var ePath = executable.replace(/\\/g, '/');
var fPath = ePath.substring(0, ePath.lastIndexOf('/'));
var fName = ePath.substring(ePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
fName = fName.substring(0, fName.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".rov.json";
var constructFilePath = "";
var File = xdc.useModule('');
/* Search the file */
if (File.exists(fPath + "/" + fName)) {
constructFilePath = fPath + "/" + fName;
else if (File.exists(fPath + "/../" + fName)) {
constructFilePath = fPath + "/../" + fName;
else if (File.exists(fPath + "/../../" + fName)) {
constructFilePath = fPath + "/../../" + fName;
if (constructFilePath != "") {
var constructFile =, "r");
var constructText = "";
var line;
while ((line = constructFile.readLine()) != null) {
constructText += line;
/* Convert json text to javascript object */
if (constructText.trim().length == 0) {
// empty file, just return to avoid an exception from eval
Program.$$bind('$constructInst', constructInstArr);
var constructInst2 = eval('(' + constructText + ')');
/* Run through all the user specified construct objects */
for (var i = 0; i < constructInst2.length; i++) {
var varObj = {}; = constructInst2[i].name;
varObj.type = constructInst2[i].type;
varObj.addr = constructInst2[i].addr;
varObj.offset = 0;
if (constructInst2[i].offset != undefined) {
varObj.offset = constructInst2[i].offset; = + "." + varObj.offset;
/* Add it to an Array */
constructInstArr[] = varObj;
/* Add it to the Program instance for later use */
Program.$$bind('$constructInst', constructInstArr);
catch(e) {
Program.debugPrint("Cannot open " + fName + ". " + e.toString());
/* Read from the object file */
try {
binaryParser =;
if (binaryParser !== undefined) {
/* Parse the package name from the class name so we can load it. */
var parserPackage =
binaryParser.substring(0, binaryParser.lastIndexOf('.'));
/* Load the parser's package */
/* Get the parser class */
var binaryParserClass = Packages[binaryParser];
/* Get the Global Variables */
ofReader = new binaryParserClass();
var varList = ofReader.getGlobalVariablesByType(".*_Struct$");
ofReader.close(); /* close file handle */
/* Run through the list and add only constructed objects */
for (var i = 0; i < varList.length; i++) {
var varObj = {}; = varList[i].name;
varObj.type = varList[i].type;
varObj.offset = 0;
if (varList[i].offset != undefined) {
varObj.offset = varList[i].offset;
constructInstArr[] = varObj;
catch (e) {
if (ofReader != null) {
Program.debugPrint("The binary parser '" + binaryParser + "' could not"
+ " get global variables info from " + executable);
/* Add it to the Program instance for later use */
Program.$$bind('$constructInst', constructInstArr);